// ========================================================================== // Project: SproutCore Costello - Property Observing Library // Copyright: ©2006-2011 Strobe Inc. and contributors. // Portions ©2008-2011 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. // License: Licensed under MIT license (see license.js) // ========================================================================== /*globals CoreTest module */ /** @class A test Suite defines a group of reusable unit tests that can be added to a test plan at any time by calling the generate() method. Suites are most useful for defining groups of tests that validate compliance with a mixin. You can then generate customized versions of the test suite for different types of objects to ensure that both the mixin and the object implementing the mixin use the API properly. ## Using a Suite To use a Suite, call the generate() method on the suite inside on of your unit test files. This will generate new modules and tests in the suite and add them to your test plan. Usually you will need to customize the suite to apply to a specific object. You can supply these customizations through an attribute hash passed to the generate() method. See the documentation on the specific test suite for information on the kind of customizations you may need to provide. ### Example // generates the SC.ArrayTestSuite tests for a built-in array. SC.ArrayTests.generate('Array', { newObject: function() { return []; } }); ## Defining a Suite To define a test suite, simply call the extend() method, passing any attributes you want to define on the suite along with this method. You can then add functions that will define the test suite with the define() method. Functions you pass to define will have an instance of the test suite passed as their first parameter when invoked. ### Example SC.ArrayTests = CoreTest.Suite.create("Verify SC.Array compliance", { // override to generate a new object that implements SC.Array newObject: function() { return null; } }); SC.ArrayTests.define(function(T) { T.module("length tests"); test("new length", function() { equals(T.object.get('length'), 0, 'array length'); }); }); @since SproutCore 1.0 */ CoreTest.Suite = /** @scope CoreTest.Suite.prototype */ { /** Call this method to define a new test suite. Pass one or more hashes of properties you want added to the new suite. @param {Hash} attrs one or more attribute hashes @returns {CoreTest.Suite} subclass of suite. */ create: function(desc, attrs) { var len = arguments.length, ret = CoreTest.beget(this), idx; // copy any attributes for(idx=1;idx %@", /** Default setup method for use with modules. This method will call the newObject() method and set its return value on the object property of the receiver. */ setup: function() { this.object = this.newObject(); }, /** Default teardown method for use with modules. This method will call the destroyObject() method, passing the current object property on the receiver. It will also clear the object property. */ teardown: function() { if (this.object) this.destroyObject(this.object); this.object = null; }, /** Default method to create a new object instance. You will probably want to override this method when you generate() a suite with a function that can generate the type of object you want to test. @returns {Object} generated object */ newObject: function() { return null; }, /** Default method to destroy a generated object instance after a test has completed. If you override newObject() you can also override this method to cleanup the object you just created. Default method does nothing. */ destroyObject: function(obj) { // do nothing. }, /** Generates a default module with the description you provide. This is a convenience function for use inside of a definition function. You could do the same thing by calling: var T = this ; module(T.desc(description), { setup: function() { T.setup(); }, teardown: function() { T.teardown(); } } @param {String} desc detailed description @returns {CoreTest.Suite} receiver */ module: function(desc) { var T = this ; module(T.desc(desc), { setup: function() { T.setup(); }, teardown: function() { T.teardown(); } }); } };