// ========================================================================== // Project: SproutCore - JavaScript Application Framework // Copyright: ©2006-2009 Sprout Systems, Inc. and contributors. // Portions ©2008-2009 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. // License: Licened under MIT license (see license.js) // ========================================================================== require('views/view'); /** @class A Pane is like a regular view except that it does not need to live within a parent view. You usually use a Pane to form the root of a view hierarchy in your application, such as your main application view or for floating palettes, popups, menus, etc. Usually you will not work directly with the SC.Pane class, but with one of its subclasses such as SC.MainPane, SC.Panel, or SC.PopupPane. h1. Showing a Pane To make a pane visible, you need to add it to your HTML document. The simplest way to do this is to call the append() method: {{{ myPane = SC.Pane.create(); myPane.append(); // adds the pane to the document }}} This will insert your pane into the end of your HTML document body, causing it to display on screen. It will also register your pane with the SC.RootResponder for the document so you can start to receive keyboard, mouse, and touch events. If you need more specific control for where you pane appears in the document, you can use several other insertion methods such as appendTo(), prependTo(), before() and after(). These methods all take a an element to indicate where in your HTML document you would like you pane to be inserted. Once a pane is inserted into the document, it will be sized and positioned according to the layout you have specified. It will then automatically resize with the window if needed, relaying resize notifications to children as well. h1. Hiding a Pane When you are finished with a pane, you can hide the pane by calling the remove() method. This method will actually remove the Pane from the document body, as well as deregistering it from the RootResponder so that it no longer receives events. The isVisibleInWindow method will also change to NO for the Pane and all of its childViews and the views will no longer have their updateDisplay methods called. You can readd a pane to the document again any time in the future by using any of the insertion methods defined in the previous section. h1. Receiving Events Your pane and its child views will automatically receive any mouse or touch events as long as it is on the screen. To receive keyboard events, however, you must focus the keyboard on your pane by calling makeKeyPane() on the pane itself. This will cause the RootResponder to route keyboard events to your pane. The pane, in turn, will route those events to its current keyView, if there is any. Note that all SC.Views (anything that implements SC.ClassicResponder, really) will be notified when it is about or gain or lose keyboard focus. These notifications are sent both when the view is made keyView of a particular pane and when the pane is made keyPane for the entire application. You can prevent your Pane from becoming key by setting the acceptsKeyPane to NO on the pane. This is useful when creating palettes and other popups that should not steal keyboard control from another view. @extends SC.View @extends SC.ResponderContext @since SproutCore 1.0 */ SC.Pane = SC.View.extend({ /** Returns YES for easy detection of when you reached the pane. @property {Boolean} */ isPane: YES, /** Set to the current page when the pane is instantiated from a page object. @property {SC.Page} */ page: null, // ....................................................... // ROOT RESPONDER SUPPORT // /** The rootResponder for this pane. Whenever you add a pane to a document, this property will be set to the rootResponder that is now forwarding events to the pane. @property {SC.Responder} */ rootResponder: null, /** Last known window size. */ currentWindowSize: null, previousKeyPane: null, /** The parent dimensions are always the last known window size. */ computeParentDimensions: function(frame) { var pframe = this.get('currentWindowSize'); return { width: (pframe) ? pframe.width : 1000, height: (pframe) ? pframe.height : 1000 } ; }, /** @private Disable caching due to an known bug in SC. */ frame: function() { return this.computeFrameWithParentFrame(null) ; }.property(), /** Invoked by the root responder whenever the window resizes. This should simply begin the process of notifying children that the view size has changed, if needed. */ windowSizeDidChange: function(oldSize, newSize) { this.set('currentWindowSize', newSize) ; this.parentViewDidResize(); // start notifications. }, /** Attempts to send the event down the responder chain for this pane. If you pass a target, this method will begin with the target and work up the responder chain. Otherwise, it will begin with the current firstResponder and walk up the chain looking for any responder that implements a handler for the passed method and returns YES when executed. @param {String} action @param {SC.Event} evt @param {Object} target @returns {Object} object that handled the event */ sendEvent: function(action, evt, target) { var handler ; // walk up the responder chain looking for a method to handle the event if (!target) target = this.get('firstResponder') ; while(target && !target.tryToPerform(action, evt)) { // even if someone tries to fill in the nextResponder on the pane, stop // searching when we hit the pane. target = (target === this) ? null : target.get('nextResponder') ; } // if no handler was found in the