package org.sunflow.core.renderer; import org.sunflow.PluginRegistry; import org.sunflow.core.BucketOrder; import org.sunflow.core.Display; import org.sunflow.core.Filter; import org.sunflow.core.ImageSampler; import org.sunflow.core.Instance; import org.sunflow.core.IntersectionState; import org.sunflow.core.Options; import org.sunflow.core.Scene; import org.sunflow.core.Shader; import org.sunflow.core.ShadingState; import org.sunflow.core.bucket.BucketOrderFactory; import org.sunflow.core.filter.BoxFilter; import org.sunflow.image.Color; import org.sunflow.image.formats.GenericBitmap; import org.sunflow.math.MathUtils; import org.sunflow.math.QMC; import org.sunflow.system.Timer; import org.sunflow.system.UI; import org.sunflow.system.UI.Module; public class BucketRenderer implements ImageSampler { private Scene scene; private Display display; // resolution private int imageWidth; private int imageHeight; // bucketing private String bucketOrderName; private BucketOrder bucketOrder; private int bucketSize; private int bucketCounter; private int[] bucketCoords; private final boolean dumpBuckets; // anti-aliasing private int minAADepth; private int maxAADepth; private int superSampling; private float contrastThreshold; private boolean jitter; private boolean displayAA; // derived quantities private double invSuperSampling; private int subPixelSize; private int minStepSize; private int maxStepSize; private int sigmaOrder; private int sigmaLength; private float thresh; private boolean useJitter; // filtering private String filterName; private Filter filter; private int fs; private float fhs; public BucketRenderer() { bucketSize = 32; bucketOrderName = "hilbert"; displayAA = false; contrastThreshold = 0.1f; filterName = "box"; jitter = false; // off by default dumpBuckets = false; // for debugging only - not user settable } @Override public boolean prepare(Options options, Scene scene, int w, int h) { this.scene = scene; imageWidth = w; imageHeight = h; // fetch options bucketSize = options.getInt("bucket.size", bucketSize); bucketOrderName = options.getString("bucket.order", bucketOrderName); minAADepth = options.getInt("aa.min", minAADepth); maxAADepth = options.getInt("aa.max", maxAADepth); superSampling = options.getInt("aa.samples", superSampling); displayAA = options.getBoolean("aa.display", displayAA); jitter = options.getBoolean("aa.jitter", jitter); contrastThreshold = options.getFloat("aa.contrast", contrastThreshold); // limit bucket size and compute number of buckets in each direction bucketSize = MathUtils.clamp(bucketSize, 16, 512); int numBucketsX = (imageWidth + bucketSize - 1) / bucketSize; int numBucketsY = (imageHeight + bucketSize - 1) / bucketSize; bucketOrder = BucketOrderFactory.create(bucketOrderName); bucketCoords = bucketOrder.getBucketSequence(numBucketsX, numBucketsY); // validate AA options minAADepth = MathUtils.clamp(minAADepth, -4, 5); maxAADepth = MathUtils.clamp(maxAADepth, minAADepth, 5); superSampling = MathUtils.clamp(superSampling, 1, 256); invSuperSampling = 1.0 / superSampling; // compute AA stepping sizes subPixelSize = (maxAADepth > 0) ? (1 << maxAADepth) : 1; minStepSize = maxAADepth >= 0 ? 1 : 1 << (-maxAADepth); if (minAADepth == maxAADepth) { maxStepSize = minStepSize; } else { maxStepSize = minAADepth > 0 ? 