Feature: Run the preview server with various target options. As a software developer I want to start the preview server with different targets In order to view my changes immediately in the browser Background: Given a fixture app "middleman_targets_app" And the default aruba timeout is 30 seconds Scenario: Start the server with the default target (pro) When I run `middleman server` interactively And I stop middleman if the output contains: """ Inspect your site configuration """ And the output should contain: """ Middleman will serve using target "pro" """ Scenario: Start the server with the --pro target When I run `middleman server --target pro` interactively And I stop middleman if the output contains: """ Inspect your site configuration """ And the output should contain: """ Middleman will serve using target "pro" """ Scenario: Start the server with the --free target When I run `middleman server --target free` interactively And I stop middleman if the output contains: """ Inspect your site configuration """ And the output should contain: """ Middleman will serve using target "free" """