aka-link(1) -- Link keyboard shortcuts ====================================== ## SYNOPSIS `aka link` [`-t` [,...]] [`-o` ]
`aka link` `delete` *link* ## DESCRIPTION This command manages keyboard shortcuts links in `aka(7)`. After creating a link, you can easily synchronize changes to shortcuts to designated `output` files. ## OPTIONS * `-t` [,...]: A comma-separated list of tags to filter with. Shortcuts tagged with [,...] will be included. Shortcuts tagged with other tags are excluded. Shortcuts with no tags are always included. * `-o `: The location to link the output to. * `delete` *link*: Delete the link with id *link*. ## EXAMPLES Add a link: $ aka link --tag os:linux --output \~/.aka.zsh Saved link. Remove a link: $ aka list ... ===== Links ===== [1] ~/.aka.zsh: #osx, #git [2] ~/.aka.zsh: #linux, #git $ aka link delete 2 Removed link. ## SEE ALSO `aka(7)`, `aka-sync(1)`