1 << minAADepth : subPixelSize << (-minAADepth); } useJitter = jitter && maxAADepth > 0; // compute anti-aliasing contrast thresholds contrastThreshold = MathUtils.clamp(contrastThreshold, 0, 1); thresh = contrastThreshold * (float) Math.pow(2.0f, minAADepth); // read filter settings from scene filterName = options.getString("filter", filterName); filter = PluginRegistry.FILTER_PLUGINS.createObject(filterName); // adjust filter if (filter == null) { UI.printWarning(Module.BCKT, "Unrecognized filter type: \"%s\" - defaulting to box", filterName); filter = new BoxFilter(); filterName = "box"; } fhs = filter.getSize() * 0.5f; fs = (int) Math.ceil(subPixelSize * (fhs - 0.5f)); // prepare QMC sampling sigmaOrder = Math.min(QMC.MAX_SIGMA_ORDER, Math.max(0, maxAADepth) + 13); // FIXME: how big should the table be? sigmaLength = 1 << sigmaOrder; UI.printInfo(Module.BCKT, "Bucket renderer settings:"); UI.printInfo(Module.BCKT, " * Resolution: %dx%d", imageWidth, imageHeight); UI.printInfo(Module.BCKT, " * Bucket size: %d", bucketSize); UI.printInfo(Module.BCKT, " * Number of buckets: %dx%d", numBucketsX, numBucketsY); if (minAADepth != maxAADepth) { UI.printInfo(Module.BCKT, " * Anti-aliasing: %s -> %s (adaptive)", aaDepthToString(minAADepth), aaDepthToString(maxAADepth)); } else { UI.printInfo(Module.BCKT, " * Anti-aliasing: %s (fixed)", aaDepthToString(minAADepth)); } UI.printInfo(Module.BCKT, " * Rays per sample: %d", superSampling); UI.printInfo(Module.BCKT, " * Subpixel jitter: %s", useJitter ? "on" : (jitter ? "auto-off" : "off")); UI.printInfo(Module.BCKT, " * Contrast threshold: %.2f", contrastThreshold); UI.printInfo(Module.BCKT, " * Filter type: %s", filterName); UI.printInfo(Module.BCKT, " * Filter size: %.2f pixels", filter.getSize()); return true; } private String aaDepthToString(int depth) { int pixelAA = (depth) < 0 ? -(1 << (-depth)) : (1 << depth); return String.format("%s%d sample%s", depth < 0 ? "1/" : "", pixelAA * pixelAA, depth == 0 ? "" : "s"); } @Override public void render(Display display) { this.display = display; display.imageBegin(imageWidth, imageHeight, bucketSize); // set members variables bucketCounter = 0; // start task UI.taskStart("Rendering", 0, bucketCoords.length); Timer timer = new Timer(); timer.start(); BucketThread[] renderThreads = new BucketThread[scene.getThreads()]; for (int i = 0; i < renderThreads.length; i++) { renderThreads[i] = new BucketThread(i); renderThreads[i].setPriority(scene.getThreadPriority()); renderThreads[i].start(); } for (int i = 0; i < renderThreads.length; i++) { try { renderThreads[i].join(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { UI.printError(Module.BCKT, "Bucket processing thread %d of %d was interrupted", i + 1, renderThreads.length); } finally { renderThreads[i].updateStats(); } } UI.taskStop(); timer.end(); UI.printInfo(Module.BCKT, "Render time: %s", timer.toString()); display.imageEnd(); } private class BucketThread extends Thread { private final int threadID; private final IntersectionState istate; BucketThread(int threadID) { this.threadID = threadID; istate = new IntersectionState(); } @Override public void run() { while (true) { int bx, by; synchronized (BucketRenderer.this) { if (bucketCounter >= bucketCoords.length) { return; } UI.taskUpdate(bucketCounter); bx = bucketCoords[bucketCounter + 0]; by = bucketCoords[bucketCounter + 1]; bucketCounter += 2; } renderBucket(display, bx, by, threadID, istate); if (UI.taskCanceled()) { return; } } } void updateStats() { scene.accumulateStats(istate); } } private void renderBucket(Display display, int bx, int by, int threadID, IntersectionState istate) { // pixel sized extents int x0 = bx * bucketSize; int y0 = by * bucketSize; int bw = Math.min(bucketSize, imageWidth - x0); int bh = Math.min(bucketSize, imageHeight - y0); // prepare bucket