class Middleman::Extensions::AssetHost < ::Middleman::Extension option :host, nil, 'The asset host to use or a Proc to determine asset host', required: true option :exts, nil, 'List of extensions that get cache busters strings appended to them.' option :sources, %w[.css .htm .html .js .mjs .php .xhtml], 'List of extensions that are searched for bustable assets.' option :ignore, [], 'Regexes of filenames to skip adding query strings to' option :rewrite_ignore, [], 'Regexes of filenames to skip processing for host rewrites' def initialize(app, options_hash = ::Middleman::EMPTY_HASH, &block) super require 'set' @set_of_exts = || app.config[:asset_extensions]) @set_of_sources = options.sources end Contract IsA['Middleman::Sitemap::ResourceListContainer'] => Any def manipulate_resource_list_container!(resource_list) resource_list.by_extensions(@set_of_sources).each do |r| next if Array(options.rewrite_ignore || []).any? do |i| ::Middleman::Util.path_match(i, "/#{r.destination_path}") end r.add_filter, app, r, after_filter: :asset_hash, url_extensions: @set_of_exts, ignore: options.ignore, proc: method(:rewrite_url)) end end Contract String, Or[String, Pathname], Any => String def rewrite_url(asset_path, dirpath, _request_path) uri = ::Middleman::Util.parse_uri(asset_path) relative_path = uri.path[0..0] != '/' full_asset_path = if relative_path dirpath.join(asset_path).to_s else asset_path end asset_prefix = if options[:host].is_a?(Proc) options[:host].call(full_asset_path) elsif options[:host].is_a?(String) options[:host] end File.join(asset_prefix, full_asset_path) end memoize :rewrite_url end