responder chain, try the default if (!target && (target = this.get('defaultResponder'))) { if (typeof target === SC.T_STRING) { target = SC.objectForPropertyPath(target); } if (!target) target = null; else if (target.isResponderContext) { target = target.sendAction(action, this, evt); } else target = target.tryToPerform(action, evt) ? target : null ; } return evt.mouseHandler || target ; }, // ....................................................... // HANDLE FIRST RESPONDER AND KEY RESPONDER STATUS // /** @property The default responder. Set this to point to a responder object that can respond to events when no other view in the hierarchy handles them. */ defaultResponder: null, /** @property Pane's never have a next responder */ nextResponder: function() { return null; }.property().cacheable(), /** @property The first responder. This is the first view that should receive action events. Whenever you click on a view, it will usually become firstResponder. */ firstResponder: null, /** @property If YES, this pane can become the key pane. You may want to set this to NO for certain types of panes. For example, a palette may never want to become key. The default value is YES. */ acceptsKeyPane: YES, /** @property This is set to YES when your pane is currently the target of key events. */ isKeyPane: NO, /** Make the pane receive key events. Until you call this method, the keyView set for this pane will not receive key events. @returns {SC.Pane} receiver */ becomeKeyPane: function() { if (this.get('isKeyPane')) return this ; if (this.rootResponder) this.rootResponder.makeKeyPane(this) ; return this ; }, /** Remove the pane view status from the pane. This will simply set the keyPane on the rootResponder to null. @returns {SC.Pane} receiver */ resignKeyPane: function() { if (!this.get('isKeyPane')) return this ; if (this.rootResponder) this.rootResponder.makeKeyPane(null); return this ; }, /** Makes the passed view (or any object that implements SC.Responder) into the new firstResponder for this pane. This will cause the current first responder to lose its responder status and possibly keyResponder status as well. @param {SC.View} view @returns {SC.Pane} receiver */ makeFirstResponder: function(view) { var current=this.get('firstResponder'), isKeyPane=this.get('isKeyPane'); if (current === view) return this ; // nothing to do // notify current of firstResponder change if (current) current.willLoseFirstResponder(current); // if we are currently key pane, then notify key views of change also if (isKeyPane) { if (current) current.willLoseKeyResponderTo(view) ; if (view) view.willBecomeKeyResponderFrom(current) ; } // change setting if (current) { current.beginPropertyChanges() .set('isFirstResponder', NO).set('isKeyResponder', NO) .endPropertyChanges(); } this.set('firstResponder', view) ; if (view) { view.beginPropertyChanges() .set('isFirstResponder', YES).set('isKeyResponder', isKeyPane) .endPropertyChanges(); } // and notify again if needed. if (isKeyPane) { if (view) view.didBecomeKeyResponderFrom(current) ; if (current) current.didLoseKeyResponderTo(view) ; } if (view) view.didBecomeFirstResponder(view); return this ; }, /** @private method forwards status changes in a generic way. */ _forwardKeyChange: function(shouldForward, methodName, pane, isKey) { var keyView, responder, newKeyView; if (shouldForward && (responder = this.get('firstResponder'))) { newKeyView = (pane) ? pane.get('firstResponder') : null ; keyView = this.get('firstResponder') ; if (keyView) keyView[methodName](newKeyView); if ((isKey !== undefined) && responder) { responder.set('isKeyResponder', isKey); } } }, /** Called just before the pane loses it's keyPane status. This will notify the current keyView, if there is one, that it is about to lose focus, giving it one last opportunity to save its state. @param {SC.Pane} pane @returns {SC.Pane} reciever */ willLoseKeyPaneTo: function(pane) { this._forwardKeyChange(this.get('isKeyPane'), 'willLoseKeyResponderTo', pane, NO); return this ; }, /** Called just before the pane becomes keyPane. Notifies the current keyView that it is about to gain focus. The keyView can use this opportunity to prepare itself, possibly stealing any value it might need to steal from the current key view. @param {SC.Pane} pane @returns {SC.Pane} receiver */ willBecomeKeyPaneFrom: function(pane) { this._forwardKeyChange(!this.get('isKeyPane'), 'willBecomeKeyResponderFrom', pane, YES); return this ; }, /** Called just after the pane has lost its keyPane status. Notifies the current keyView of the change. The keyView can use this method to do any final cleanup and changes its own display value if needed. @param {SC.Pane} pane @returns {SC.Pane} reciever */ didLoseKeyPaneTo: function(pane) { var isKeyPane = this.get('isKeyPane'); this.set('isKeyPane', NO); this._forwardKeyChange(isKeyPane, 'didLoseKeyResponderTo', pane); return this ; }, /** Called just after the keyPane focus has changed to the receiver. Notifies the keyView of its new status. The keyView should use this method to update its display and actually set focus on itself at the browser level if needed. @param {SC.Pane} pane @returns {SC.Pane} receiver */ didBecomeKeyPaneFrom: function(pane) { var isKeyPane = this.get('isKeyPane'); this.set('isKeyPane', YES); this.set('previousKeyPane', pane); this._forwardKeyChange(!isKeyPane, 'didBecomeKeyResponderFrom', pane, YES); return this ; }, // ....................................................... // MAIN PANE SUPPORT // isMainPane: NO, /** Invoked when the pane is about to become the focused pane. @param {SC.Pane} pane