module FireWatir # # Description: # Class for returning the document element. # class Document include FireWatir::Container @@current_level = 0 # # Description: # Creates new instance of Document class. # def initialize(container) @length = 0 @elements = nil @arr_elements = "" @container = container end def frames jssh_command = "var frameset = #{@container.window_var}.frames; var elements_frames = new Array(); for(var i = 0; i < frameset.length; i++) { var frames = frameset[i].frames; for(var j = 0; j < frames.length; j++) { elements_frames.push(frames[j].frameElement); } } elements_frames.length;" jssh_command.gsub!("\n", "") $jssh_socket.send("#{jssh_command};\n", 0) length = read_socket().to_i frame_array = for i in 0..length - 1 do frame_array[i] =, :jssh_name, "elements_frames[#{i}]") end frame_array end # # Description: # Find all the elements in the document by querying DOM. # Set the class variables like length and the variable name of array storing the elements in JSSH. # # Output: # Array of elements. # def all @arr_elements = "arr_coll_#{@@current_level}" jssh_command = "var arr_coll_#{@@current_level}=new Array(); " if(@container.class == FireWatir::Firefox || @container.class == Frame) jssh_command <<"var element_collection = null; element_collection = #{@container.document_var}.getElementsByTagName(\"*\"); if(element_collection != null && typeof(element_collection) != 'undefined') { for (var i = 0; i < element_collection.length; i++) { if((element_collection[i].tagName != 'BR') && (element_collection[i].tagName != 'HR') && (element_collection[i].tagName != 'DOCTYPE') && (element_collection[i].tagName != 'META') && (typeof(element_collection[i].tagName) != 'undefined')) arr_coll_#{@@current_level}.push(element_collection[i]); } } arr_coll_#{@@current_level}.length;" else jssh_command <<"var element_collection = null; element_collection = #{@container.element_name}.getElementsByTagName(\"*\"); if(element_collection!= null && typeof(element_collection) != 'undefined') { for (var i = 0; i < element_collection.length; i++) { if((element_collection[i].tagName != 'BR') && (element_collection[i].tagName != 'HR') && (element_collection[i].tagName != 'DOCTYPE') && (element_collection[i].tagName != 'META') && (typeof(element_collection[i].tagName) != 'undefined')) arr_coll_#{@@current_level}.push(element_collection[i]); } } arr_coll_#{@@current_level}.length;" end # Remove \n that are there in the string as a result of pressing enter while formatting. jssh_command.gsub!(/\n/, "") #puts jssh_command jssh_socket.send("#{jssh_command};\n", 0) @length = read_socket().to_i; #puts "elements length is in locate_tagged_elements is : #{@length}" elements = nil elements = for i in 0..@length - 1 do temp ="arr_coll_#{@@current_level}[#{i}]", @container) elements[i] = temp end @@current_level += 1 return elements end # # Description: # Returns the count of elements in the document. # # Output: # Count of elements found in the document. # def length return @length end alias_method :size, :length # # Description: # Iterates over elements in the document. # def each for i in 0..@length - 1 yield"#{@arr_elements}[#{i}]", @container) end end # # Description: # Gets the element at the nth index in the array of the elements. # # Input: # n - Index of element you want to access. Index is 1 based. # # Output: # Element at the nth index. # def [](n) return"#{@arr_elements}[#{n-1}]", @container) end # # Description: # Get all forms available on the page. # Used internally by Firewatir use ff.show_forms instead. # # Output: # Array containing Form elements # def get_forms() jssh_socket.send("var element_forms = #{@container.document_var}.forms; element_forms.length;\n", 0) length = read_socket().to_i forms = for i in 0..length - 1 do forms[i] =, :jssh_name, "element_forms[#{i}]") end return forms end # # Description: # Get all images available on the page. # Used internally by Firewatir use ff.show_images instead. # # Output: # Array containing Image elements # def get_images return end # # Description: # Get all links available on the page. # Used internally by Firewatir use ff.show_links instead. # # Output: # Array containing Link elements # def get_links return end # # Description: # Get all divs available on the page. # Used internally by Firewatir use ff.show_divs instead. # # Output: # Array containing Div elements # def get_divs return end # # Description: # Get all tables available on the page. # Used internally by Firewatir use ff.show_tables instead. # # Output: # Array containing Table elements # def get_tables return end # # Description: # Get all pres available on the page. # Used internally by Firewatir use ff.show_pres instead. # # Output: # Array containing Pre elements # def get_pres return end # # Description: # Get all spans available on the page. # Used internally by Firewatir use ff.show_spans instead. # # Output: # Array containing Span elements # def get_spans return end # # Description: # Get all labels available on the page. # Used internally by Firewatir use ff.show_labels instead. # # Output: # Array containing Label elements # def get_labels return end end # Docuemnt end # FireWatir