# PVC Glue ###Pico Virtual Cloud The "glue" that creates a tightly integrated (and very small) virtual cloud for your Rails applications. PVC Glue is an cloud application manager for Rails applications using your own (virtual) servers. PVC Glue was developed as a professional grade replacement for Heroku (and others). It is designed to be used on small to medium size applications, depending on the application requirements and hardware used. ![pvcglue diagram](/../master/images/pvcglue.png?raw=true "PVC Glue Server Diagram") Currently supported stack: * SSL support: none, manual and automatic with Let's Encrypt * Ubuntu 16.04 LTS * Provision servers automatically on Digital Ocean and Linode * No need to install anything on servers first (you just need SSH access) * Ruby >= 1.9 (multiple versions supported on same server!) * Rails >= 3.2 * RVM * Postgresql 9.6 * Nginx * Phusion Passenger (>= 5.x) * Memcached* * Redis * Designed to easily manage multiple environments (i.e. alpha, beta, preview, production ...) Workers: * Sidekiq * Delayed Job* * Rescue* (* Coming soon) # Quick Start ##New developer starting to working a application with PVC Glue already set up For each development machine used, the "manager" must be configured once. pvc manager configure # This is a work in progress Although this project is being used on productions sites, this should be considered "Beta" code, as things my change without notice until version 1.0. :) # First Time Set Up for Existing Project Note: An existing authorized user must perform steps 1-3. 1. Add the new user's public key to the manager pvc manager user /path/to/id_rsa.pub 2. Add the new user's public key to the project(s) pvc manager pull # to ensure the latest data Edit the file listed after "Saved as:" add public SSH key of new user to project(s) pvc manager push 3. Update all environments to allow access pvc alpha bootstrap pvc beta bootstrap # if not the same set of servers as alpha pvc preview bootstrap # if not the same set of servers as alpha/beta pvc production bootstrap 4. Configure the manager (only once per developer machine, if set as the default). pvc manager configure # only once per developer machine, if set as default 5. Test. pvc alpha c # start a rails console on the alpha web server 6. If you have any problems, see the [Troubleshooting](#troubleshooting) section. ## Common Usage Always do a `pvc manager pull` once before making any changes to ensure you have the latest data. (Caching will be improved as time permitts.) * Deploy a stage pvc deploy * Set an environment variable or variables pvc env set XYZ=123 [ZZZ=321] # this will restart the app * #####Pull down a copy of the production db pvc production db pull If you are trying to access the db server from outside the allowed IP address, you will need to first add your IP as an allowed address to the db server. This will only stay in effect until the `pvc build` command is issued again. (This is a work-around for external developers accessing via changing IP addresses.) pvc production sh d # Then on the remote server, execute: sudo ufw allow from nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn exit * Restore a db dump to you local development machine pvc restore path/to/dump/file.dump * edit configuration pvc manager pull # to ensure the latest data Edit the file listed after "Saved as:" pvc manager push * update deployment settings after making changes to the configuration pvc capify # must be done on all stages! * restart delayed job workers (this may change once a bug is resolved) cap production deploy:delayed_job_restart # Help Commands: pvc bootstrap -s, --stage=STAGE # bootstrap... pvc build -s, --stage=STAGE # build... pvc c -s, --stage=STAGE # shortcut for console pvc capify -s, --stage=STAGE # update capistrano configuration pvc console -s, --stage=STAGE # open rails console pvc db SUBCOMMAND ...ARGS # db utils pvc db config # create/update database.yml pvc db dump # dump pvc db help [COMMAND] # Describe subcommands or one specific subcommand pvc db info # info pvc db pull # pull pvc db push # push pvc db restore # restore pvc deploy -s, --stage=STAGE # deploy the app pvc env SUBCOMMAND ...ARGS -s, --stage=STAGE # manage stage environment pvc env default # reset env to default. Destructive!!! pvc env help [COMMAND] # Describe subcommands or one specific subcommand pvc env list # list pvc