# encoding: utf-8 require 'aws/ses' module Backup module Notifier class Ses < Base ## # Amazon Simple Email Service (SES) Credentials attr_accessor :access_key_id, :secret_access_key ## # SES Region attr_accessor :region ## # Sender Email Address attr_accessor :from ## # Receiver Email Address attr_accessor :to def initialize(model, &block) super instance_eval(&block) if block_given? @region ||= 'eu-west-1' @send_log_on ||= [:warning, :failure] end ## # Array of statuses for which the log file should be attached. # # Available statuses are: `:success`, `:warning` and `:failure`. # Default: [:warning, :failure] attr_accessor :send_log_on private def client AWS::SES::Base.new( :access_key_id => access_key_id, :secret_access_key => secret_access_key, :server => "email.#{region}.amazonaws.com" ) end ## # Notify the user of the backup operation results. # # `status` indicates one of the following: # # `:success` # : The backup completed successfully. # : Notification will be sent if `on_success` is `true`. # # `:warning` # : The backup completed successfully, but warnings were logged. # : Notification will be sent, including a copy of the current # : backup log, if `on_warning` or `on_success` is `true`. # # `:failure` # : The backup operation failed. # : Notification will be sent, including a copy of the current # : backup log, if `on_failure` is `true`. # def notify!(status) email = ::Mail.new(:to => to, :from => from) email.subject = message.call(model, :status => status_data_for(status)) send_log = send_log_on.include?(status) template = Backup::Template.new({ :model => model, :send_log => send_log }) email.body = template.result('notifier/mail/%s.erb' % status.to_s) if send_log email.convert_to_multipart email.attachments["#{ model.time }.#{ model.trigger }.log"] = { :mime_type => 'text/plain;', :content => Logger.messages.map(&:formatted_lines).flatten.join("\n") } end client.send_raw_email(email) end end end end