# Large Hadron Migrator [![Build Status](https://secure.travis-ci.org/soundcloud/large-hadron-migrator.png)](http://travis-ci.org/soundcloud/large-hadron-migrator) Rails style database migrations are a useful way to evolve your data schema in an agile manner. Most Rails projects start like this, and at first, making changes is fast and easy. That is until your tables grow to millions of records. At this point, the locking nature of `ALTER TABLE` may take your site down for an hour or more while critical tables are migrated. In order to avoid this, developers begin to design around the problem by introducing join tables or moving the data into another layer. Development gets less and less agile as tables grow and grow. To make the problem worse, adding or changing indices to optimize data access becomes just as difficult. > Side effects may include black holes and universe implosion. There are few things that can be done at the server or engine level. It is possible to change default values in an `ALTER TABLE` without locking the table. The InnoDB Plugin provides facilities for online index creation, which is great if you are using this engine, but only solves half the problem. At SoundCloud we started having migration pains quite a while ago, and after looking around for third party solutions [0] [1] [2], we decided to create our own. We called it Large Hadron Migrator, and it is a gem for online ActiveRecord migrations. ![LHC](http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3093/2844971993_17f2ddf2a8_z.jpg) [The Large Hadron collider at CERN](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Large_Hadron_Collider) ## The idea The basic idea is to perform the migration online while the system is live, without locking the table. Similar to OAK (online alter table) [2] and the facebook tool [0], we use a copy table, triggers and a journal table. The Large Hadron is a test driven Ruby solution which can easily be dropped into an ActiveRecord migration. It presumes a single auto incremented numerical primary key called id as per the Rails convention. Unlike the twitter solution [1], it does not require the presence of an indexed `updated_at` column. ## Usage After extending Lhm, `hadron_change_table` becomes available with the following methods: class MigrateArbitrary < ActiveRecord::Migration extend Lhm def self.up hadron_change_table(:users) do |t| t.add_column(:arbitrary, "INT(12)") t.add_index([:arbitrary, :created_at]) t.ddl("alter table %s add column flag tinyint(1)" % t.name) end end def self.down hadron_change_table(:users) do |t| t.remove_index([:arbitrary, :created_at]) t.remove_column(:arbitrary) end end end ## Migration phases _TODO_ ### When adding a column _TODO_ ### When removing a column _TODO_ ## Contributing We'll check out your contribution if you: - Provide a comprehensive suite of tests for your fork. - Have a clear and documented rationale for your changes. - Package these up in a pull request. We'll do our best to help you out with any contribution issues you may have. ## License The license is included as LICENSE in this directory. ## Footnotes [0]: http://www.facebook.com/note.php?note\_id=430801045932 "Facebook" [1]: https://github.com/freels/table\_migrator "Twitter" [2]: http://openarkkit.googlecode.com "OAK online alter table"