module Scan # This class detects all kinds of default values class DetectValues # This is needed as these are more complex default values # Returns the finished config object def self.set_additional_default_values config = Scan.config # First, try loading the Scanfile from the current directory config.load_configuration_file(Scan.scanfile_name) # Detect the project FastlaneCore::Project.detect_projects(config) Scan.project = # Go into the project's folder, as there might be a Snapfile there Dir.chdir(File.expand_path("..", Scan.project.path)) do config.load_configuration_file(Scan.scanfile_name) end Scan.project.select_scheme default_device_ios if Scan.project.ios? default_device_tvos if Scan.project.tvos? detect_destination return config end def self.filter_simulators(simulators, deployment_target) # Filter out any simulators that are not the same major and minor version of our deployment target deployment_target_version = do |s| sim_version = (sim_version >= deployment_target_version) end end def self.default_device_ios config = Scan.config if config[:device] # make sure it actually exists device = config[:device]'()', '') # Remove parenthesis found = FastlaneCore::Simulator.all.find do |d| ( + " " + d.ios_version).include? device end if found Scan.device = found return else UI.error("Couldn't find simulator '#{config[:device]}' - falling back to default simulator") end end sims = FastlaneCore::Simulator.all xcode_target = Scan.project.build_settings(key: "IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET") sims = filter_simulators(sims, xcode_target) # An iPhone 5s is reasonable small and useful for tests found = sims.detect { |d| == "iPhone 5s" } found ||= sims.first # anything is better than nothing Scan.device = found UI.user_error!("No simulators found") unless Scan.device end def self.default_device_tvos config = Scan.config if config[:device] # make sure it actually exists device = config[:device]'()', '') # Remove parenthesis found = FastlaneCore::SimulatorTV.all.find do |d| ( + " " + d.tvos_version).include? device end if found Scan.device = found return else UI.error("Couldn't find simulator '#{config[:device]}' - falling back to default simulator") end end sims = FastlaneCore::SimulatorTV.all xcode_target = Scan.project.build_settings(key: "TVOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET") sims = filter_simulators(sims, xcode_target) # Apple TV 1080p is useful for tests found = sims.detect { |d| == "Apple TV 1080p" } found ||= sims.first # anything is better than nothing Scan.device = found UI.user_error!("No simulators found") unless Scan.device end # Is it an iOS device or a Mac? def self.detect_destination if Scan.config[:destination] UI.important("It's not recommended to set the `destination` value directly") UI.important("Instead use the other options available in `scan --help`") UI.important("Using your value '#{Scan.config[:destination]}' for now") UI.important("because I trust you know what you're doing...") return end # building up the destination now if Scan.project.ios? Scan.config[:destination] = "platform=iOS Simulator,id=#{Scan.device.udid}" elsif Scan.project.tvos? Scan.config[:destination] = "platform=tvOS Simulator,id=#{Scan.device.udid}" else Scan.config[:destination] = "platform=OS X" end end end end