habaeus: habeas
hmtl: html
htlm: html
habbit: habit
Habsbourg: Habsburg
handeled: handled
handfull: handful
hankerchief: handkerchief
hapen: happen
hapened: happened
hapening: happening
happend: happened
happended: happened
haras: harass
harased: harassed
harases: harasses
harasment: harassment
hardend: hardened
hardwear: hardware
harras: harass
harrased: harassed
harrases: harasses
harrasing: harassing
harrasment: harassment
harrass: harass
harrassed: harassed
harrasses: harasses
harrassing: harassing
harrassment: harassment
hastly: hastily
haved: have
haveing: having
hayday: heyday
hazerdous: hazardous
headquartes: headquarters
headquater: headquarter
headquatered: headquartered
headquaters: headquarters
heared: heard
hearthrob: heartthrob
heaviliy: heavily
Heidelburg: Heidelberg
heigh: height
heigth: height
hieght: height
heighth: height
heigher: higher
hightlight: highlight
highliting: highlighting
heirarchial: hierarchical
heirarchical: hierarchical
heirarchy: hierarchy
heiroglyphics: hieroglyphics
helded: held
helpfull: helpful
hemmorhage: hemorrhage
henious: heinous
heptathalon: heptathlon
heresay: hearsay
hersuit: hirsute
hersute: hirsute
hertiage: heritage
herkou: heroku
hidding: hiding
hierachical: hierarchical
hierachies: hierarchies
hierachy: hierarchy
hierarchial: hierarchical
hierarcical: hierarchical
hierarcy: hierarchy
hieroglph: hieroglyph
hieroglphs: hieroglyphs
higer: higher
higest: highest
hight: hight
highter: higher
hillarious: hilarious
hinderence: hindrance
hindrence: hindrance
hipopotamus: hippopotamus
hirsuit: hirsute
hismelf: himself
hisself: himself
histocompatability: histocompatibility
histroy: history
hitchs: hitches
hiting: hitting
hitory: history
hgoe: hoge
hoeg: hoge
hots: host
hoasted: hosted
hobbiest: hobbyist
hobbist: hobbyist
holded: held
hollistic: holistic
homebew: homebrew
homocide: homicide
homogeneize: homogenize
homogeneized: homogenized
honory: honorary
hopefull: hopeful
hopefuly: hopefully
hopeing: hoping
hopfully: hopefully
horrifing: horrifying
hosptial: hospital
hostpital: hospital
housewifes: housewives
houshold: household
houskeeper: housekeeper
houswife: housewife
howver: however
htat: that
hte: the
htey: they
htikn: think
hting: thing
htink: think
htis: this
humoural: humoral
hundered: hundred
hurricaine: hurricane
husban: husband
hvae: have
hvaing: having
hwihc: which
hwile: while
hwole: whole
hydralic: hydraulic
hydropile: hydrophile
hydropilic: hydrophilic
hydropobe: hydrophobe
hydropobic: hydrophobic
hygeine: hygiene
hygene: hygiene
hygenic: hygienic
hygine: hygiene
hypocracy: hypocrisy
hypocrasy: hypocrisy
hypocricy: hypocrisy
hypocrit: hypocrite
hypocrits: hypocrites
hyptonize: hypnotize