require 'spec_helper' require 'ronin/post_ex/sessions/shell_session' require 'socket' describe Ronin::PostEx::Sessions::ShellSession do let(:pipe) { UNIXSocket.pair } let(:io) { pipe[0] } let(:shell) { pipe[1] } subject { } describe "#initialize" do it "must set #io" do expect( be(io) end end describe "#shell_gets" do it "must read a line of text from #io" do thread = do sleep 0.1 shell.write("foo bar\n") end expect(subject.shell_gets).to eq("foo bar\n") end end describe "#shell_puts" do let(:line) { "foo bar" } it "must write a line of text to #io" do subject.shell_puts(line) expect(shell.gets).to eq("#{line}\n") end end describe "#shell_exec" do let(:command) { 'ls' } let(:output) do [ "", "", "COPYING.txt", "Gemfile", "Gemfile.lock", "gemspec.yml", "lib", "Rakefile", "", "ronin-post_ex.gemspec", "spec", "vendor" ].map { |line| "#{line}\n" }.join end it "must print a beginning deliminator, pipe the command into base64, and print an ending deliminator" do thread = do sleep 0.1 subject.shell_exec(command) end expect(shell.gets).to eq("echo #{described_class::DELIMINATOR}; #{command} 2>/dev/null | base64; echo #{described_class::DELIMINATOR}\n") shell.puts(described_class::DELIMINATOR) shell.write(Base64.encode64(output)) shell.puts(described_class::DELIMINATOR) end it "must return the output of the command" do thread = do sleep 0.1 shell.gets shell.puts(described_class::DELIMINATOR) shell.write(Base64.encode64(output)) shell.puts(described_class::DELIMINATOR) end expect(subject.shell_exec(command)).to eq(output) end end describe "#sys_time" do let(:timestamp) { 1668692783 } let(:output) { "#{timestamp}\n" } it "must run the 'date +%s' and parse the output as an Integer" do expect(subject).to receive(:shell_exec).with('date +%s').and_return(output) expect(subject.sys_time).to eq(timestamp) end end describe "#sys_hostname" do let(:hostname) { 'computer' } let(:output) { "#{hostname}\n" } it "must run the 'echo $HOSTNAME' and parse the output as an Integer" do expect(subject).to receive(:shell_exec).with('echo $HOSTNAME').and_return(output) expect(subject.sys_hostname).to eq(hostname) end end describe "#fs_getcwd" do let(:pwd) { '/current/directory' } let(:output) { "#{pwd}\n" } it "must run the 'pwd' command and return the path" do expect(subject).to receive(:shell_exec).with('pwd').and_return(output) expect(subject.fs_getcwd).to eq(pwd) end end describe "#fs_chdir" do let(:new_dir) { '/path/to/directory' } let(:output) { "\n" } it "must run the 'cd 2>/dev/null' command" do expect(subject).to receive(:shell_puts).with("cd #{new_dir} 2>/dev/null") subject.fs_chdir(new_dir) end end describe "#fs_readfile" do let(:path) { '/path/to/file' } let(:contents) { "foo bar\nbaz qux\n" } it "must run the 'cat ' command and return the file contents" do expect(subject).to receive(:command_exec).with('cat',path).and_return(contents) expect(subject.fs_readfile(path)).to eq(contents) end end describe "#fs_readlink" do let(:path) { '/path/to/link' } let(:dest_path) { 'path/to/file' } let(:output) { "#{dest_path}\n" } it "must run the 'readlink -f ' command and return the link's path" do expect(subject).to receive(:command_exec).with('readlink','-f',path).and_return(output) expect(subject.fs_readlink(path)).to eq(dest_path) end end describe "#fs_readdir" do let(:path) { '/path/to/dir' } let(:entries) do %w[ COPYING.txt examples Gemfile Gemfile.lock gemspec.yml lib Rakefile ronin-post_ex.gemspec spec vendor ] end let(:output) { "#{entries.join("\n")}\n" } it "must run the 'ls ' command and return the directories entries" do expect(subject).to receive(:command_exec).with('ls',path).and_return(output) expect(subject.fs_readdir(path)).to eq(entries) end end describe "#fs_glob" do let(:pattern) { '*.md' } let(:entries) do %w[ ] end let(:output) { "#{entries.join("\n")}\n" } it "must run the 'ls ' command and return the matching paths" do expect(subject).to receive(:shell_exec).with("ls #{pattern}").and_return(output) expect(subject.fs_glob(pattern)).to eq(entries) end end describe "#fs_mktemp" do let(:basename) { 'ronin-XXXX.txt' } let(:tempfile) { 'ronin-LtFK.txt' } let(:output) { "#{tempfile}\n" } it "must run the 'mktemp ' command and return the tempfile name" do expect(subject).to receive(:command_exec).with('mktemp',basename).and_return(output) expect(subject.fs_mktemp(basename)).to eq(tempfile) end end describe "#fs_mkdir" do let(:path) { '/path/to/new_dir' } it "must run the 'mkdir ' command" do expect(subject).to receive(:command_exec).with('mkdir',path) subject.fs_mkdir(path) end end describe "#fs_copy" do let(:src) { '/path/to/src' } let(:dest) { '/path/to/dest' } it "must run the 'cp -r ' command" do expect(subject).to receive(:command_exec).with('cp','-r',src,dest) subject.fs_copy(src,dest) end end describe "#fs_unlink" do let(:path) { '/path/to/file' } it "must run the 'rm ' command" do expect(subject).to receive(:command_exec).with('rm',path) subject.fs_unlink(path) end end describe "#fs_rmdir" do let(:path) { '/path/to/dir' } it "must run the 'rmdir ' command" do expect(subject).to receive(:command_exec).with('rmdir',path) subject.fs_rmdir(path) end