# # A Complex object houses a pair of values, given when the object is created as # either *rectangular coordinates* or *polar coordinates*. # # ## Rectangular Coordinates # # The rectangular coordinates of a complex number are called the *real* and # *imaginary* parts; see [Complex number # definition](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Complex_number#Definition). # # You can create a Complex object from rectangular coordinates with: # # * A [complex literal](rdoc-ref:doc/syntax/literals.rdoc@Complex+Literals). # * Method Complex.rect. # * Method Kernel#Complex, either with numeric arguments or with certain # string arguments. # * Method String#to_c, for certain strings. # # # Note that each of the stored parts may be a an instance one of the classes # Complex, Float, Integer, or Rational; they may be retrieved: # # * Separately, with methods Complex#real and Complex#imaginary. # * Together, with method Complex#rect. # # # The corresponding (computed) polar values may be retrieved: # # * Separately, with methods Complex#abs and Complex#arg. # * Together, with method Complex#polar. # # # ## Polar Coordinates # # The polar coordinates of a complex number are called the *absolute* and # *argument* parts; see [Complex polar # plane](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Complex_number#Polar_complex_plane). # # In this class, the argument part in expressed # [radians](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radian) (not # [degrees](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Degree_(angle))). # # You can create a Complex object from polar coordinates with: # # * Method Complex.polar. # * Method Kernel#Complex, with certain string arguments. # * Method String#to_c, for certain strings. # # # Note that each of the stored parts may be a an instance one of the classes # Complex, Float, Integer, or Rational; they may be retrieved: # # * Separately, with methods Complex#abs and Complex#arg. # * Together, with method Complex#polar. # # # The corresponding (computed) rectangular values may be retrieved: # # * Separately, with methods Complex#real and Complex#imag. # * Together, with method Complex#rect. # class Complex < Numeric # # Returns a new Complex object formed from the arguments, each of which must be # an instance of Numeric, or an instance of one of its subclasses: Complex, # Float, Integer, Rational. Argument `arg` is given in radians; see [Polar # Coordinates](rdoc-ref:Complex@Polar+Coordinates): # # Complex.polar(3) # => (3+0i) # Complex.polar(3, 2.0) # => (-1.2484405096414273+2.727892280477045i) # Complex.polar(-3, -2.0) # => (1.2484405096414273+2.727892280477045i) # def self.polar: (Numeric, ?Numeric) -> Complex # # Returns a new Complex object formed from the arguments, each of which must be # an instance of Numeric, or an instance of one of its subclasses: Complex, # Float, Integer, Rational; see [Rectangular # Coordinates](rdoc-ref:Complex@Rectangular+Coordinates): # # Complex.rect(3) # => (3+0i) # Complex.rect(3, Math::PI) # => (3+3.141592653589793i) # Complex.rect(-3, -Math::PI) # => (-3-3.141592653589793i) # # Complex.rectangular is an alias for Complex.rect. # def self.rect: (Numeric, ?Numeric) -> Complex # # Returns a new Complex object formed from the arguments, each of which must be # an instance of Numeric, or an instance of one of its subclasses: Complex, # Float, Integer, Rational; see [Rectangular # Coordinates](rdoc-ref:Complex@Rectangular+Coordinates): # # Complex.rect(3) # => (3+0i) # Complex.rect(3, Math::PI) # => (3+3.141592653589793i) # Complex.rect(-3, -Math::PI) # => (-3-3.141592653589793i) # # Complex.rectangular is an alias for Complex.rect. # alias self.rectangular self.rect public # # Returns the product of `self` and `numeric`: # # Complex(2, 3) * Complex(2, 3) # => (-5+12i) # Complex(900) * Complex(1) # => (900+0i) # Complex(-2, 9) * Complex(-9, 2) # => (0-85i) # Complex(9, 8) * 4 # => (36+32i) # Complex(20, 9) * 9.8 # => (196.0+88.2i) # def *: (Numeric) -> Complex # # Returns `self` raised to power `numeric`: # # Complex('i') ** 2 # => (-1+0i) # Complex(-8) ** Rational(1, 3) # => (1.0000000000000002+1.7320508075688772i) # def **: (Numeric) -> Complex # # Returns the sum of `self` and `numeric`: # # Complex(2, 3) + Complex(2, 3) # => (4+6i) # Complex(900) + Complex(1) # => (901+0i) # Complex(-2, 9) + Complex(-9, 2) # => (-11+11i) # Complex(9, 8) + 4 # => (13+8i) # Complex(20, 9) + 9.8 # => (29.8+9i) # def +: (Numeric) -> Complex def +@: () -> Complex # # Returns the difference of `self` and `numeric`: # # Complex(2, 3) - Complex(2, 3) # => (0+0i) # Complex(900) - Complex(1) # => (899+0i) # Complex(-2, 9) - Complex(-9, 2) # => (7+7i) # Complex(9, 8) - 4 # => (5+8i) # Complex(20, 9) - 9.8 # => (10.2+9i) # def -: (Numeric) -> Complex # # Returns the negation of `self`, which is the negation of each of its parts: # # -Complex(1, 2) # => (-1-2i) # -Complex(-1, -2) # => (1+2i) # def -@: () -> Complex # # Returns the quotient of `self` and `numeric`: # # Complex(2, 3) / Complex(2, 3) # => ((1/1)+(0/1)*i) # Complex(900) / Complex(1) # => ((900/1)+(0/1)*i) # Complex(-2, 9) / Complex(-9, 2) # => ((36/85)-(77/85)*i) # Complex(9, 8) / 4 # => ((9/4)+(2/1)*i) # Complex(20, 9) / 9.8 # => (2.0408163265306123+0.9183673469387754i) # def /: (Numeric) -> Complex def <: (Numeric) -> bot def <=: (Numeric) -> bot # # Returns: # # * `self.real <=> object.real` if both of the following are true: # # * `self.imag == 0`. # * `object.imag == 0`. # Always true if object is numeric but not # complex. # # # * `nil` otherwise. # # # Examples: # # Complex(2) <=> 3 # => -1 # Complex(2) <=> 2 # => 0 # Complex(2) <=> 1 # => 1 # Complex(2, 1) <=> 1 # => nil # self.imag not zero. # Complex(1) <=> Complex(1, 1) # => nil # object.imag not zero. # Complex(1) <=> 'Foo' # => nil # object.imag not defined. # def <=>: (untyped) -> Integer? # # Returns `true` if `self.real == object.real` and `self.imag == object.imag`: # # Complex(2, 3) == Complex(2.0, 3.0) # => true # def ==: (untyped) -> bool def >: (Numeric) -> bot def >=: (Numeric) -> bot # # Returns the absolute value (magnitude) for `self`; see [polar # coordinates](rdoc-ref:Complex@Polar+Coordinates): # # Complex.polar(-1, 0).abs # => 1.0 # # If `self` was created with [rectangular # coordinates](rdoc-ref:Complex@Rectangular+Coordinates), the returned value is # computed, and may be inexact: # # Complex.rectangular(1, 1).abs # => 1.4142135623730951 # The square root of 2. # def abs: () -> Numeric # # Returns square of the absolute value (magnitude) for `self`; see [polar # coordinates](rdoc-ref:Complex@Polar+Coordinates): # # Complex.polar(2, 2).abs2 # => 4.0 # # If `self` was created with [rectangular # coordinates](rdoc-ref:Complex@Rectangular+Coordinates), the returned value is # computed, and may be inexact: # # Complex.rectangular(1.0/3, 1.0/3).abs2 # => 