# Repositories ## Concept Repositories are units of information storage. With Repositories, you can save data to be queried later as you need. ## How to use repositories #### Creation First, a repository must be created by admin section to be used. Repo creation provide (only admin view) a unique token to be used. Repo token is a value to be used on putting data into a repo. Without a token, you won't be able to put data. Go to Admin > Repositories to configure repos #### Putting data into a repo To put data into a repo, you have to perform a PUT request to the mutx api url http://host:port/api/repos/<:token>/<:reponame> And data has to be passed as the body in JSON format { "fav_food":"Asado", "fav_drink":"Beer" } ### Getting data from a repo To get repository data, you have to go to the following url like: http://host:port/api/repos/<:reponame>