require 'spec_helper' describe SoapObject do context 'when calling methods on the service' do let(:response) { double('response') } let(:client) { double('client') } let(:platform) {double('savon')} let(:subject) { } before do allow(platform).to receive(:client).and_return(client) allow(client).to receive(:call).with(anything, anything).and_return(response) allow(response).to receive(:to_xml) end it 'should make a valid request' do expect(client).to receive(:call).with(:fake_call, message: {data_key: 'some_value'}).and_return(response) subject.fake_call data_key: 'some_value' end it 'should return the repsonse as xml' do expected_xml = '' expect(response).to receive(:to_xml).and_return(expected_xml) response = subject.fake_call data_key: 'some_value' expect(response).to eq(expected_xml) end it 'should make a valid request with custom xml' do expected_xml = '' expect(client).to receive(:call).with(:fake_call, xml: expected_xml).and_return(response) subject.fake_call expected_xml end end end