the pane that currently have focus */ focusFrom: function(pane) {}, /** Invoked when the the pane is about to lose its focused pane status. @param {SC.Pane} pane the pane that will receive focus next */ blurTo: function(pane) {}, /** Invoked when the view is about to lose its mainPane status. The default implementation will also remove the pane from the document since you can't have more than one mainPane in the document at a time. */ blurMainTo: function(pane) { this.set('isMainPane', NO) ; }, /** Invokes when the view is about to become the new mainPane. The default implementation simply updates the isMainPane property. In your subclass, you should make sure your pane has been added to the document before trying to make it the mainPane. See SC.MainPane for more information. */ focusMainFrom: function(pane) { this.set('isMainPane', YES); }, // ....................................................... // ADDING/REMOVE PANES TO SCREEN // /** Inserts the pane at the end of the document. This will also add the pane to the rootResponder. @param {SC.RootResponder} rootResponder @returns {SC.Pane} receiver */ append: function() { return this.appendTo(document.body) ; }, /** Removes the pane from the document. This will remove the DOM node and deregister you from the document window. */ remove: function() { if (!this.get('isVisibleInWindow')) return this ; // nothing to do if (!this.get('isPaneAttached')) return this ; // nothing to do // remove layer... var dom = this.get('layer') ; if (dom.parentNode) dom.parentNode.removeChild(dom) ; dom = null ; // remove from the RootResponder also var responder = this.rootResponder ; if (this.get('isKeyPane')) { // orders matter, remove keyPane first var oldKeyPane = this.get('previousKeyPane'); if(!oldKeyPane) responder.makeKeyPane(null) ; else responder.makeKeyPane(oldKeyPane) ; } if (this.get('isMainPane')) responder.makeMainPane(null) ; responder.panes.remove(this) ; this.rootResponder = responder = null ; // clean up some of my own properties this.set('isPaneAttached', NO) ; this.parentViewDidChange() ; return this ; }, /** Inserts the pane into the DOM as the last child of the passed DOM element. You can pass in either a CoreQuery object or a selector, which will be converted to a CQ object. You can optionally pass in the rootResponder to use for this operation. Normally you will not need to pass this as the default responder is suitable. @param {DOMElement} elem the element to append to @returns {SC.Pane} receiver */ appendTo: function(elem) { var layer = this.get('layer'); if (!layer) layer =this.createLayer().get('layer'); elem.insertBefore(layer, null); // add to DOM elem = layer = null ; return this.paneDidAttach(); // do the rest of the setup }, /** inserts the pane's rootElement into the top of the passed DOM element. @param {DOMElement} elem the element to append to @returns {SC.Pane} receiver */ prependTo: function(elem) { var layer = this.get('layer'); if (!layer) layer =this.createLayer().get('layer'); elem.insertBefore(layer, elem.firstChild); // add to DOM elem = layer = null ; return this.paneDidAttach(); // do the rest of the setup }, /** inserts the pane's rootElement into the hierarchy before the passed element. @param {DOMElement} elem the element to append to @returns {SC.Pane} receiver */ before: function(elem) { var layer = this.get('layer'); if (!layer) layer =this.createLayer().get('layer'); var parent = elem.parentNode ; parent.insertBefore(layer, elem); // add to DOM parent = elem = layer = null ; return this.paneDidAttach(); // do the rest of the setup }, /** inserts the pane's rootElement into the hierarchy after the passed element. @param {DOMElement} elem the element to append to @returns {SC.Pane} receiver */ after: function(elem) { var layer = this.get('layer'); if (!layer) layer =this.createLayer().get('layer'); var parent = elem.parentNode ; elem.insertBefore(layer, elem.nextSibling); // add to DOM parent = elem = layer = null ; return this.paneDidAttach(); // do the rest of the setup }, /** This method has no effect in the pane. Instead use remove(). */ removeFromParent: function() { }, /** @private Called when the pane is attached to a DOM element in a window, this will change the view status to be visible in the window and also register with the rootResponder. */ paneDidAttach: function() { // hook into root responder var responder = (this.rootResponder = SC.RootResponder.responder); responder.panes.add(this); // set currentWindowSize this.set('currentWindowSize', responder.computeWindowSize()) ; // update my own location this.set('isPaneAttached', YES) ; this.parentViewDidChange() ; return this ; }, /** @property YES when the pane is currently attached to a document DOM. Read only. */ isPaneAttached: NO, /** Updates the isVisibleInWindow state on the pane and its childViews if necessary. This works much like SC.View's default implementation, but it does not need a parentView to function. @param {Boolean} parentViewIsVisible (ignored) @returns {SC.Pane} receiver */ recomputeIsVisibleInWindow: function(parentViewIsVisible) { var last = this.get('isVisibleInWindow') ; var cur = this.get('isPaneAttached') && this.get('isVisible') ; // if the state has changed, update it and notify children if (last !== cur) { this.set('isVisibleInWindow', cur) ; // if we just became visible, update layer + layout if needed... if (cur && this.get('layerNeedsUpdate')) this.updateLayerIfNeeded(); if (cur && this.get('childViewsNeedLayout')) this.layoutChildViewsIfNeeded(); var childViews = this.get('childViews'), len = childViews.length, idx; for(idx=0;idx