require 'spec_helper' describe CurationConcerns::FileSetsController do let(:user) { create(:user) } let(:file) { fixture_file_upload('files/image.png', 'image/png') } let(:parent) { create(:generic_work, edit_users: [user.user_key], visibility: Hydra::AccessControls::AccessRight::VISIBILITY_TEXT_VALUE_PUBLIC) } context 'when signed in' do before { sign_in user } describe '#create' do before do FileSet.destroy_all end context 'on the happy path' do let(:date_today) { } let(:expected_params) do { files: [file], title: ['test title'], visibility: 'restricted' } end let(:actor) { controller.send(:actor) } before do allow(DateTime).to receive(:now).and_return(date_today) end it 'calls the actor to create metadata and content' do if Rails.version < '5.0.0' expect(actor).to receive(:create_metadata).with(parent, expected_params) expect(actor).to receive(:create_content).with(file).and_return(true) else expect(actor).to receive(:create_metadata).with(parent, ActionController::Parameters) do |_work, ac_params| expect(ac_params['files'].map(&:class)).to eq [ActionDispatch::Http::UploadedFile] expect(ac_params['title']).to eq expected_params[:title] expect(ac_params['visibility']).to eq expected_params[:visibility] end expect(actor).to receive(:create_content).with(ActionDispatch::Http::UploadedFile).and_return(true) end xhr :post, :create, parent_id: parent, file_set: { files: [file], title: ['test title'], visibility: 'restricted' } expect(response).to be_success expect(flash[:error]).to be_nil end end context "on something that isn't a file" do # Note: This is a duplicate of coverage in file_sets_controller_json_spec.rb it 'renders error' do xhr :post, :create, parent_id: parent, file_set: { files: ['hello'] }, permission: { group: { 'public' => 'read' } }, terms_of_service: '1' expect(response.status).to eq 400 msg = JSON.parse(response.body)['message'] expect(msg).to match(/no file for upload/i) end end subject { create(:file_set) } let(:file_path) { fixture_path + '/small_file.txt' } context 'when the file has a virus' do before do allow(subject).to receive(:warn) # suppress virus warnings allow(Hydra::Works::VirusCheckerService).to receive(:file_has_virus?) { true } of = subject.build_original_file of.content = end it 'populates the errors hash during validation' do expect(subject).to_not be_valid expect(subject.errors.messages[:base].first).to eq "Failed to verify uploaded file is not a virus" end end context 'when solr is down' do before do allow(controller.send(:actor)).to receive(:create_metadata) allow(controller.send(:actor)).to receive(:create_content).and_raise({}, {})) end it 'errors out of create after on continuous rsolr error' do xhr :post, :create, parent_id: parent, file_set: { files: [file] }, permission: { group: { 'public' => 'read' } }, terms_of_service: '1' expect(response.body).to include('Error occurred while creating a FileSet.') end end context 'when the file is not created' do before do allow(controller.send(:actor)).to receive(:create_metadata) allow(controller.send(:actor)).to receive(:create_content).and_return(false) end it 'errors out of create after on continuous rsolr error' do xhr :post, :create, parent_id: parent, file_set: { files: [file] }, permission: { group: { 'public' => 'read' } }, terms_of_service: '1' expect(response.body).to include('Error creating file image.png') end end end describe 'destroy' do let(:file_set) do file_set = FileSet.create! do |gf| gf.apply_depositor_metadata(user) end parent.ordered_members << file_set file_set end it 'deletes the file' do expect(FileSet.find( be_kind_of FileSet delete :destroy, id: file_set expect { FileSet.find( }.to raise_error Ldp::Gone expect(response).to redirect_to main_app.curation_concerns_generic_work_path(parent) end end describe 'update' do let!