h1. sphinx
"home":../index.html > "recipes":index.html > sphinx
h2. Namespaces
* "sphinx:centos":sphinx-centos.html (2)
h2. Tasks
* "sphinx:index_all":#sphinx:index_all
* "sphinx:restart":#sphinx:restart
* "sphinx:rotate_all":#sphinx:rotate_all
* "sphinx:setup_monit":#sphinx:setup_monit
* "sphinx:update_conf":#sphinx:update_conf
h2. Task documentation
h3(#sphinx:index_all). sphinx:index_all
Build sphinx indexes for application.
*sphinx_prefix*: Location to sphinx install. _Defaults to nil_
*sphinx_conf*: Location to sphinx conf. _Defaults to "[shared_path]/config/sphinx.conf"_
h3(#sphinx:restart). sphinx:restart
Restart sphinx
h3(#sphinx:rotate_all). sphinx:rotate_all
Rotate sphinx index for application.
*sphinx_prefix*: Location to sphinx install. _Defaults to nil_
*sphinx_conf*: Location to sphinx conf. _Defaults to "[shared_path]/config/sphinx.conf"_
h3(#sphinx:setup_monit). sphinx:setup_monit
Create monit configuration for sphinx.
*monit_conf_dir*: Destination for monitrc. _Defaults to "/etc/monit"_
*sphinx_pid_path*: Location for sphinx pid. _Defaults to "[shared_path]/pids/searchd.pid"_
h3(#sphinx:update_conf). sphinx:update_conf
Update sphinx for application.
*sphinx_conf_template*: Path to sphinx.conf.erb. _Defaults to "config/templates/sphinx.conf.erb"_
*sphinx_conf_path*: Path to sphinx.conf. _Defaults to "[shared_path]/config/sphinx.conf"_
*sphinx_port*: Sphinx port. _Defaults to 3312_
*sphinx_conf_root*: Directory for sphinx configuration, like stopwords.txt. _Defaults to [current_path]/config_
*sphinx_index_root*: Directory for sphinx indexes. _Defaults to "[shared_path]/var/index"_
*sphinx_log_root*: Directory for sphinx logs. _Defaults to "[shared_path]/log"_
*sphinx_pid_root*: Directory for sphinx pids. _Defaults to "[shared_path]/pids"_
*sphinx_db_user*: Sphinx DB user. _Defaults to db_user_
*sphinx_db_pass*: Sphinx DB password. _Defaults to db_pass_
*sphinx_db_name*: Sphinx DB name. _Defaults to db_name_
*sphinx_db_port*: Sphinx DB port. _Defaults to db_port_
*sphinx_db_host*: Sphinx DB host. _Defaults to location for primary :db role_
*sphinx_host*: Sphinx DB host. _Defaults to location for :search role_