# typed: strict # frozen_string_literal: true begin require "rails" require "action_controller" require "action_view" rescue LoadError return end module Tapioca module Dsl module Compilers # `Tapioca::Dsl::Compilers::UrlHelpers` generates RBI files for classes that include or extend # [`Rails.application.routes.url_helpers`](https://api.rubyonrails.org/v5.1.7/classes/ActionDispatch/Routing/UrlFor.html#module-ActionDispatch::Routing::UrlFor-label-URL+generation+for+named+routes). # # For example, with the following setup: # # ~~~rb # # config/application.rb # class Application < Rails::Application # routes.draw do # resource :index # end # end # ~~~ # # ~~~rb # app/models/post.rb # class Post # # Use `T.unsafe` so that Sorbet does not complain about a dynamic # # module being included. This allows the `include` to happen properly # # at runtime but Sorbet won't see the include. However, since this # # compiler will generate the proper RBI files for the include, # # static type checking will work as expected. # T.unsafe(self).include Rails.application.routes.url_helpers # end # ~~~ # # this compiler will produce the following RBI files: # # ~~~rbi # # generated_path_helpers_module.rbi # # typed: true # module GeneratedPathHelpersModule # include ActionDispatch::Routing::PolymorphicRoutes # include ActionDispatch::Routing::UrlFor # # sig { params(args: T.untyped).returns(String) } # def edit_index_path(*args); end # # sig { params(args: T.untyped).returns(String) } # def index_path(*args); end # # sig { params(args: T.untyped).returns(String) } # def new_index_path(*args); end # end # ~~~ # # ~~~rbi # # generated_url_helpers_module.rbi # # typed: true # module GeneratedUrlHelpersModule # include ActionDispatch::Routing::PolymorphicRoutes # include ActionDispatch::Routing::UrlFor # # sig { params(args: T.untyped).returns(String) } # def edit_index_url(*args); end # # sig { params(args: T.untyped).returns(String) } # def index_url(*args); end # # sig { params(args: T.untyped).returns(String) } # def new_index_url(*args); end # end # ~~~ # # ~~~rbi # # post.rbi # # typed: true # class Post # include GeneratedPathHelpersModule # include GeneratedUrlHelpersModule # end # ~~~ class UrlHelpers < Compiler extend T::Sig ConstantType = type_member { { fixed: Module } } sig { override.void } def decorate case constant when GeneratedPathHelpersModule.singleton_class, GeneratedUrlHelpersModule.singleton_class generate_module_for(root, constant) else root.create_path(constant) do |mod| create_mixins_for(mod, GeneratedUrlHelpersModule) create_mixins_for(mod, GeneratedPathHelpersModule) end end end NON_DISCOVERABLE_INCLUDERS = T.let([ ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest, ActionView::Helpers, ], T::Array[Module]) sig { override.returns(T::Enumerable[Module]) } def self.gather_constants return [] unless Rails.application Object.const_set(:GeneratedUrlHelpersModule, Rails.application.routes.named_routes.url_helpers_module) Object.const_set(:GeneratedPathHelpersModule, Rails.application.routes.named_routes.path_helpers_module) constants = all_modules.select do |mod| next unless name_of(mod) includes_helper?(mod, GeneratedUrlHelpersModule) || includes_helper?(mod, GeneratedPathHelpersModule) || includes_helper?(mod.singleton_class, GeneratedUrlHelpersModule) || includes_helper?(mod.singleton_class, GeneratedPathHelpersModule) end constants.concat(NON_DISCOVERABLE_INCLUDERS) end private sig { params(root: RBI::Tree, constant: Module).void } def generate_module_for(root, constant) root.create_module(T.must(constant.name)) do |mod| mod.create_include("::ActionDispatch::Routing::UrlFor") mod.create_include("::ActionDispatch::Routing::PolymorphicRoutes") constant.instance_methods(false).each do |method| mod.create_method( method.to_s, parameters: [create_rest_param("args", type: "T.untyped")], return_type: "String" ) end end end sig { params(mod: RBI::Scope, helper_module: Module).void } def create_mixins_for(mod, helper_module) include_helper = constant.ancestors.include?(helper_module) || NON_DISCOVERABLE_INCLUDERS.include?(constant) extend_helper = constant.singleton_class.ancestors.include?(helper_module) mod.create_include(T.must(helper_module.name)) if include_helper mod.create_extend(T.must(helper_module.name)) if extend_helper end sig { params(mod: Module, helper: Module).returns(T::Boolean) } private_class_method def self.includes_helper?(mod, helper) superclass_ancestors = [] if Class === mod superclass = superclass_of(mod) superclass_ancestors = ancestors_of(superclass) if superclass end ancestors = Set.new.compare_by_identity.merge(ancestors_of(mod)).subtract(superclass_ancestors) ancestors.any? { |ancestor| helper == ancestor } end end end end end