#!/usr/bin/env ruby # httpclient shell command. # # Usage: 1) % httpclient get https://www.google.co.jp/ q=ruby # Usage: 2) % httpclient # # For 1) it issues a GET request to the given URI and shows the wiredump and # the parsed result. For 2) it invokes irb shell with the binding that has a # HTTPClient as 'self'. You can call HTTPClient instance methods like; # > get "https://www.google.co.jp/", :q => :ruby require 'httpclient' METHODS = ['head', 'get', 'post', 'put', 'delete', 'options', 'propfind', 'proppatch', 'trace'] if ARGV.size >= 2 && METHODS.include?(ARGV[0]) client = HTTPClient.new client.debug_dev = STDERR $DEBUG = true require 'pp' pp client.send(*ARGV) exit end require 'irb' require 'irb/completion' class Runner def initialize @httpclient = HTTPClient.new end def method_missing(msg, *a, &b) debug, $DEBUG = $DEBUG, true begin @httpclient.send(msg, *a, &b) ensure $DEBUG = debug end end def run IRB.setup(nil) ws = IRB::WorkSpace.new(binding) irb = IRB::Irb.new(ws) IRB.conf[:MAIN_CONTEXT] = irb.context trap("SIGINT") do irb.signal_handle end begin catch(:IRB_EXIT) do irb.eval_input end ensure IRB.irb_at_exit end end def to_s 'HTTPClient' end end Runner.new.run