# frozen_string_literal: true require 'cartage' ## # Provide helper methods for testing Cartage and plug-ins using Minitest. module Cartage::Minitest #:nocov: ## # A helper to stub ENV lookups against an +env+ hash. If +options+ has a key # :passthrough, will reach for the original ENV value. # # Tested thoroughly only with Minitest::Moar::Stubbing. This helper will # probably be moved to a different gem in the future. def stub_env(env, options = {}, *block_args, &block) mock = lambda { |key| env.fetch(key) { |k| ENV.send(:'__minitest_stub__[]', k) if options[:passthrough] } } if defined?(Minitest::Moar::Stubbing) stub ENV, :[], mock, *block_args, &block else ENV.stub :[], mock, *block_args, &block end end # A helper to stub capturing shell calls (`echo true` or %x(echo # true)) to return +value+. # # This helper will probably be moved to a different gem in the future. def stub_backticks(value) Kernel.send(:alias_method, :__minitest_stub_backticks__, :`) Kernel.send(:define_method, :`) { |*| value } yield ensure Kernel.send(:remove_method, :`) Kernel.send(:alias_method, :`, :__minitest_stub_backticks__) Kernel.send(:remove_method, :__minitest_stub_backticks__) end # A helper to stub Cartage#repo_url to return +value+. def stub_cartage_repo_url(value = nil, &block) stub_instance_method Cartage, :repo_url, -> { value || 'git://host/repo-url.git' }, &block end ## # An assertion that Pathname#write receives the +expected+ value. def assert_pathname_write(expected) string_io = StringIO.new stub_instance_method Pathname, :write, ->(v) { string_io.write(v) } do yield assert_equal expected, String.new(string_io.string) end end # A helper to stub Pathname#expand_path to return Pathname(value). def stub_pathname_expand_path(value, &block) stub_instance_method Pathname, :expand_path, Pathname(value), &block end # A helper to define one or more methods (identified in +names+) on +target+ # with the same +block+, which defaults to an empty callable. def disable_unsafe_method(target, *names, &block) block ||= ->(*) {} names.each { |name| target.define_singleton_method name, &block } end # A helper to stub Dir.chdir, which was not stubbing cleanly. This also # asserts that the path provided to Dir.chdir will be the +expected+ value. def stub_dir_chdir(expected) assert_equal = method(:assert_equal) Dir.singleton_class.send(:alias_method, :__minitest_stub_chdir__, :chdir) Dir.singleton_class.send(:define_method, :chdir) do |path, &block| assert_equal.(expected, path) block.call(path) if block end yield ensure Dir.singleton_class.send(:remove_method, :chdir) Dir.singleton_class.send(:alias_method, :chdir, :__minitest_stub_chdir__) Dir.singleton_class.send(:remove_method, :__minitest_stub_chdir__) end # Stubs Cartage#run and asserts that the array of commands provided are # matched for each call and that they are all consumed. def stub_cartage_run(*expected) expected = [ expected ].flatten(1) stub_instance_method Cartage, :run, ->(v) { assert_equal expected.shift, v } do yield end assert_empty expected end #:nocov: private # Ripped and slightly modified from minitest-stub-any-instance. def stub_instance_method(klass, name, val_or_callable, &block) if defined?(::Minitest::Moar::Stubbing) instance_stub klass, name, val_or_callable, &block elsif defined?(::Minitest::StubAnyInstance) klass.stub_any_instance(name, val_or_callable, &block) else begin new_name = "__minitest_stub_instance_method__#{name}" owns_method = instance_method(name).owner == klass klass.class_eval do alias_method new_name, name if owns_method define_method(name) do |*args| if val_or_callable.respond_to?(:call) instance_exec(*args, &val_or_callable) else val_or_callable end end end yield ensure klass.class_eval do remove_method name if owns_method alias_method name, new_name remove_method new_name end end end end end Minitest::Test.send(:include, self) end