class << Inochi ## # Returns the name of the main program executable, which # is the same as the project name fully in lowercase. # def calc_program_name project_symbol camel_to_snake_case(project_symbol).downcase end ## # Calculates the name of the project module from the given project name. # def calc_project_symbol project_name name = project_name.to_s.gsub(/\W+/, '_').squeeze('_').gsub(/^_|_$/, '') (name[0,1].upcase + name[1..-1]).to_sym end ## # Transforms the given input from CamelCase to snake_case. # def camel_to_snake_case input input = input.to_s.dup # handle camel case like FooBar => Foo_Bar while input.gsub!(/([a-z]+)([A-Z])(\w+)/) { $1 + '_' + $2 + $3 } end # handle abbreviations like XMLParser => XML_Parser while input.gsub!(/([A-Z]+)([A-Z])([a-z]+)/) { $1 + '_' + $2 + $3 } end input end private INOCHI_LIBRARY_PATH = File.dirname(__FILE__) ## # Returns the path of the first file outside # Inochi's core from which this method was called. # def first_caller_file caller.each do |step| if file = step[/^.+(?=:\d+$)/] file = File.expand_path(file) base = File.dirname(file) break file unless base.index(INOCHI_LIBRARY_PATH) == 0 end end end ## # Returns the project module corresponding to the given symbol. # A new module is created if none already exists. # def fetch_project_module project_symbol if Object.const_defined? project_symbol project_module = Object.const_get(project_symbol) else project_module = Object.const_set project_symbol, project_module end project_module end end unless File.respond_to? :write ## # Writes the given content to the given file. # def File.write path, content open(path, 'wb') {|f| f.write content } end end