(:file_set) do file_set = FileSet.create do |gf| gf.apply_depositor_metadata(user) gf.visibility = Hydra::AccessControls::AccessRight::VISIBILITY_TEXT_VALUE_PRIVATE end parent.ordered_members << file_set file_set end after do file_set.destroy end context 'updating metadata' do it 'is successful and update attributes' do post :update, id: file_set, file_set: { title: ['new_title'], keyword: [''], permissions_attributes: [{ type: 'person', name: 'archivist1', access: 'edit' }] } expect(response).to redirect_to main_app.curation_concerns_file_set_path(file_set) expect(assigns[:file_set].title).to eq(['new_title']) end it 'goes back to edit on an error' do allow_any_instance_of(FileSet).to receive(:valid?).and_return(false) post :update, id: file_set, file_set: { title: ['new_title'], keyword: [''], permissions_attributes: [{ type: 'person', name: 'archivist1', access: 'edit' }] } expect(response.status).to eq 422 expect(response).to render_template('edit') expect(assigns[:groups]).to be_kind_of Array expect(assigns[:file_set]).to eq file_set expect(flash[:error]).to eq "There was a problem processing your request." end context 'updating visibility' do it 'applies public' do new_visibility = Hydra::AccessControls::AccessRight::VISIBILITY_TEXT_VALUE_PUBLIC post :update, id: file_set, file_set: { visibility: new_visibility, embargo_release_date: '' } expect(file_set.reload.visibility).to eq new_visibility end it 'applies embargo' do post :update, id: file_set, file_set: { visibility: 'embargo', visibility_during_embargo: 'restricted', embargo_release_date: '2099-09-05', visibility_after_embargo: 'open', visibility_during_lease: 'open', lease_expiration_date: '2099-09-05', visibility_after_lease: 'restricted' } file_set.reload expect(file_set).to be_under_embargo expect(file_set).to_not be_active_lease end end end context 'updating file content' do it 'is successful' do expect(IngestFileJob).to receive(:perform_later) post :update, id: file_set, file_set: { files: [file] } expect(response).to redirect_to main_app.curation_concerns_file_set_path(file_set) end end context 'restoring an old version' do before do # don't run characterization jobs allow(CharacterizeJob).to receive(:perform_later) # Create version 1,'small_file.txt')), :original_file) # Create version 2,'curation_concerns_generic_stub.txt')), :original_file) end # TODO: This test should move into the FileSetActor spec and just ensure the actor is called. it 'is successful' do expect(file_set.latest_content_version.label).to eq('version2') expect(file_set.original_file.content).to eq("This is a test fixture for curation_concerns: <%= @id %>.\n") post :update, id: file_set, revision: 'version1' expect(response).to redirect_to main_app.curation_concerns_file_set_path(file_set) reloaded = file_set.reload.original_file expect(reloaded.versions.last.label).to eq 'version3' expect(reloaded.content).to eq "small\n" expect(reloaded.mime_type).to eq 'text/plain' end end end end context 'someone elses (public) files' do let(:creator) { create(:user, email: '') } let(:public_file_set) { create(:file_set, user: creator, read_groups: ['public']) } before { sign_in user } describe '#edit' do it 'gives me the unauthorized page' do get :edit, id: public_file_set expect(response.code).to eq '401' expect(response).to render_template(:unauthorized) end end describe '#show' do it 'allows access to the file' do get :show, id: public_file_set expect(response).to be_success end end end context 'when not signed in' do let(:private_file_set) { create(:file_set) } let(:public_file_set) { create(:file_set, read_groups: ['public']) } describe '#edit' do it 'requires login' do get :edit, id: public_file_set expect(response).to fail_redirect_and_flash(main_app.new_user_session_path, 'You are not authorized to access this page.') end end describe '#show' do it 'denies access to private files' do get :show, id: private_file_set expect(response).to fail_redirect_and_flash(main_app.new_user_session_path, 'You are not authorized to access this page.') end it 'allows access to public files' do expect(controller).to receive(:additional_response_formats).with(ActionController::MimeResponds::Collector) get :show, id: public_file_set expect(response).to be_success end end describe '#new' do it 'does not let the user submit' do get :new, parent_id: parent expect(response).to fail_redirect_and_flash(main_app.new_user_session_path, 'You are not authorized to access this page.') end end end context 'finds parents' do let(:file_set) do file_set = FileSet.create! do |gf| gf.apply_depositor_metadata(user) end parent.ordered_members << file_set file_set end before do allow_any_instance_of(described_class).to receive(:curation_concern).and_return(file_set) end it 'finds a parent' do expect(controller.parent).to eq(parent) end it 'finds a parent id' do expect(controller.parent_id).to eq( end end end