0.2222222222222222 # def abs2: () -> Numeric # # Returns the argument (angle) for `self` in radians; see [polar # coordinates](rdoc-ref:Complex@Polar+Coordinates): # # Complex.polar(3, Math::PI/2).arg # => 1.57079632679489660 # # If `self` was created with [rectangular # coordinates](rdoc-ref:Complex@Rectangular+Coordinates), the returned value is # computed, and may be inexact: # # Complex.polar(1, 1.0/3).arg # => 0.33333333333333326 # def angle: () -> Float # # Returns the argument (angle) for `self` in radians; see [polar # coordinates](rdoc-ref:Complex@Polar+Coordinates): # # Complex.polar(3, Math::PI/2).arg # => 1.57079632679489660 # # If `self` was created with [rectangular # coordinates](rdoc-ref:Complex@Rectangular+Coordinates), the returned value is # computed, and may be inexact: # # Complex.polar(1, 1.0/3).arg # => 0.33333333333333326 # alias arg angle def ceil: (*untyped) -> bot def coerce: (Numeric) -> [ Complex, Complex ] # # Returns the conjugate of `self`, `Complex.rect(self.imag, self.real)`: # # Complex.rect(1, 2).conj # => (1-2i) # def conj: () -> Complex # # Returns the conjugate of `self`, `Complex.rect(self.imag, self.real)`: # # Complex.rect(1, 2).conj # => (1-2i) # def conjugate: () -> Complex # # Returns the denominator of `self`, which is the [least common # multiple](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Least_common_multiple) of # `self.real.denominator` and `self.imag.denominator`: # # Complex.rect(Rational(1, 2), Rational(2, 3)).denominator # => 6 # # Note that `n.denominator` of a non-rational numeric is `1`. # # Related: Complex#numerator. # def denominator: () -> Integer def div: (Numeric) -> bot def divmod: (Numeric) -> bot def dup: () -> self def eql?: (untyped) -> bool # # Returns `Complex(self.real/numeric, self.imag/numeric)`: # # Complex(11, 22).fdiv(3) # => (3.6666666666666665+7.333333333333333i) # def fdiv: (Numeric) -> Complex # # Returns `true` if both `self.real.finite?` and `self.imag.finite?` are true, # `false` otherwise: # # Complex(1, 1).finite? # => true # Complex(Float::INFINITY, 0).finite? # => false # # Related: Numeric#finite?, Float#finite?. # def finite?: () -> bool def floor: (?Integer) -> bot # # Returns the integer hash value for `self`. # # Two Complex objects created from the same values will have the same hash value # (and will compare using #eql?): # # Complex(1, 2).hash == Complex(1, 2).hash # => true # def hash: () -> Integer def i: () -> bot # # Returns the imaginary value for `self`: # # Complex(7).imaginary #=> 0 # Complex(9, -4).imaginary #=> -4 # # If `self` was created with [polar # coordinates](rdoc-ref:Complex@Polar+Coordinates), the returned value is # computed, and may be inexact: # # Complex.polar(1, Math::PI/4).imag # => 0.7071067811865476 # Square root of 2. # def imag: () -> Numeric # # Returns the imaginary value for `self`: # # Complex(7).imaginary #=> 0 # Complex(9, -4).imaginary #=> -4 # # If `self` was created with [polar # coordinates](rdoc-ref:Complex@Polar+Coordinates), the returned value is # computed, and may be inexact: # # Complex.polar(1, Math::PI/4).imag # => 0.7071067811865476 # Square root of 2. # def imaginary: () -> Numeric # # Returns `1` if either `self.real.infinite?` or `self.imag.infinite?