module Shoulda # :nodoc: module Matchers module ActiveRecord # :nodoc: # Ensure that the field becomes serialized. # # Options: # * :as - tests that the serialized attribute makes use of the class_name option. # # Example: # it { should serialize(:details) } # it { should serialize(:details).as(Hash) } # it { should serialize(:details).as_instance_of(ExampleSerializer) } # def serialize(name) end class SerializeMatcher # :nodoc: def initialize(name) @name = name.to_s @options = {} end def as(type) @options[:type] = type self end def as_instance_of(type) @options[:instance_type] = type self end def matches?(subject) @subject = subject serialization_valid? && type_valid? end def failure_message_for_should "Expected #{expectation} (#{@missing})" end def failure_message_for_should_not "Did not expect #{expectation}" end def description description = "serialize :#{@name}" description += " class_name => #{@options[:type]}" if @options.key?(:type) description end protected def serialization_valid? if model_class.serialized_attributes.keys.include?(@name) true else @missing = "no serialized attribute called :#{@name}" false end end def class_valid? if @options[:type] klass = model_class.serialized_attributes[@name] if klass == @options[:type] true else if klass.respond_to?(:object_class) && klass.object_class == @options[:type] true else @missing = ":#{@name} should be a type of #{@options[:type]}" false end end else true end end def model_class @subject.class end def instance_class_valid? if @options.key?(:instance_type) if model_class.serialized_attributes[@name].class == @options[:instance_type] true else @missing = ":#{@name} should be an instance of #{@options[:type]}" false end else true end end def type_valid? class_valid? && instance_class_valid? end def expectation expectation = "#{} to serialize the attribute called :#{@name}" expectation += " with a type of #{@options[:type]}" if @options[:type] expectation += " with an instance of #{@options[:instance_type]}" if @options[:instance_type] expectation end end end end end