# Change Log ## 0.0.24 - Hello, Entry! - Update `entry` data-binding logic to trace 'write' changes to `entry` `textvariable` as that is more correct than monitoring `validatecommand` - Support `entry` `validate` (alias for `validatecommand`), `invalid` (alias for `invalidcommand`), and `change` event bindings - Support `entry` `show` and `validate` attributes - Support `grid` options `row_weight` (for row expansion), `column_weight` (for column expansion), `row_minsize` (alias: `min_height`), and `column_minsize` (alias: `min_width`) ## 0.0.23 - Hello, Radiobutton! - Support `radiobutton` ensuring that sibling radio buttons share the same variable to achieve mutually exclusive selection - Improved Hello, Checkbutton! sample to demonstrate alternate checkbutton value (half-checked state) - Support `checkbutton` with specified `onvalue` and `offvalue` (when they do not have values 1 and 0) - Alias `root` `title` attribute as `text` & add children attribute to widgets - Alias `notebook` `frame` `:title` as `:text` - Alias message_box `:title` as `:text` - Fix reference to `Glimmer::Tk::CheckbuttonProxy` (was `Glimmer::Tk::ChecktbuttonProxy`) ## 0.0.22 - Hello, Checkbutton! - Support checkbutton data-binding ## 0.0.21 - Support event bindings via `on(event) {}` syntax nestable under any widget - Support `root` event binding: `'WM_DELETE_WINDOW'` and alias `'DELETE_WINDOW'` - Support `root` event binding: `'OPEN_WINDOW'` - Support `root` attribute: `background` (any color including `systemTransparent`) - Support `root` boolean attribute: `alpha` - Support `root` boolean attributes: `fullscreen`, `topmost`, `transparent` - Support `root` attributes: `stackorder`, `winfo_screendepth`, `winfo_screenvisual`, `winfo_screenwidth`, `winfo_screenheight`, `winfo_pixels('li')`, `winfo_screen`, `wm_maxsize` - Support `root` attribute: `state` (`'normal', 'iconic', 'withdrawn', 'icon', 'zoomed'`) ## 0.0.20 - Hello, Root! sample - Support `root` `width`, `height`, `x`, `y` attributes - Support `root` attribute: `resizable` - Support `root` attribute: `minsize` - Support `root` attribute: `maxsize` - Set minimum width/height on `root` (190 pixels) ## 0.0.18 - Hello, Frame! sample - Avoid setting grid geometry manager on `toplevel` widget - Support `frame` `width` and `height` attributes - Support `frame` `borderwidth` attribute - Support `frame` `relief` attribute - Support `frame` `padding` attribute - Rename Hello, Tab! to Hello, Notebook! ## 0.0.17 - Hello, Label! sample - Support `label` `anchor` attribute (`'e'`, `'se'`, `'s'`, `'sw'`, `'w'`, `'nw'` or `'center'`) - Support `label` `width` attributes - Support `label` `image` attribute - Support `label` `justify` attribute (`'left', 'center', 'right'`) - Support `label` `font` attribute (`'default', 'text', 'fixed', 'menu', 'heading', 'caption', 'small_caption', 'icon', 'tooltip'`) - Support `label` `foreground` attribute - Support `label` `background` attribute (note that it does not work in Mac 'aqua' theme) - Support `label` `compound` attribute - Support `label` `relief` attributes (`'flat' (default), 'raised', 'sunken', 'solid', 'ridge', 'groove'`) ## 0.0.16 - Support common themed widget state attributes: `active`, `disabled`, `focus`, `pressed`, `selected`, `background`, `readonly`, `alternate`, `invalid`, and `hover` - Update Hello, Button! to utilize `focus true` in first button. ## 0.0.15 - Update Hello, Button! to demo all button attributes - Support `button` `image` attribute (accepting image arguments: `subsample`, `zoom`, `from`, `to`, `shrink`, `compositingrule` to automatically process image) - Update `root` `iconphoto` support to accept image arguments: `subsample`, `zoom`, `from`, `to`, `shrink`, `compositingrule` to automatically process image - Support `button` `compound` attribute (`'center', 'top', 'bottom', 'left', 'right'`) - Support `button` `default` attribute (`'active'` or `'normal'`) ## 0.0.14 - Hello, Button! ## 0.0.13 - Hello, Message Box! - Support `message_box` ## 0.0.12 - Upgrade to glimmer 2.3.0 - Support Shine syntax for data-binding - Update all data-binding samples to use Shine syntax for data-binding ## 0.0.11 - Add preliminary support for `treeview` (no data-binding) with `columns`, `show`, and `heading_configure` attributes/methods ## 0.0.10 - puts_debuggerer gem to help consumers with debugging in and out of girb ## 0.0.9 - Upgrade to glimmer 2.1.2 ## 0.0.8 - Fix issue #5 (https://github.com/AndyObtiva/glimmer-dsl-tk/issues/5) - Support `iconphoto` attribute on `root` widget, intelligently accepting a direct image path or `TkPhotoImage` object - Set `root` `iconphoto` attribute to Glimmer icon by default if not set in an application. - Provide `iconphoto` code example in README - Upgrade to glimmer 2.1.1 ## 0.0.7 - Upgraded to tk 0.4.0 - Fixed `girb` by changing to a pure Ruby script ## 0.0.6 - Upgraded to tk 0.3.0 ## 0.0.5 - Label text data-binding - Entry text data-binding - The `grid` geometry manager - Hello, Computed! sample ## 0.0.4 - `list` custom widget (since listbox is not tile themed yet in Tk) - `girb` (Glimmer IRB) - Hello, List Single Selection! sample - Hello, List Multi Selection! sample ## 0.0.3 - Combobox support - Button command event observer support - Combobox text data-binding - Hello, Combo! sample ## 0.0.2 - Notebook/frame support - Hello, Tab! sample ## 0.0.1 - Initial Glimmer DSL for TK implementation to support Hello, World!