Given /^the(?: following)? locale:?$/ do |string| @csl = CSL::Locale.load(string) end When /^I load the locale from the string$/ do |string| @csl = CSL::Locale.load(string) end When /^I ordinalize the number (\d+)(?: using the (long) form(?: and (feminine|masculine) gender))?$/ do |num, form, gender| @ordinal = @locale.ordinalize(num, :form => form, :'gender-form' => gender) end Then /^the ordinal should (?:be|equal) "([^"]*)"$/ do |ord| @ordinal.should == ord end When /^I ordinalize these numbers:?$/ do |table| @ordinals = do |row| num, form, gender, number = *row @csl.ordinalize(num, :form => form, :'gender-form' => gender, :number => number) end end Then /^the ordinals should (?:be|equal):?$/ do |table| @ordinals.join(' ').should == table.rows.flatten.join(' ') end Then /^the locale should should have (\d+) terms$/ do |num| @csl.terms.length.should == num.to_i end Then /^the (\w+[\?!]?) of the term "([^"]*)" should be "([^"]*)"$/ do |method, name, expected| @csl.terms.detect { |t| == name }.send(method).should == expected end