module Auth::Concerns::OtpConcern extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do include Auth::Concerns::DeviseConcern ##refer to auth/applicationcontroller for the not_found def, and its rescue block. before_filter :do_before_request before_filter :initialize_vars before_filter :check_recaptcha, only: [:send_sms_otp,:verify_otp] end def initialize_vars ##deep symbolize the incoming params after passing through permitted params. @resource_params = permitted_params.deep_symbolize_keys ##if the resource is defined, assign the class and the symbol for use further in the file ##eg: resource is provided in the route as : users, so ##@resource_class => User ##@resource_symbol => :user if collection = @resource_params[:resource] ##check that the resource exists in the auth_configuration if Auth.configuration.auth_resources[collection.singularize.capitalize] @resource_class = collection.singularize.capitalize.constantize @resource_symbol = collection.singularize.to_sym ##this is either the provided email(in case of forgot_password form, we pass in the additional_login_param under the email key itself.#ref auth/modals/forgot_password_content.html.erb) if @resource_params[@resource_symbol] @additional_login_param = @resource_params[@resource_symbol][:email] || @resource_params[@resource_symbol][:additional_login_param] ##the otp provided by the user, only used in the verify_otp action. @otp = @resource_params[@resource_symbol][:otp] ##the resource_id of the user, only used in the short_polling endpoint. @resource_id = @resource_params[@resource_symbol][:_id] end else ##have to have some way of showing these errors. not_found("provided resource not found in app") end else not_found("no resource collection provided") end ##the intent , passed into the send_sms_otp endpoint, and thereafter added to the verify_otp_path, in the new_otp_input.html.erb ##set as default to empty so that it doesnt screw up in the partials, screaming undefined. @intent = @resource_params[:intent] or "" ##the default response status, can be changed in the action depending on individual situations. @response_status = 200 end ##CALLED WHEN THE USER HAS ENTERED HIS MOBILE NUMBER, SO THAT HE GETS ANOTHER OTP def send_sms_otp ##IF THERE IS AN INTENT,THEN WE MUST HAVE A CONFIRMED ACCOUNT. ##OTHERWISE WE DONT NEED THAT. ##WHY? ##because : suppose that we are calling send_sms_otp from the forgot_password / unlocks controller -> then we have to ensure that the account has been verified. ##otherwise we cannot send otp's to non-verified phone numbers to do things like reset_passwords / unlock ##on the other hand in case there is no intent, like in case of resend_otp -> then we can only check if we have an account with this mobile number or not, no need to check for verification. conditions = @intent.blank? ? {:additional_login_param => @additional_login_param} : {:additional_login_param => @additional_login_param, :additional_login_param_status => 2} if @additional_login_param.nil? @status = 422 resource = resource.errors.add(:additional_login_param,"Additional login param not provided") elsif resource = @resource_class.where(conditions).first #resource.intent_token = Devise.friendly_token if !@intent.blank? resource.m_client = self.m_client resource.set_client_authentication resource.send_sms_otp elsif resource = @status = 422 resource.errors.add(:additional_login_param,"Could not find a resource with that additional login param") end @auth_user = resource respond_to do |format| format.json {render json: resource.to_json({:otp_verification => true}), status: @status} format.js {render :partial => "auth/confirmations/new_otp_input.js.erb", locals: {resource: resource, intent: @intent}} format.html {render 'auth/confirmations/enter_otp.html.erb'} end end ## this is only used for the modal based things ## has no role otherwise. ##CALLED WHEN WE WANT TO SHOW THE USER A MODAL TO RE-ENTER HIS MOBILE NUMBER SO THAT WE CAN AGAIN SEND AN OTP TO IT. def resend_sms_otp resource = respond_to do |format| format.json {render json: resource.to_json, status: @status} format.js {render "auth/confirmations/_resend_otp.js.erb", locals: {resource: resource, intent: @intent}} end end ##CALLED WHEN THE USER ENTERS THE OTP SENT ON HIS MOBILE ##VERIFIES THE OTP WITH THE THIRD PARTY API. def verify_otp if resource = @resource_class.where(:additional_login_param => @additional_login_param).first resource.m_client = self.m_client resource.set_client_authentication ##there are no errors, so we proceed with verification. if otp_error = resource.check_otp_errors @status = 422 resource.errors.add(:additional_login_param,otp_error) else resource.verify_sms_otp(@otp) ## just setting so that it is available on the resource object. resource.otp = @otp end else resource = resource.errors.add(:additional_login_param,"Not Found") @status = 400 end @auth_user = resource respond_to do |format| format.json {render json: resource.as_json({:otp_verification => true}), status: @status} format.js {render :partial => "auth/confirmations/verify_otp.js.erb", locals: {resource: resource, intent: @intent, otp: @otp}} format.html {render "auth/confirmations/get_otp_status.html.erb"} end end ##SHORT-POLLING ENDPOINT TO DETERMINE IF THE OTP WAS VALID. ##CALLED IN THE POST-VERIFICATION PAGE. ##error returns for this def are different, because it is requested using json from the verify_otp.js.erb partial ##as a result, in case there is an error in the controller action itslef below(eg. wherever there is a 422/400), then the following happens. ##spinner.js ##//catches any non 200/201 status and interprets it as an error ##//thereafter directly show_error_modal is called. ##//i could have written logic specific for otp_verification_result, by checking if it is there in the request_url, but did not do so, because otp is not always going to be in the engine, so otp should not be hardcoded anywhere. ##//the error lands up being shown inside show_error_modal, by means of json parsing the incoming string, and showing json[:errors] as the error message. ##on the other hand, if there is any othe rtype of error in the before_filter initialize_vars, then that raises a not_found and is handled by rendering a json response with errors, and a 422 so again it is handled by spinner as above. def otp_verification_result ## a message to display on the website after the otp is successfully verified in case of forgot_password or unlock_account. intent_verification_message = nil res_verified = false ##first check the errors if resource = @resource_class.where(:additional_login_param => @additional_login_param, :otp => @otp).first if otp_error = resource.check_otp_errors @status = 422 resource.errors.add(:additional_login_param,otp_error) else resource.m_client = self.m_client resource.set_client_authentication if resource.additional_login_param_confirmed? puts "resource additional login param is confirmed." puts "intent is: #{@intent}" if @intent == "reset_password" ##protected method so had to do this. if resource.confirmed? && !resource. pending_reconfirmation? resource.class.send_reset_password_instructions(resource.attributes) intent_verification_message = "An email has been sent to your email account, with instructions on resetting your password" if resource.errors.empty? ##if successfull_sent -> ##else ## here error is added anyway to resource. ##end ##we want to send the reset password instructions, but using the email. else resource.errors.add(:additional_login_param,"you do not have a confirmed email account set for this account, you cannot recover the password.") @status = 400 end #raw_token = resource.send(:set_reset_password_token) #intent_url = send("edit_#{@resource_symbol.to_s}_password_path",{:reset_password_token => raw_token}) elsif @intent == "unlock_account" ##here normally would be resource.unlock. ##code from #puts "came to unlocks." #raw, enc = Devise.token_generator.generate(@resource.class, :unlock_token) #@resource.unlock_token = enc false) if resource.confirmed? && !resource. pending_reconfirmation? resource.send_unlock_instructions intent_verification_message = "An email has been sent to your email account, with instructions on unlocking your account" if resource.errors.empty? else resource.errors.add(:additional_login_param,"cannot send unlock instructions because you dont have a confirmed email address.") end #intent_url = send("#{@resource_symbol.to_s}_unlock_path",{:unlock_token => raw}) end ##make the intent token nil, it can be used only thus once. end end else resource = @status = 422 puts "came here." resource.errors.add(:additional_login_param,"Either otp or additional login param is incorrect, try resend otp") end #puts @resource.attributes.to_s @auth_user = resource respond_to do |format| format.json {render json: {:intent_verification_message => intent_verification_message, :errors => resource.errors.full_messages, :resource => resource.as_json({:otp_verification => true}), :verified => (resource.additional_login_param_confirmed? && resource.errors.empty?)}, status: @status} format.html {render "auth/confirmations/otp_status_result.html.erb"} end end def permitted_params if action_name == "resend_sms_otp" ##the resource_collection_path => pluralized downcased model name eg. users params.permit(:intent,:resource,:api_key,:current_app_id) else ##post_verification_intent => "reset_password" OR "unlock" ##had to add email here because in the passwords form, and the unlocks form, we have to serve either additional_login_param or email, so in order to make it work with the existing devise controllers decided to keep the param coming in as email, and sending errors back also on the email attribute,[all this is only relevant to the send_sms_otp action] ##it will take all the models provided in the authentication_keys in the Auth configuration file. filters = [] Auth.configuration.auth_resources.keys.each do |model| filters << {model.downcase.to_sym => [:additional_login_param, :otp, :email, :_id]} end filters << [:intent, :resource,:api_key,:current_app_id] filters << "g-recaptcha-response".to_sym params.permit(filters) end end end