module Animoto
  module HTTPEngines
    extend Support::DynamicClassLoader(File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)))
    # @abstract Override {#request} to subclass.
    class Base
      # Make a request.
      # @abstract
      # @param [Symbol] method the HTTP method to use, should be lower-case (that is, :get
      #   instead of :GET)
      # @param [String] url the URL to request
      # @param [String,nil] body the request body
      # @param [Hash<String,String>] headers request headers to send; names will be sent as-is
      #   (for example, use keys like "Content-Type" and not :content_type)
      # @param [Hash<Symbol,Object>] options
      # @option options [Integer] :timeout set a timeout
      # @option options [String] :username the authentication username
      # @option options [String] :password the authentication password
      # @return [String] the response body
      # @raise [NotImplementedError] if called on the abstract class
      def request method, url, body = nil, headers = {}, options = {}
        raise NotImplementedError
      # Checks the response and raises an error if the status isn't success.
      # @param [Fixnum] code the HTTP status code
      # @param [String] body the HTTP response body
      # @return [void]
      # @raise [Animoto::Error] if the status isn't between 200 and 299
      def check_response code, body
        throw(:fail, [code,body]) unless (200..299).include?(code)