module RSpec module Scaffold class Cli # This class handles `rspec=scaffold` command runs from command line. # this method allows simple testing since it, unlike ARGV constant, can be mocked. def self.command_line_arguments return ARGV # => ["-t", "-y", "/some/path"] or ["-ty", "/some/path"] end # @param [Pathname] boot_path def initialize(boot_path) @boot_path = boot_path @command_line_arguments = send(:class).command_line_arguments end # This method will be run as a script and uses on ARGV hash contents def start # fallback to help text output if needed args are missing (puts help_string; abort) if path_argument.nil? || options.include?("h") # 0 see if path argument is not absolute (puts absolute_path_warning; abort) if path_argument[%r'\A[\/]'] # 0. see if passed file/dir exists and is in boot_path tree. (puts not_found_warning_string; abort) if !file_or_dir.exist? # 1. must process path argument to determine whether it is a single file or a dir. @processable_files = if else # file_or_dir.file? [file_or_dir] end # 2. verify processing if there are numerous files and -y is not given if !many_processable_file_danger? || argumented_agreeing? || output_to_console? # noop, alls well else puts "#{@processable_files.size} files are about to be processed. Are you sure? [Y/n]" if STDIN.gets.strip[%r'\Ay'i] green("-> Proceeding with scaffold build!") else abort("Nothing was done!") end end # 2. once path processing is done, array of files (sometimes and array of one file) is looped over @processable_files.each do |processable_file| # all is set for processing if output_to_console? test_scaffold = RSpec::Scaffold.testify_file(processable_file, :to_text) puts("#== #{processable_file} ==") puts("") puts(test_scaffold) puts("") else # build found file's spec file location spec_file_location =, processable_file).spec_location # output to spec files, core behavior RSpec::Scaffold.testify_file(processable_file, out: spec_file_location) end end puts "-> All done!" return true end private self::OPTIONS = { "--help" => "h", "--text" => "t", }.freeze def options @options ||={|arg| arg[0] == "-" && arg.size > 1}.map do |arg| if !!arg == true && arg[1] != "-" # unpack several singledash options arg.split("")[1..-1] else # making doubledash options into singledash send(:class)::OPTIONS[arg] end end.flatten.uniq.join("") return @options #=> "hty" end def argumented_agreeing? return options.include?("y") end def output_to_console? return options.include?("t") end def many_processable_file_danger? return 5 < @processable_files.size end def path_argument @path_argument ||= (!!@command_line_arguments[-1] == true && @command_line_arguments[-1][0] != "-" ? @command_line_arguments[-1] : nil) return @path_argument end def file_or_dir return nil if path_argument.nil? @file_or_dir ||= findable_pathname return @file_or_dir end def findable_pathname return @findable_pathname ||= Pathname("#{@boot_path}").join("#{path_argument}") end def help_string help_string = <<-ENDBAR Build RSpec tests scaffolds for existing ruby code. Usage: rspec-scaffold PATH Available options: -h, --help Prints this message -t, --text Outputs scaffold(s) to STDOUT instead of spec files Common use cases: 1) file in -> file out | rspec-scaffold "path/to/code.rb" 2) directory in -> files out | rspec-scaffold "path/to/code/directory" 3) output to STDOUT instead of files | rspec-scaffold -t "path/to/code.rb" ENDBAR return help_string.strip.gsub(%r'\A\s+', '') end def not_found_warning_string warning_string = <<-ENDBAR Could not find "#{findable_pathname}" ENDBAR return warning_string.strip.gsub(%r'\A\s+', '') end def absolute_path_warning warning_string = <<-ENDBAR Absolute path argument '#{path_argument}' detected. Please use a relative path (no leading slash) from project root. ENDBAR return warning_string.strip.gsub(%r'\A\s+', '') end end end end