end describe "#fs_move" do let(:src) { '/path/to/src' } let(:dest) { '/path/to/dest' } it "must run the 'mv ' command" do expect(subject).to receive(:command_exec).with('mv',src,dest) subject.fs_move(src,dest) end end describe "#fs_link" do let(:src) { '/path/to/src' } let(:dest) { '/path/to/dest' } it "must run the 'ln -s ' command" do expect(subject).to receive(:command_exec).with('ln','-s',src,dest) subject.fs_link(src,dest) end end describe "#fs_chgrp" do let(:group) { 'wheel' } let(:path) { '/path/to/file' } it "must run the 'chgrp ' command" do expect(subject).to receive(:command_exec).with('chgrp',group,path) subject.fs_chgrp(group,path) end end describe "#fs_chown" do let(:user) { 'root' } let(:path) { '/path/to/file' } it "must run the 'chown ' command" do expect(subject).to receive(:command_exec).with('chown',user,path) subject.fs_chown(user,path) end end describe "#fs_chmod" do let(:mode) { 0777 } let(:umask) { "%.4o" % mode } let(:path) { '/path/to/file' } it "must run the 'chown ' command" do expect(subject).to receive(:command_exec).with('chmod',umask,path) subject.fs_chmod(mode,path) end end describe "#fs_stat" do let(:path) { '/path/to/file' } let(:size) { 420 } let(:blocks) { 16 } let(:uid) { 1000 } let(:gid) { 1000 } let(:inode) { 12345 } let(:links) { 1 } let(:atime) { } let(:mtime) { } let(:ctime) { } let(:blocksize) { 1668427627 } let(:output) do "#{path} #{size} #{blocks} 81a4 #{uid} #{gid} fd01 #{inode} #{links} 0 0 #{atime.to_i} #{mtime.to_i} #{ctime.to_i} #{blocksize} 4096 unconfined_u:object_r:unlabeled_t:s0\n" end it "must run the 'stat -t ' command and return a Hash of parsed stat information" do expect(subject).to receive(:command_exec).with('stat','-t',path).and_return(output) expect(subject.fs_stat(path)).to eq( { path: path, size: size, blocks: blocks, uid: uid, gid: gid, inode: inode, links: links, atime: atime, mtime: mtime, ctime: ctime, blocksize: blocksize } ) end end describe "#process_getpid" do let(:pid) { 1234 } let(:output) { "#{pid}\n" } it "must run the 'echo $$' command and return the parsed PID" do expect(subject).to receive(:shell_exec).with('echo $$').and_return(output) expect(subject.process_getpid).to eq(pid) end end describe "#process_getppid" do let(:ppid) { 1234 } let(:output) { "#{ppid}\n" } it "must run the 'echo $PPID' command and return the parsed PPID" do expect(subject).to receive(:shell_exec).with('echo $PPID').and_return(output) expect(subject.process_getppid).to eq(ppid) end end describe "#process_getuid" do let(:uid) { 1000 } let(:output) { "#{uid}\n" } it "must run the 'id -u' command and return the parsed UID" do expect(subject).to receive(:command_exec).with('id','-u').and_return(output) expect(subject.process_getuid).to eq(uid) end end describe "#process_getgid" do let(:gid) { 1000 } let(:output) { "#{gid}\n" } it "must run the 'id -g' command and return the parsed GID" do expect(subject).to receive(:command_exec).with('id','-g').and_return(output) expect(subject.process_getgid).to eq(gid) end end describe "#process_getgid" do let(:env) do { 'FOO' => 'foo', 'BAR' => 'bar' } end let(:output) do "#{env.keys[0]}=#{env.values[0]}\n#{env.keys[1]}=#{env.values[1]}\n" end it "must run the 'env' command and return the parsed env Hash" do expect(subject).to receive(:command_exec).with('env').and_return(output) expect(subject.process_environ).to eq(env) end end describe "#process_getenv" do let(:name) { 'FOO' } let(:value) { 'foo bar baz' } let(:output) { "#{value}\n" } it "must run the 'echo $' command and return the parsed value" do expect(subject).to receive(:shell_exec).with("echo $#{name}").and_return(output) expect(subject.process_getenv(name)).to eq(value) end end describe "#process_setenv" do let(:name) { 'FOO' } let(:value) { 'foo bar baz' } it "must run the 'export =' command and return the parsed value" do expect(subject).to receive(:shell_puts).with("export #{name}=#{value}") subject.process_setenv(name,value) end end describe "#process_unsetenv" do let(:name) { 'FOO' } it "must run the 'unset ' command" do expect(subject).to receive(:shell_puts).with("unset #{name}") subject.process_unsetenv(name) end end describe "#process_kill" do let(:pid) { 1234 } let(:signal) { 'TERM' } it "must run the 'kill -s ' command" do expect(subject).to receive(:command_exec).with('kill','-s',signal,pid) subject.process_kill(pid,signal) end end describe "#process_spawn" do let(:command_name) { 'cmd' } let(:arguments) { ['foo', 'bar baz'] } let(:pid) { 1234 } let(:output) { "#{pid}\n" } it "must run the command with arguments and return the parsed PID" do command = Shellwords.join([command_name, *arguments]) expect(subject).to receive(:shell_exec).with("#{command} 2>&1 >/dev/null &; echo $!").and_return(output) expect(subject.process_spawn(command_name,*arguments)).to eq(pid) end end describe "#process_exit" do it "must run the 'exit' command" do expect(subject).to receive(:shell_puts).with('exit') subject.process_exit end end describe "#close" do it "must call #close on #io" do expect(io).to receive(:close) subject.close end end end