` is true, # `nil` otherwise: # # Complex(Float::INFINITY, 0).infinite? # => 1 # Complex(1, 1).infinite? # => nil # # Related: Numeric#infinite?, Float#infinite?. # def infinite?: () -> Integer? # # Returns a string representation of `self`: # # Complex(2).inspect # => "(2+0i)" # Complex('-8/6').inspect # => "((-4/3)+0i)" # Complex('1/2i').inspect # => "(0+(1/2)*i)" # Complex(0, Float::INFINITY).inspect # => "(0+Infinity*i)" # Complex(Float::NAN, Float::NAN).inspect # => "(NaN+NaN*i)" # def inspect: () -> String def integer?: () -> bool # # Returns the absolute value (magnitude) for `self`; see [polar # coordinates](rdoc-ref:Complex@Polar+Coordinates): # # Complex.polar(-1, 0).abs # => 1.0 # # If `self` was created with [rectangular # coordinates](rdoc-ref:Complex@Rectangular+Coordinates), the returned value is # computed, and may be inexact: # # Complex.rectangular(1, 1).abs # => 1.4142135623730951 # The square root of 2. # alias magnitude abs def modulo: (Numeric) -> bot def negative?: () -> bot def nonzero?: () -> self? # # Returns the Complex object created from the numerators of the real and # imaginary parts of `self`, after converting each part to the [lowest common # denominator](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lowest_common_denominator) of the # two: # # c = Complex(Rational(2, 3), Rational(3, 4)) # => ((2/3)+(3/4)*i) # c.numerator # => (8+9i) # # In this example, the lowest common denominator of the two parts is 12; the two # converted parts may be thought of as Rational(8, 12) and Rational(9, 12), # whose numerators, respectively, are 8 and 9; so the returned value of # `c.numerator` is `Complex(8, 9)`. # # Related: Complex#denominator. # def numerator: () -> Complex # # Returns the argument (angle) for `self` in radians; see [polar # coordinates](rdoc-ref:Complex@Polar+Coordinates): # # Complex.polar(3, Math::PI/2).arg # => 1.57079632679489660 # # If `self` was created with [rectangular # coordinates](rdoc-ref:Complex@Rectangular+Coordinates), the returned value is # computed, and may be inexact: # # Complex.polar(1, 1.0/3).arg # => 0.33333333333333326 # alias phase angle # # Returns the array `[self.abs, self.arg]`: # # Complex.polar(1, 2).polar # => [1.0, 2.0] # # See [Polar Coordinates](rdoc-ref:Complex@Polar+Coordinates). # # If `self` was created with [rectangular # coordinates](rdoc-ref:Complex@Rectangular+Coordinates), the returned value is # computed, and may be inexact: # # Complex.rect(1, 1).polar # => [1.4142135623730951, 0.7853981633974483] # def polar: () -> [ Numeric, Float ] def positive?: () -> bot # # Returns the quotient of `self` and `numeric`: # # Complex(2, 3) / Complex(2, 3) # => ((1/1)+(0/1)*i) # Complex(900) / Complex(1) # => ((900/1)+(0/1)*i) # Complex(-2, 9) / Complex(-9, 2) # => ((36/85)-(77/85)*i) # Complex(9, 8) / 4 # => ((9/4)+(2/1)*i) # Complex(20, 9) / 9.8 # => (2.0408163265306123+0.9183673469387754i) # def quo: (Numeric) -> Complex # # Returns a Rational object whose value is exactly or approximately equivalent # to that of `self.real`. # # With no argument `epsilon` given, returns a Rational object whose value is # exactly equal to that of `self.real.rationalize`: # # Complex(1, 0).rationalize # => (1/1) # Complex(1, Rational(0, 1)).rationalize # => (1/1) # Complex(3.14159, 0).rationalize # => (314159/100000) # # With argument `epsilon` given, returns a Rational object whose value is # exactly or approximately equal to that of `self.real` to the given precision: # # Complex(3.14159, 0).rationalize(0.1) # => (16/5) # Complex(3.14159, 0).rationalize(0.01) # => (22/7) # Complex(3.14159, 