module Origen module RevisionControl class Git < Base # Returns the origin for the PWD def self.origin git('remote --verbose', verbose: false).each do |remote| if remote =~ /^origin\s+([^\s]+)/ return Regexp.last_match(1) end end nil end # Returns the Git version number from the current runtime environment (as a string) def self.version @version ||= begin version = nil git('--version', verbose: false).each do |line| if line =~ /git version (\d+(\.\d+)+)/ version = Regexp.last_match(1) break end end if version version else Origen.log.warning 'Failed to determine the current Git version, proceeding by assuming version 2.0.0' '2.0.0' end end end def build(options = {}) if Dir["#{local}/*"].empty? || options[:force] FileUtils.rm_rf(local.to_s) # Not using the regular 'git' method here since the local dir doesn't exist to CD into system "git clone #{remote} #{local}" else fail "The requested workspace is not empty: #{local}" end end def checkout(path = nil, options = {}) paths, options = clean_path(path, options) # Pulls latest metadata from server, does not change workspace git 'fetch', options version = options[:version] || current_branch if version == 'HEAD' puts "Sorry, but you are not currently on a branch and I don't know which branch you want to checkout" puts 'Please supply a branch name as the version to checkout the latest version of it, e.g. origen rc co -v develop' exit 1 end if options[:force] version = "origin/#{version}" if remote_branch?(version) if paths == [local.to_s] git "reset --hard #{version}", options else git 'reset HEAD' git 'pull', options git "checkout #{version} #{paths.join(' ')}", options end else if paths.size > 1 || paths.first != local.to_s fail 'The Git driver does not support partial merge checkout, it has to be the whole workspace' end git 'reset HEAD' res = git 'stash', options stashed = !res.any? { |l| l =~ /^No local changes to save/ } git 'pull', options git "checkout #{version}", options if stashed result = git 'stash pop', { check_errors: false }.merge(options) conflicts = [] result.each do |line| if line =~ /CONFLICT.* (.*)$/ conflicts << Regexp.last_match(1) end end git 'reset HEAD' unless conflicts.empty? '' Origen.log.error 'Your local changes could not automatically merged into the following files, open them to fix the conflicts:' conflicts.each do |conflict| Origen.log.error " #{conflict}" end end end end paths end def checkin(path = nil, options = {}) paths, options = clean_path(path, options) # Can't check in unless we have the latest if options[:force] && !options[:initial] # Locally check in the given files checkin(paths.join(' '), no_push: true, verbose: false, comment: options[:comment]) local_rev = current_commit(short: false) # Pull latest checkout # Restore the given files to our previous version # Errors are ignored here since this can fail if the given file didn't exist until now, # in that case we already implicitly have the previous version git("checkout #{local_rev} -- #{paths.join(' ')}", check_errors: false) # Then proceed with checking them in as latest else checkout unless options[:initial] end cmd = 'add' if options[:unmanaged] cmd += ' -A' else cmd += ' -u' unless options[:unmanaged] end cmd += " #{paths.join(' ')}" git cmd, options if changes_pending_commit? cmd = 'commit' if options[:comment] && !options[:comment].strip.empty? cmd += " -m \"#{options[:comment].strip}\"" else cmd += " -m \"No comment!\"" end if options[:author] if options[:author].respond_to?(:name_and_email) author = options[:author].name_and_email else author = "#{options[:author]} <>" end cmd += " --author=\"#{author}\"" end if options[:time] cmd += " --date=\"#{options[:time].strftime('%a %b %e %H:%M:%S %Y %z')}\"" end git cmd, options end unless options[:no_push] cmd = "push origin #{current_branch}" cmd += ' -u' if options[:initial] git cmd end paths end # Returns true if the current user can checkin to the given repo (means has permission # to push in Git terms) def can_checkin? # dry run attempting to create a new remote branch named OrigenWritePermissionsTest git('push --dry-run origin origin:refs/heads/OrigenWritePermissionsTest', verbose: false) true rescue false end def changes(dir = nil, options = {}) paths, options = clean_path(dir, options) options = { verbose: false }.merge(options) # Pulls latest metadata from server, does not change workspace git 'fetch', options version = options[:version] || 'HEAD' objects = {} objects[:added] = git("diff --name-only --diff-filter=A #{version} #{paths.first}", options).map(&:strip) objects[:removed] = git("diff --name-only --diff-filter=D #{version} #{paths.first}", options).map(&:strip) objects[:changed] = git("diff --name-only --diff-filter=M #{version} #{paths.first}", options).map(&:strip) objects[:present] = !objects[:added].empty? || !objects[:removed].empty? || !objects[:changed].empty? # Return full paths objects[:added].map! { |i| "#{paths.first}/" + i } objects[:removed].map! { |i| "#{paths.first}/" + i } objects[:changed].map! { |i| "#{paths.first}/" + i } objects end def local_modifications(dir = nil, options = {}) paths, options = clean_path(dir, options) options = { verbose: false }.merge(options) cmd = 'diff --name-only' dir = " #{paths.first}" unstaged = git(cmd + dir, options).map(&:strip) staged = git(cmd + ' --cached' + dir, options).map(&:strip) unstaged + staged end def unmanaged(dir = nil, options = {}) paths, options = clean_path(dir, options) options = { verbose: false }.merge(options) cmd = "ls-files #{paths.first} --exclude-standard --others" git(cmd, options).map(&:strip) end def diff_cmd(file, version = nil) if version "git difftool --tool tkdiff -y #{prefix_tag(version)} #{file}" else "git difftool --tool tkdiff -y #{file}" end end def tag(id, options = {}) id = id = id.prefixed if id.semantic? if options[:comment] git "tag -a #{id} -m \"#{options[:comment]}\"" else git "tag #{id}" end git "push origin #{id}" end def root'rev-parse --show-toplevel', verbose: false).first.strip) end def current_branch git('rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD', verbose: false).first end def current_commit(options = {}) options = { short: true }.merge(options) commit = git('rev-parse HEAD', verbose: false).first if options[:short] commit[0, 11] else commit end end # Returns true if the given tag already exists def tag_exists?(tag) git('fetch', verbose: false) unless @all_tags_fetched @all_tags_fetched = true git('tag', verbose: false).include?(tag.to_s) end # Returns true if the given string matches a branch name in the remote repo #"master") # => true #"feature/exists") # => true #"feature/does_not_exist") # => false def remote_branch?(str) # Github doesn't like the ssh:// for this command, whereas Stash seems # to require it. if github? rem = remote_without_protocol else rem = remote end # check if matches 40 digit hex string followed by branch name git("ls-remote --heads #{remote} #{str}", verbose: false).any? do |line| line =~ /^[0-9a-f]{40}\s+[a-zA-Z]/ end end def initialized?(options = {}) @hierarchy_searched ||= begin path = @local.dup until path.root? || File.exist?("#{local}/.git") if File.exist?("#{path}/.git") if options[:allow_local_adjustment] @local = path else fail "Requested local repository #{local} is within existing local repository #{path}" end else path = path.parent end end true end File.exist?("#{local}/.git") && git('remote -v', verbose: false).any? { |r| r =~ /#{remote_without_protocol_and_user}/ || r =~ /#{remote_without_protocol_and_user.to_s.gsub(':', "\/")}/ } && !git('status', verbose: false).any? { |l| l =~ /^#? ?(Initial commit|No commits yet)$/ } end # Delete everything in the given directory, or the whole repo def delete_all(dir = nil, options = {}) paths, options = clean_path(dir, options) files = git("ls-files #{paths.first}") FileUtils.rm_f files end # A class method is provided to fetch the user name since it is useful to have access # to this when outside of an application workspace, e.g. when creating a new app def self.user_name git('config', verbose: false).first rescue nil end # A class method is provided to fetch the user email since it is useful to have access # to this when outside of an application workspace, e.g. when creating a new app def self.user_email git('config', verbose: false).first rescue nil end def user_name self.class.user_name end def user_email self.class.user_email end # Returns true if the remote points to a github url def github? !!(remote.to_s =~ / end private def remote_without_protocol^.*:\/\//, '')) end def remote_without_protocol_and_user^.*@/, '')) end def create_gitignore c = c.compile "#{}/templates/git/gitignore.erb", output_directory: local, quiet: true, check_for_changes: false "#{local}/gitignore", "#{local}/.gitignore" end def changes_pending_commit? !(git('status --verbose', verbose: false).last =~ /^(no changes|nothing to commit|nothing added to commit but untracked files present)/) end def initialize_local_dir(options = {}) super unless initialized?(options) Origen.log.debug "Initializing Git workspace at #{local}" git 'init' git 'remote remove origin', verbose: false, check_errors: false git "remote add origin #{remote}", check_errors: false end end def git(command, options = {}) options[:local] = local self.class.git(command, options) end # Execute a git operation, the resultant output is returned in an array def self.git(command, options = {}) options = { check_errors: true, verbose: true }.merge(options) output = [] if options[:verbose] "git #{command}" '' end chdir options[:local] do Open3.popen2e("git #{command}") do |_stdin, stdout_err, wait_thr| while line = stdout_err.gets line.strip if options[:verbose] unless line.strip.empty? output << line.strip end end exit_status = wait_thr.value unless exit_status.success? if options[:check_errors] if output.any? { |l| l =~ /Not a git repository/ } fail RevisionControlUninitializedError else fail GitError, "This command failed: 'git #{command}'" end end end end end output end def self.chdir(dir) if dir Dir.chdir dir do yield end else yield end end end end end