env pull # pull pvc env push # push pvc env rm # alternative to unset pvc env set # set environment variable(s) for the stage XYZ=123 [ZZZ=321] pvc env unset # remove environment variable(s) for the stage XYZ [ZZZ] pvc help [COMMAND] # Describe available commands or one specific c... pvc info # show the pvcglue version and cloud settings pvc m -s, --stage=STAGE # enable or disable maintenance mode pvc maint -s, --stage=STAGE # enable or disable maintenance mode pvc maintenance -s, --stage=STAGE # enable or disable maintenance mode pvc manager SUBCOMMAND ...ARGS # manage manager pvc manager bootstrap # bootstrap pvc manager configure # configure pvc manager help [COMMAND] # Describe subcommands or one specific subcommand pvc manager info # show manager data pvc manager pull # pull pvc manager push # push pvc manager s # run shell pvc manager shell # run shell pvc manager show # show manager data pvc s -s, --stage=STAGE # shell pvc sh -s, --stage=STAGE # run interactive shell on node pvc ssl SUBCOMMAND ...ARGS -s, --stage=STAGE # manage ssl certificates pvc ssl csr # create new csr pvc ssl help [COMMAND] # Describe subcommands or one specific subcommand pvc ssl import # import .key or .crt or both if no extension given (.crt must be 'pre... pvc version # show the version of PVC... https://github.com/radar/guides/blob/master/gem-development.md#releasing-the-gem ## Installation Add these lines to your application's Gemfile. `dotenv-rails` must be listed first! ################# Must be the first Gem ################### gem 'dotenv-rails' ################# Must be the first Gem ################### Then add these lines to your application's Gemfile, wherever you like (usually at the end): gem 'pvcglue', "~> 0.9.2", :group => :development gem 'pvcglue_dbutils', "~> 0.5.3" And then execute: $ bundle Notes: .ruby-version .ruby-gemset Ruby verions in Gemfile pvc manager configure # once per machine pvc manager bootstrap add *.toml and *.dump to .gitignore create main toml file add public/maintenance/maintenance.html pvc alpha bootstrap pvc alpha pvcify pvc alpha build pvc alpha deploy modify config/initializers/secret_token.rb to include if Rails.env.in?(%w(development test)) Rails.application.config.secret_token = 'This is insecure, please do not ever use in a publicly available application!' else Rails.application.config.secret_token = ENV['RAILS_SECRET_TOKEN'] || raise('No secret token specified. :(') raise('Secret token is too short. :(') if Rails.application.config.secret_token.length < 30 end ## Troubleshooting ### If you see this while trying to deploy DEBUG[426eda1d] Permission denied (publickey). DEBUG[426eda1d] fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly it probably means that your SSH key is not being forwarded. You will need to edit (or create) `~/.ssh/config` and add the host(s) you want to connect to. Replace `example.com` with the name or IP you want to connect to. (Note: You will need an entry for each 'web' server in the cluster in order to deploy.) Host example.com ForwardAgent yes You can use `Host *` if you understand the security risks, and are not connecting to any untrusted servers over SSH. And then add your key to the agent ssh-add -K More information can be found at https://developer.github.com/guides/using-ssh-agent-forwarding/ ### If you get an error like DEBUG[d416069c] fatal: Not a valid object name DEBUG[d416069c] tar: This does not look like a tar archive DEBUG[d416069c] tar: Exiting with failure status due to previous errors it probably means that you have not pushed up the branch, yet. :) ## Developing To use locally committed gem, use bundle config local.pvcglue ~/projects/pvcglue and bundle config --delete local.pvcglue to restore using remote repo. See http://ryanbigg.com/2013/08/bundler-local-paths/ and http://bundler.io/v1.3/bundle_config.html gem 'pvcglue', "~> 0.1.5", :github => 'talyric/pvcglue', :branch => 'master', :group => :development gem 'pvcglue_dbutils', "~> 0.5.2", :github => 'talyric/pvcglue_dbutils', :branch => 'master' # must be available in all environments ## Contributing 1. Fork it 2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`) 3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`) 4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`) 5. Create new Pull Request License ------- MIT License Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.