module AttachIt extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do end module ClassMethods def has_attachment(name, options = {}) options = options.symbolize_keys name = name.to_sym after_save :save_attachments before_destroy :destroy_attachments key :"#{name}_file_name", String key :"#{name}_file_size", Integer key :"#{name}_content_type", String key :"#{name}_updated_at", Date define_method("#{name}=") do |file| information_for(name, options).assign(file) end define_method("#{name}") do information_for(name, options) end validates_each(name) do |record, attr, value| record.information_for(name, options).send(:flush_errors) end end def validates_attachment_size(name = nil, options = {}) min = options[:greater_than] || (options[:in] && options[:in].first) || 0 max = options[:less_than] || (options[:in] && options[:in].last) || (1.0/0) range = (min..max) message = options[:message] || "file size must be between :min and :max bytes" message = message.gsub(/:min/, min.to_s).gsub(/:max/, max.to_s) validates_inclusion_of :"#{name}_file_size", :in => range, :message => message, :allow_nil => true end def validates_attachment_presence(name = nil, options = {}) message = options[:message] || "must be set" validates_presence_of :"#{name}_file_name", :message => message, :if => options[:if] end def validates_attachment_content_type(name = nil, options = {}) validation_options = options.dup allowed_types = [validation_options[:content_type]].flatten message = options[:message] || "is not one of #{allowed_types.join(", ")}" validates_inclusion_of :"#{name}_content_type", :in => allowed_types, :message => message, :allow_nil => true end end module InstanceMethods def information_for(name = nil, options = nil) @attachment_options ||= {} @attachment_options[name] ||=, name, options) end def save_attachments unless @attachment_options.nil? @attachment_options.keys.each do |name| @attachment_options[name].save end end end def destroy_attachments unless @attachment_options.nil? @attachment_options.keys.each do |name| @attachment_options[name].delete end end end end end