Before do @previous_browser_tabs_count = nil end # Close all but the first browser tab After do next unless selenium_driver? browser.switch_to.window(browser.window_handles.last) while browser.window_handles.size > 1 do browser.close browser.switch_to.window(browser.window_handles.last) end end # Opens [the page]( in a new browser tab and switches to it. When /^I open (.+?) in a new browser tab$/ do |page_name| require_selenium! previous_handles_count = browser.window_handles.size relative_target_path = path_to(page_name) page.execute_script "'#{relative_target_path}', '_blank', 'noopener')" step "there should be #{previous_handles_count + 1} browser tabs" step "I switch to the new browser tab" end.overridable # Closes the current browser tab and switches back to the first tab. When 'I close the browser tab' do require_selenium! # Wait for browser tab to close previous_handles_count = browser.window_handles.size raise 'Cannot close the last remaining browser tab' if previous_handles_count == 1 browser.close step "there should be #{previous_handles_count - 1} browser tabs" # Closing the current tab causes Selenium to continue using a stale invalid tab handle browser.switch_to.window(browser.window_handles.first) end.overridable # Waits for the new browser tab to appear, then switches to it. When /^I switch to the new(?:ly opened)? browser tab$/ do require_selenium! step 'there should be at least 2 browser tabs' browser.switch_to.window(browser.window_handles.last) end.overridable # Changes the browser context to the second-last browser tab. When /^I switch(?: back)? to the previous browser tab$/ do require_selenium! previous_handle = browser.window_handles[-2] # Second last should be the previous browser tab previous_handle ||= browser.window_handles.first # Fall back if only one tab is left browser.switch_to.window(previous_handle) end.overridable # Required for the check whether a new browser tab was opened or not. When 'I may open a new browser tab' do @previous_browser_tabs_count = browser.window_handles.size end.overridable # Example (positive expectation): # # When I may open a new browser tab # And I click on "Open link in new browser tab" # Then I should have opened a new browser tab # # Example (negative expectation): # # When I may open a new browser tab # And I click on "Open link in current browser tab" # Then I should not have opened a new browser tab Then /^I should( not)? have opened a new browser tab$/ do |negate| raise "you need to use the 'I may open a new tab' step beforehand" unless @previous_browser_tabs_count expected_browser_tab_count = negate ? @previous_browser_tabs_count : (@previous_browser_tabs_count + 1) step "there should be #{expected_browser_tab_count} browser tabs" end.overridable Then /^there should be (\d+) browser tabs?$/ do |expected_browser_tabs| patiently do actual_browser_tabs = browser.window_handles.size expect(actual_browser_tabs).to eq(expected_browser_tabs.to_i), "Expected #{expected_browser_tabs} browser tab to be open, but found #{actual_browser_tabs}" end end.overridable Then /^there should be at least (\d+) browser tabs?$/ do |expected_browser_tabs| patiently do actual_browser_tabs = browser.window_handles.size expect(actual_browser_tabs).to be >= (expected_browser_tabs.to_i), "Expected at least #{expected_browser_tabs} browser tab to be open, but found #{actual_browser_tabs}" end end.overridable