display.imagePrepare(x0, y0, bw, bh, threadID); Color[] bucketRGB = new Color[bw * bh]; float[] bucketAlpha = new float[bw * bh]; // subpixel extents int sx0 = x0 * subPixelSize - fs; int sy0 = y0 * subPixelSize - fs; int sbw = bw * subPixelSize + fs * 2; int sbh = bh * subPixelSize + fs * 2; // round up to align with maximum step size sbw = (sbw + (maxStepSize - 1)) & (~(maxStepSize - 1)); sbh = (sbh + (maxStepSize - 1)) & (~(maxStepSize - 1)); // extra padding as needed if (maxStepSize > 1) { sbw++; sbh++; } // allocate bucket memory ImageSample[] samples = new ImageSample[sbw * sbh]; // allocate samples and compute jitter offsets float invSubPixelSize = 1.0f / subPixelSize; for (int y = 0, index = 0; y < sbh; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < sbw; x++, index++) { int sx = sx0 + x; int sy = sy0 + y; int j = sx & (sigmaLength - 1); int k = sy & (sigmaLength - 1); int i = (j << sigmaOrder) + QMC.sigma(k, sigmaOrder); float dx = useJitter ? (float) QMC.halton(0, k) : 0.5f; float dy = useJitter ? (float) QMC.halton(0, j) : 0.5f; float rx = (sx + dx) * invSubPixelSize; float ry = (sy + dy) * invSubPixelSize; ry = imageHeight - ry; samples[index] = new ImageSample(rx, ry, i); } } for (int x = 0; x < sbw - 1; x += maxStepSize) { for (int y = 0; y < sbh - 1; y += maxStepSize) { refineSamples(samples, sbw, x, y, maxStepSize, thresh, istate); } } if (dumpBuckets) { UI.printInfo(Module.BCKT, "Dumping bucket [%d, %d] to file ...", bx, by); GenericBitmap bitmap = new GenericBitmap(sbw, sbh); for (int y = sbh - 1, index = 0; y >= 0; y--) { for (int x = 0; x < sbw; x++, index++) { bitmap.writePixel(x, y, samples[index].c, samples[index].alpha); } }"bucket_%04d_%04d.png", bx, by)); } if (displayAA) { // color coded image of what is visible float invArea = invSubPixelSize * invSubPixelSize; for (int y = 0, index = 0; y < bh; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < bw; x++, index++) { int sampled = 0; for (int i = 0; i < subPixelSize; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < subPixelSize; j++) { int sx = x * subPixelSize + fs + i; int sy = y * subPixelSize + fs + j; int s = sx + sy * sbw; sampled += samples[s].sampled() ? 1 : 0; } } bucketRGB[index] = new Color(sampled * invArea); bucketAlpha[index] = 1.0f; } } } else { // filter samples into pixels float cy = imageHeight - (y0 + 0.5f); for (int y = 0, index = 0; y < bh; y++, cy--) { float cx = x0 + 0.5f; for (int x = 0; x < bw; x++, index++, cx++) { Color c =; float a = 0; float weight = 0.0f; for (int j = -fs, sy = y * subPixelSize; j <= fs; j++, sy++) { for (int i = -fs, sx = x * subPixelSize, s = sx + sy * sbw; i <= fs; i++, sx++, s++) { float dx = samples[s].rx - cx; if (Math.abs(dx) > fhs) { continue; } float dy = samples[s].ry - cy; if (Math.abs(dy) > fhs) { continue; } float f = filter.get(dx, dy); c.madd(f, samples[s].c); a += f * samples[s].alpha; weight += f; } } float invWeight = 1.0f / weight; c.mul(invWeight); a *= invWeight; bucketRGB[index] = c; bucketAlpha[index] = a; } } } // update pixels display.imageUpdate(x0, y0, bw, bh, bucketRGB, bucketAlpha); } private void computeSubPixel(ImageSample sample, IntersectionState istate) { float x = sample.rx; float y = sample.ry; double q0 = QMC.halton(1, sample.i); double q1 = QMC.halton(2, sample.i); double q2 = QMC.halton(3, sample.i); if (superSampling > 1) { // multiple sampling sample.add(scene.getRadiance(istate, x, y, q1, q2, q0, sample.i, 4, null)); for (int i = 1; i < superSampling; i++) { double time = QMC.mod1(q0 + i * invSuperSampling); double lensU = QMC.mod1(q1 + QMC.halton(0, i)); double lensV = QMC.mod1(q2 + QMC.halton(1, i)); sample.add(scene.getRadiance(istate, x, y, lensU, lensV, time, sample.i + i, 4, null)); } sample.scale((float) invSuperSampling); } else { // single sample sample.set(scene.getRadiance(istate, x, y, q1, q2, q0, sample.i, 4, null)); } } private void refineSamples(ImageSample[] samples, int sbw, int x, int y, int stepSize, float thresh, IntersectionState istate) { int dx = stepSize; int dy = stepSize * sbw; int i00 = x + y * sbw; ImageSample s00 = samples[i00]; ImageSample s01 = samples[i00 + dy]; ImageSample s10 = samples[i00 + dx]; ImageSample s11 = samples[i00 + dx + dy]; if (!s00.sampled()) { computeSubPixel(s00, istate); } if (!s01.sampled()) { computeSubPixel(s01, istate); } if (!s10.sampled()) { computeSubPixel(s10, istate); } if (!s11.sampled()) { computeSubPixel(s11, istate); } if (stepSize > minStepSize) { if (s00.isDifferent(s01, thresh) || s00.isDifferent(s10, thresh) || s00.isDifferent(s11, thresh) || s01.isDifferent(s11, thresh) || s10.isDifferent(s11, thresh) || s01.isDifferent(s10, thresh)) { stepSize >>= 1; thresh *= 2; refineSamples(samples, sbw, x, y, stepSize, thresh, istate); refineSamples(samples, sbw, x + stepSize, y, stepSize, thresh, istate); refineSamples(samples, sbw, x, y + stepSize, stepSize, thresh, istate); refineSamples(samples, sbw, x + stepSize, y + stepSize, stepSize, thresh, istate); return; } } // interpolate remaining samples float ds = 1.0f / stepSize; for (int i = 0; i <= stepSize; i++) { for (int j = 0; j <= stepSize; j++) { if (!samples[x + i + (y + j) * sbw].processed()) { ImageSample.bilerp(samples[x + i + (y + j) * sbw], s00, s01, s10, s11, i * ds, j * ds); } } } } private static final class ImageSample { float rx, ry; int i, n; Color c; float alpha; Instance instance; Shader shader; float nx, ny, nz; ImageSample(float rx, float ry, int i) { this.rx = rx; this.ry = ry; this.i = i; n = 0; c = null; alpha = 0; instance = null; shader = null; nx = ny = nz = 1; } final void set(ShadingState state) { if (state == null) { c = Color.BLACK; } else { c = state.getResult(); shader = state.getShader(); instance = state.getInstance(); if (state.getNormal() != null) { nx = state.getNormal().x; ny = state.getNormal().y; nz = state.getNormal().z; } alpha = state.getInstance() == null ? 0 : 1; } n = 1; } final void add(ShadingState state) { if (n == 0) { c =; } if (state != null) { c.add(state.getResult()); alpha += state.getInstance() == null ? 0 : 1; } n++; } final void scale(float s) { c.mul(s); alpha *= s; } final boolean processed() { return c != null; } final boolean sampled() { return n > 0; } final boolean isDifferent(ImageSample sample, float thresh) { if (instance != sample.instance) { return true; } if (shader != sample.shader) { return true; } if (Color.hasContrast(c, sample.c, thresh)) { return true; } if (Math.abs(alpha - sample.alpha) / (alpha + sample.alpha) > thresh) { return true; } // only compare normals if this pixel has not been averaged float dot = (nx * sample.nx + ny * sample.ny + nz *; return dot < 0.9f; } static final ImageSample bilerp(ImageSample result, ImageSample i00, ImageSample i01, ImageSample i10, ImageSample i11, float dx, float dy) { float k00 = (1.0f - dx) * (1.0f - dy); float k01 = (1.0f - dx) * dy; float k10 = dx * (1.0f - dy); float k11 = dx * dy; Color c00 = i00.c; Color c01 = i01.c; Color c10 = i10.c; Color c11 = i11.c; Color c = Color.mul(k00, c00); c.madd(k01, c01); c.madd(k10, c10); c.madd(k11, c11); result.c = c; result.alpha = k00 * i00.alpha + k01 * i01.alpha + k10 * i10.alpha + k11 * i11.alpha; return result; } } }