describe BubbleWrap::App do describe '.documents_path' do it 'should end in "/Documents"' do App.documents_path[-10..-1].should == '/Documents' end end describe '.resources_path' do it 'should end in "/"' do if App.osx? App.resources_path.should =~ /\/testSuite(_spec)?.app\/Contents\/Resources$/ else App.resources_path.should =~ /\/testSuite(_spec)?.app$/ end end end describe '.notification_center' do it 'should be a NSNotificationCenter' do App.notification_center.should == NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter end end describe '.user_cache' do it 'should be a NSUserDefaults' do App.user_cache.should == NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults end end describe '.states' do it 'returns a hash' do App.states.class.should == Hash end it "returns the real instance variable" do App.states.should == App.instance_variable_get(:@states) end end describe '.name' do it 'returns the application name' do == 'testSuite' end end describe '.identifier' do it 'returns the application identifier' do App.identifier.should == 'io.bubblewrap.testSuite_spec' end end describe '.version' do it 'returns the application version' do App.version.should == '1.2.3' end end describe '.run_after' do class DelayedRunAfterTest; attr_accessor :test_value end it 'should run a block after the provided delay' do @test_obj = App.run_after(0.1){ @test_obj.test_value = true } wait_for_change(@test_obj, 'test_value') do @test_obj.test_value.should == true end end end describe ".environment" do it 'returns current application environment' do App.environment.should.equal "test" end end describe ".test? .release? .development?" do it 'tests if current application environment is test' do App.test?.should.equal true end it 'tests if current application environment is release' do App.release?.should.equal false end it 'tests if current application environment is development' do App.development?.should.equal false end end end