require 'spec_helper' class MySinatraApp < Sinatra::Base set :logging, false get '/ok' do 'Hello Sinatra' end get '/error' do end post '/users' do content_type :json params.to_json end get '/new' do redirect '/ok' end end RSpec.describe 'Structured logging with Sinatra', :with_hostname, :timecop do let(:io) { } let(:format) {} before do Loga.reset Loga.configure( device: io, filter_parameters: [:password], format: format, service_name: 'hello_world_app', service_version: '1.0', tags: [:uuid, 'TEST_TAG'], ) end let(:last_log_entry) do io.rewind JSON.parse( end let(:app) do do use Loga::Rack::RequestId use Loga::Rack::Logger run MySinatraApp end end context 'when RACK_ENV is production', if: ENV['RACK_ENV'].eql?('production') do let(:format) { :gelf } include_examples 'request logger' it 'does not include the controller name and action' do get '/ok' expect(last_log_entry).to_not include('_request.controller') end end # rubocop:disable Metrics/LineLength context 'when RACK_ENV is development', if: ENV['RACK_ENV'].eql?('development') do let(:format) { :simple } let(:last_log_entry) do io.rewind end let(:data) do { 'status' => 200, 'method' => 'GET', 'path' => '/ok', 'params' => { 'username'=>'yoshi' }, 'request_id' => '700a6a01', 'request_ip' => '', 'user_agent' => nil, 'duration' => 0, } end let(:data_as_text) { "data=#{{ request: data }.inspect}" } let(:time_pid_tags) { '[2015-12-15T09:30:05.123000+06:00 #999][700a6a01 TEST_TAG]' } before do allow(Process).to receive(:pid).and_return(999) end context 'get request' do it 'logs the request' do get '/ok', { username: 'yoshi' }, 'HTTP_X_REQUEST_ID' => '700a6a01' expect(last_log_entry).to eq("I, #{time_pid_tags} GET /ok?username=yoshi 200 in 0ms type=request #{data_as_text}\n") end end context 'request with redirect' do let(:data) do super().merge( 'status' => 302, 'path' => '/new', 'params' => {}, ) end it 'specifies the original path' do get '/new', {}, 'HTTP_X_REQUEST_ID' => '700a6a01' expect(last_log_entry).to eql("I, #{time_pid_tags} GET /new 302 in 0ms type=request #{data_as_text}\n") end end context 'when the request raises an exception' do let(:data) do super().merge( 'status' => 500, 'path' => '/error', 'params' => {}, ) end it 'logs the request with the exception' do get '/error', {}, 'HTTP_X_REQUEST_ID' => '700a6a01' expect(last_log_entry).to eql("E, #{time_pid_tags} GET /error 500 in 0ms type=request #{data_as_text} exception=undefined method `name' for nil:NilClass\n") end end end # rubocop:enable Metrics/LineLength end