require File.expand_path('../../../test_helper', __FILE__) module Etsy class ListingTest < Test::Unit::TestCase context "The Listing class" do should "be able to find a single listing" do listings = mock_request('/listings/123', {}, 'Listing', 'getListing.single.json') Listing.find(123).should == listings.first end should "be able to find multiple listings" do listings = mock_request('/listings/123,456', {}, 'Listing', 'getListing.multiple.json') Listing.find('123', '456').should == listings end context "within the scope of a shop" do should "be able to find the first 25 active listings" do listings = mock_request('/shops/1/listings/active', {}, 'Listing', 'findAllShopListings.json') Listing.find_all_by_shop_id(1).should == listings end should "be able to find expired listings" do listings = mock_request('/shops/1/listings/expired', {}, 'Listing', 'findAllShopListings.json') Listing.find_all_by_shop_id(1, :state => :expired).should == listings end should "be able to find inactive listings" do listings = mock_request('/shops/1/listings/inactive', {}, 'Listing', 'findAllShopListings.json') Listing.find_all_by_shop_id(1, :state => :inactive).should == listings end should "be able to find draft listings" do listings = mock_request('/shops/1/listings/draft', {}, 'Listing', 'findAllShopListings.json') Listing.find_all_by_shop_id(1, :state => :draft).should == listings end should "be able to find sold_out listings" do listings = mock_request('/shops/1/listings/sold_out', {}, 'Listing', 'findAllShopListings.json') Listing.find_all_by_shop_id(1, :state => :sold_out).should == listings end should "be able to find featured listings" do listings = mock_request('/shops/1/listings/featured', {}, 'Listing', 'findAllShopListings.json') Listing.find_all_by_shop_id(1, :state => :featured).should == listings end should "be able to find sold listings" do transaction_1 = stub(:listing_id => 1) transaction_2 = stub(:listing_id => 2) transaction_3 = stub(:listing_id => 1) transactions = [transaction_1, transaction_2, transaction_3] Transaction.stubs(:find_all_by_shop_id).with(1, {}).returns(transactions) Listing.stubs(:find).with([1, 2], {}).returns(['listings']) Listing.find_all_by_shop_id(1, :state => :sold).should == ['listings'] end should "defer associations to listings from transaction (sold listings)" do transaction_1 = stub(:listing_id => 1) transaction_2 = stub(:listing_id => 2) Transaction.stubs(:find_all_by_shop_id).with(1, {}).returns [transaction_1, transaction_2] Listing.stubs(:find).with([1, 2], {:includes => :an_association}).returns(['listings']) Listing.find_all_by_shop_id(1, :state => :sold, :includes => :an_association).should == ['listings'] end should "pass options through to the listing call" do transaction_1 = stub(:listing_id => 1) transaction_2 = stub(:listing_id => 2) Transaction.stubs(:find_all_by_shop_id).with(1, {:other => :params}).returns [transaction_1, transaction_2] Listing.stubs(:find).with([1, 2], {:other => :params}).returns(['listings']) Listing.find_all_by_shop_id(1, :state => :sold, :other => :params).should == ['listings'] end should "not ask the API for listings if there are no transactions" do Transaction.stubs(:find_all_by_shop_id).with(1, {}).returns([]) Listing.expects(:find).never Listing.sold_listings(1, {}) end should "be able to override limit and offset" do options = {:limit => 100, :offset => 100} listings = mock_request('/shops/1/listings/active', options, 'Listing', 'findAllShopListings.json') Listing.find_all_by_shop_id(1, options).should == listings end should "raise an exception when calling with an invalid state" do options = {:state => :awesome} lambda { Listing.find_all_by_shop_id(1, options) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end end context "within the scope of a category" do should "be able to find active listings" do active_listings = mock_request('/listings/active', {:category => 'accessories'}, 'Listing', 'findAllListingActive.category.json') Listing.find_all_active_by_category('accessories').should == active_listings end end end context "An instance of the Listing class" do context "with response data" do setup do data = read_fixture('listing/findAllShopListings.json') @listing = end should "have a value for :id" do == 59495892 end should "have a value for :state" do @listing.state.should == 'active' end should "have a value for :title" do @listing.title.should == "initials carved into tree love stamp" end should "have a value for :description" do @listing.description.should == "there! our initials are now carved deeply into this rough tree bark of memory" end should "have a value for :url" do @listing.url.should == "" end should "have a value for :view_count" do @listing.view_count.should == 37 end should "have a value for :created_at" do @listing.created_at.should == end should "have a value for :modified_at" do @listing.modified_at.should == end should "have a value for :price" do @listing.price.should == "15.00" end should "have a value for :quantity" do @listing.quantity.should == 1 end should "have a value for :currency" do @listing.currency.should == "USD" end should "have a value for :ending_at" do @listing.ending_at.should == end should "have a value for :tags" do @listing.tags.should == %w(tag_1 tag_2) end should "have a value for :materials" do @listing.materials.should == %w(material_1 material_2) end should "have a value for :hue" do @listing.hue.should == 0 end should "have a value for :saturation" do @listing.saturation.should == 0 end should "have a value for :brightness" do @listing.brightness.should == 100 end should "have a value for :black_and_white?" do @listing.black_and_white?.should == false end should "have a value for :is_supply?" do @listing.is_supply.should == false end end %w(active removed sold_out expired edit draft private unavailable).each do |state| should "know that the listing is #{state}" do listing = listing.expects(:state).with().returns(state.sub('_', '')) listing.send("#{state}?".to_sym).should be(true) end should "know that the listing is not #{state}" do listing = listing.expects(:state).with().returns(state.reverse) listing.send("#{state}?".to_sym).should be(false) end end context "with oauth" do should "have a collection of images" do listing = listing.stubs(:id).with().returns(1) listing.stubs(:token).with().returns("token") listing.stubs(:secret).with().returns("secret") Image.stubs(:find_all_by_listing_id).with(1, {access_token: "token", access_secret: "secret"}).returns('images') listing.images.should == 'images' end end context "without oauth" do should "have a collection of images" do listing = listing.stubs(:id).with().returns(1) Image.stubs(:find_all_by_listing_id).with(1, {}).returns('images') listing.images.should == 'images' end end context "with included images" do should "not hit the API to get images" do data = read_fixture('listing/getListing.single.includeImages.json') listing = Request.expects(:get).never listing.images end end should "have a default image" do listing = listing.stubs(:images).with().returns(%w(image_1 image_2)) listing.image.should == 'image_1' end end context "with favorite listings data" do setup do data = read_fixture('listing/findAllShopListings.json') @listing = listing_1 = stub(:listing_id =>, :user_id => 1) listing_2 = stub(:listing_id =>, :user_id => 2) @favorite_listings = [listing_1, listing_2] end should "have all listings" do FavoriteListing.stubs(:find_all_listings_favored_by).with(, {:access_token => nil, :access_secret => nil}).returns(@favorite_listings) User.stubs(:find).with([1, 2], {:access_token => nil, :access_secret => nil}).returns(['users']) @listing.admirers({:access_token => nil, :access_secret => nil}).should == ['users'] end end end end