# Copyright Cloudinary require 'pp' module Cloudinary::CarrierWave class UploadError < StandardError attr_reader :http_code def initialize(message, http_code) super(message) @http_code = http_code end end module ClassMethods def eager process :eager => true end def convert(format) process :convert => format end def resize_to_limit(width, height) process :resize_to_limit => [width, height] end def resize_to_fit(width, height) process :resize_to_fit => [width, height] end def resize_to_fill(width, height, gravity="Center") process :resize_to_fill => [width, height, gravity] end def resize_and_pad(width, height, background=:transparent, gravity="Center") process :resize_and_pad => [width, height, background, gravity] end def scale(width, height) process :scale => [width, height] end def crop(width, height, gravity="Center") process :crop => [width, height, gravity] end def cloudinary_transformation(options) process :cloudinary_transformation => options end def tags(*tags) process :tags=>tags end end def self.included(base) base.storage Cloudinary::CarrierWave::Storage base.extend ClassMethods base.send(:attr_accessor, :metadata) end def set_or_yell(hash, attr, value) raise "conflicting transformation on #{attr} #{value}!=#{hash[attr]}" if hash[attr] hash[attr] = value end def transformation return @transformation if @transformation transformation = {} self.class.processors.each do |name, args| case name when :convert # Do nothing. This is handled by format when :resize_to_limit set_or_yell(transformation, :width, args[0]) set_or_yell(transformation, :height, args[1]) set_or_yell(transformation, :crop, :limit) when :resize_to_fit set_or_yell(transformation, :width, args[0]) set_or_yell(transformation, :height, args[1]) set_or_yell(transformation, :crop, :fit) when :resize_to_fill set_or_yell(transformation, :width, args[0]) set_or_yell(transformation, :height, args[1]) set_or_yell(transformation, :gravity, args[2].to_s.downcase) set_or_yell(transformation, :crop, :fill) when :resize_to_pad set_or_yell(transformation, :width, args[0]) set_or_yell(transformation, :height, args[1]) set_or_yell(transformation, :gravity, args[3].to_s.downcase) set_or_yell(transformation, :crop, :pad) when :scale set_or_yell(transformation, :width, args[0]) set_or_yell(transformation, :height, args[1]) set_or_yell(transformation, :crop, :scale) when :crop set_or_yell(transformation, :width, args[0]) set_or_yell(transformation, :height, args[1]) set_or_yell(transformation, :gravity, args[2].to_s.downcase) set_or_yell(transformation, :crop, :crop) when :cloudinary_transformation args.each do |attr, value| set_or_yell(transformation, attr, value) end end end @transformation = transformation @transformation end def eager @eager ||= self.class.processors.any?{|processor| processor[0] == :eager} end def tags @tags ||= self.class.processors.select{|processor| processor[0] == :tags}.map(&:last).first end def format format_processor = self.class.processors.find{|processor| processor[0] == :convert} if format_processor if format_processor[1].is_a?(Array) return format_processor[1][0] end return format_processor[1] end the_filename = original_filename || stored_filename return the_filename.split(".").last if the_filename.include?(".") "png" # TODO Default format? end def url(*args) if(args.first) super else return nil if blank? options = self.class.version_names.blank? ? {} : self.transformation Cloudinary::Utils.cloudinary_url(self.my_filename, options.clone) end end def process!(new_file=nil) # Do nothing end def stored_filename @stored_filename ||= model.read_uploader(mounted_as) end def my_filename @my_filename ||= stored_filename || ("#{self.public_id}.#{self.format}") end def public_id return @public_id if @public_id if stored_filename last_dot = stored_filename.rindex(".") @public_id = last_dot ? stored_filename[0, last_dot] : stored_filename end @public_id ||= Cloudinary::Utils.random_public_id end def download!(uri) uri = process_uri(uri) self.original_filename = @cache_id = @filename = File.basename(uri.path).gsub(/[^a-zA-Z0-9\.\-\+_]/, '') @file = RemoteFile.new(uri, @filename) end def blank? self.filename.blank? && self.stored_filename.blank? end class RemoteFile attr_reader :uri, :original_filename def initialize(uri, filename) @uri = uri @original_filename = filename end def delete # Do nothing. This is a virtual file. end end class Storage < ::CarrierWave::Storage::Abstract def store!(file) # Moved to identifier... if uploader.class.version_names.blank? # This is the toplevel, need to upload the actual file. params = uploader.transformation.dup params[:return_error] = true params[:format] = uploader.format params[:public_id] = uploader.public_id.split("/").last params[:tags] = uploader.tags if uploader.tags eager_versions = uploader.versions.values.select(&:eager) params[:eager] = eager_versions.map{|version| [version.transformation, version.format]} if eager_versions.length > 0 data = nil if (file.is_a?(RemoteFile)) data = file.uri.to_s else data = file.file data.rewind if !file.is_path? && data.respond_to?(:rewind) end uploader.metadata = Cloudinary::Uploader.upload(data, params) if uploader.metadata["error"] raise UploadError.new(uploader.metadata["error"]["message"], uploader.metadata["error"]["http_code"]) end if uploader.metadata["version"] name = "v#{uploader.metadata["version"]}/#{identifier.split("/").last}" model_class = uploader.model.class if defined?(ActiveRecord::Base) && uploader.model.is_a?(ActiveRecord::Base) primary_key = model_class.primary_key.to_sym model_class.update_all({uploader.mounted_as=>name}, {primary_key=>uploader.model.send(primary_key)}) uploader.model.send :write_attribute, uploader.mounted_as, name elsif model_class.respond_to?(:update_all) && uploader.model.respond_to?(:_id) # Mongoid support model_class.where(:_id=>uploader.model._id).update_all(uploader.mounted_as=>name) uploader.model.send :write_attribute, uploader.mounted_as, name else raise "Only ActiveRecord and Mongoid are supported at the moment!" end end # Will throw an exception on error else raise "nested versions are not allowed." if (uploader.class.version_names.length > 1) # Do nothing end end def retrieve!(identifier) # Do nothing end def identifier (uploader.filename || uploader.stored_filename) ? uploader.my_filename : nil end end end