require 'HDLRuby' require 'HDLRuby/hruby_low2sym' configure_high # Program for testing both HDLRuby::High and HDLRuby::Low print "Checking creation of an HDLRuby::High system... " # Create a HDLRuby::High testing system system :high_test do input :clk, :cond0, :cond1 [15..0].input :x,:y,:z [16..0].output :s,:u,:v seq(clk.posedge) do hif(cond0) { s <= x+y } helsif(cond1) { u <= x+y+2 } helse { s <= z } v <= x*y*_011 end [3..0].output :sig timed do ! sig <= _1010 end end puts "Ok." print "Checking its instantiation... " # Instantiate it for checking. high_test :high puts "Ok." print "Checking its conversion to low... " # Generate the low level representation. low = high.systemT.to_low puts "Ok." puts puts "##############################" puts "Checking HDLRuby::Low methods." puts "##############################" puts puts "Checking clone." # Try clone low.each_behavior do |beh| beh.each_statement do |statement| print "Cloning statement: #{statement}... " copy = statement.clone if copy.class == statement.class then puts "Ok." else puts "Invalid clone result: #{statement.class}" end end end puts puts "Checking eql?." puts "Cloning system: #{system}... " low_clone = low.clone print "Checking eql? with the copy and the original of #{system}... " # Try eql? res = low.eql?(low_clone) if res then puts "Ok." else puts "Invalid eql result: #{res}." end puts puts "Checking hash." print "Checking hash with the copy and the original of #{system}... " low_hash = low.hash clone_hash = low_clone.hash if low_hash == clone_hash then puts "Ok." else puts "Invalid hashbol expected #{low_hash} but got: #{clone_hash}." end puts puts "Checking to_sym." print "Checking to_sym with the copy and the original of #{system}... " low_to_sym = low.to_sym clone_to_sym = low_clone.to_sym if low_to_sym == clone_to_sym then puts "Ok." else puts "Invalid to_symbol expected #{low_to_sym} but got: #{clone_to_sym}." end