module With class Context def it_triggers_event(type) expect do record = satisfy{|arg| type.to_s =~ /#{}/ } controller = is_a(ActionController::Base) options = is_a(Hash) mock.proxy(Event).trigger(type, record, controller, options) end end def it_does_not_trigger_any_event expect do do_not_allow(Event).trigger.with_any_args end end # FIXME might need to refactor this so it always executes the block # (i.e. return after witch(:access_granted, &block)) def it_guards_permissions(action, type, &block) return (block ? : nil) unless With.aspect?(:access_control) with(:access_granted, &block) if block_given? with "(rbac)" do # before do # @default_permission = Rbac::Context.default_permissions[:"#{action} #{type}"] # end # # after do # Rbac::Context.default_permissions[:"#{action} #{type}"] = @default_permission # end with "superuser_may_#{action}_#{type}" do before do Rbac::Context.default_permissions[:"#{action} #{type}"] = [:superuser] end it_denies_access :with => [:is_anonymous, :is_user, :is_moderator, :is_admin] it_grants_access :with => [:is_superuser] end with "admin_may_#{action}_#{type}" do before do Rbac::Context.default_permissions[:"#{action} #{type}"] = [:admin] end it_denies_access :with => [:is_anonymous, :is_user, :is_moderator] it_grants_access :with => [:is_admin, :is_superuser] end with "moderator_may_#{action}_#{type}" do before do Rbac::Context.default_permissions[:"#{action} #{type}"] = [:moderator] end it_denies_access :with => [:is_anonymous, :is_user] it_grants_access :with => [:is_admin, :is_superuser] # FIXME should grant to :is_moderator, but currently require_authentication requires an :admin role end end end def it_grants_access(options = {}) contexts = options[:with] ? with(options[:with]) : [self] contexts.each do |context| context.assertion "it grants access" do message = "expected to grant access but %s" assert !rendered_insufficient_permissions?, message % 'rendered :insufficient_permissions' assert !redirected_to_login?, message % 'redirected to login_path' end end end def it_denies_access(options = {}) contexts = options[:with] ? with(options[:with]) : [self] contexts.each do |context| context.assertion "it denies access" do message = "expected to render :insufficient_permissions or redirect to login_path but did neither of these." assert rendered_insufficient_permissions? || redirected_to_login?, message end end end def it_caches_the_page_with_tracking(options = {}) it_caches_the_page_without_tracking(options) return unless options[:track] assertion "it tracks cache references #{Array(options[:track]).map(&:inspect).join(' ')}" do Array(options[:track]).each do |expected| actual = @controller.class.track_options[@controller.action_name.to_sym] actual.should include(expected) end end end alias_method_chain :it_caches_the_page, :tracking def it_sweeps_page_cache(options) options = options.dup expect do options.each do |type, record| record = instance_variable_get("@#{record}") filters = @controller.class.filter_chain sweeper = filters.detect { |f| f.method.is_a?(CacheReferences::Sweeper) } sweeper or raise "can not find page cache sweeper on #{}" sweeper = sweeper.method case type when :by_site # FIXME ... why are they sometimes called multiple times?? (e.g. CommentsController#create) mock.proxy(sweeper).expire_cached_pages_by_site(record).any_number_of_times when :by_section mock.proxy(sweeper).expire_cached_pages_by_section(record).any_number_of_times when :by_reference mock.proxy(sweeper).expire_cached_pages_by_reference(record).any_number_of_times end end end end def it_does_not_sweep_page_cache expect do do_not_allow(@controller).expire_pages.with_any_args end end def it_rewrites(from, options) with *options[:with] || 'non-root section and non-default locale' do it "rewrites #{from} to: #{options[:to]}" do instance_eval(&from).should == options[:to] end end end end end class ActiveSupport::TestCase def has_authorized_tag(*args) @response.body.should have_authorized_tag(*args) end def has_permalink(article) has_tag 'h2 a[href=?]', blog_article_path(article.section, article.full_permalink), article.title end def without_routing_filters old_routing_filter_active, =, false yield = old_routing_filter_active end end class ActionController::TestCase def default_theme? end def rendered_insufficient_permissions? !!(@response.rendered.to_s =~ /insufficient_permissions/) end def redirected_to_login? @response.redirect_url_match?(/#{login_path}/) end end