0).rationalize(0.001) # => (201/64) # Complex(3.14159, 0).rationalize(0.0001) # => (333/106) # Complex(3.14159, 0).rationalize(0.00001) # => (355/113) # Complex(3.14159, 0).rationalize(0.000001) # => (7433/2366) # Complex(3.14159, 0).rationalize(0.0000001) # => (9208/2931) # Complex(3.14159, 0).rationalize(0.00000001) # => (47460/15107) # Complex(3.14159, 0).rationalize(0.000000001) # => (76149/24239) # Complex(3.14159, 0).rationalize(0.0000000001) # => (314159/100000) # Complex(3.14159, 0).rationalize(0.0) # => (3537115888337719/1125899906842624) # # Related: Complex#to_r. # def rationalize: (?Numeric eps) -> Rational # # Returns the real value for `self`: # # Complex(7).real #=> 7 # Complex(9, -4).real #=> 9 # # If `self` was created with [polar # coordinates](rdoc-ref:Complex@Polar+Coordinates), the returned value is # computed, and may be inexact: # # Complex.polar(1, Math::PI/4).real # => 0.7071067811865476 # Square root of 2. # def real: () -> Numeric # # Returns `false`; for compatibility with Numeric#real?. # def real?: () -> false # # Returns a new Complex object formed from the arguments, each of which must be # an instance of Numeric, or an instance of one of its subclasses: Complex, # Float, Integer, Rational; see [Rectangular # Coordinates](rdoc-ref:Complex@Rectangular+Coordinates): # # Complex.rect(3) # => (3+0i) # Complex.rect(3, Math::PI) # => (3+3.141592653589793i) # Complex.rect(-3, -Math::PI) # => (-3-3.141592653589793i) # # Complex.rectangular is an alias for Complex.rect. # def rect: () -> [ Numeric, Numeric ] # # Returns the array `[self.real, self.imag]`: # # Complex.rect(1, 2).rect # => [1, 2] # # See [Rectangular Coordinates](rdoc-ref:Complex@Rectangular+Coordinates). # # If `self` was created with [polar # coordinates](rdoc-ref:Complex@Polar+Coordinates), the returned value is # computed, and may be inexact: # # Complex.polar(1.0, 1.0).rect # => [0.5403023058681398, 0.8414709848078965] # # Complex#rectangular is an alias for Complex#rect. # alias rectangular rect def reminder: (Numeric) -> bot def round: (*untyped) -> bot def step: (*untyped) ?{ (*untyped) -> untyped } -> bot # # Returns `self`. # def to_c: () -> Complex # # Returns the value of `self.real` as a Float, if possible: # # Complex(1, 0).to_f # => 1.0 # Complex(1, Rational(0, 1)).to_f # => 1.0 # # Raises RangeError if `self.imag` is not exactly zero (either `Integer(0)` or # `Rational(0, *n*)`). # def to_f: () -> Float # # Returns the value of `self.real` as an Integer, if possible: # # Complex(1, 0).to_i # => 1 # Complex(1, Rational(0, 1)).to_i # => 1 # # Raises RangeError if `self.imag` is not exactly zero (either `Integer(0)` or # `Rational(0, *n*)`). # def to_i: () -> Integer alias to_int to_i # # Returns the value of `self.real` as a Rational, if possible: # # Complex(1, 0).to_r # => (1/1) # Complex(1, Rational(0, 1)).to_r # => (1/1) # # Raises RangeError if `self.imag` is not exactly zero (either `Integer(0)` or # `Rational(0, *n*)`). # # Related: Complex#rationalize. # def to_r: () -> Rational # # Returns a string representation of `self`: # # Complex(2).to_s # => "2+0i" # Complex('-8/6').to_s # => "-4/3+0i" # Complex('1/2i').to_s # => "0+1/2i" # Complex(0, Float::INFINITY).to_s # => "0+Infinity*i" # Complex(Float::NAN, Float::NAN).to_s # => "NaN+NaN*i" # def to_s: () -> String def truncate: (?Integer) -> bot def zero?: () -> bool end # # Equivalent to `Complex(0, 1)`: # # Complex::I # => (0+1i) # Complex::I: Complex