module Remi module SfBulkHelper class DupeLookupKeyError < StandardError; end class MaxAttemptError < StandardError; end # Public: Class used to execute SF Bulk operations. This class is not meant to be # used directly. It is instead meant to be inherited by classes that perform the # specific query, update, create, or upsert operations. # # Examples # # sf_query = SfBulkQuery.query(client, 'Contact', 'SELECT Id, Name FROM Contact') # puts sf_query.result # # mydata = [ { 'Id' => '001G000000ncxb8IAA', 'Name' => 'Happy Feet' } ] # sf_update = SfBulkUpdate.update(client, 'Contact', mydata) class SfBulkOperation # Public: Initializes a SfBulkOperation (does not execute operation). # # restforce_client - An instance of Restforce that is used to authenticate the connection. # object - The name of the object to operate on (e.g., Contact, Task, etc). # data - For query operations, this is the SOQL query string. For other # operations, this is an array of hashes, where the hash keys are column names # and the values are the data. # batch_size - Batch size to use to download or upload data (default: 10000) # max_mattempts - The maximum number of attempts to upload data (default: 2) # logger - Logger to use (default: def initialize(restforce_client, object, data, batch_size: 5000, max_attempts: 2, logger: @restforce_client = restforce_client @object = object @data = data @batch_size = batch_size @max_attempts = max_attempts @attempts = @logger = logger end # Public: A symbol representing the operation to be performed (:query, :update, :create, :upsert) def operation :undefined end # Public: Returns the instance of SalesforceBulkApi::Api used for bulk operations. def sf_bulk @sf_bulk ||= { |o| o.connection.set_status_throttle(5) } end # Public: Returns the raw result from the SalesforceBulkApi query def raw_result @raw_result || execute end # Public: Returns useful metadata about the batch query. def info execute if @attempts[:total] == 0 return @info if @info and @attempts[:info] == @attempts[:total] @attempts[:info] += 1 @info = raw_result.reject { |k,v| k == 'batches' }.tap do |h| h['query'] = @data if operation == :query end end # Public: Collects the results from all of the batches and aggregates them # into an array of hashes. Each element of the array represents a record in the # result and the hash gives the column-value. Note that if multiple retries are # needed, this is just the final result. # # Returns an array of hashes. def result execute if @attempts[:total] == 0 return @result if @result and @attempts[:result] == @attempts[:total] @attempts[:result] += 1 @result = [] raw_result['batches'].each do |batch| next unless batch['response'] batch['response'].each do |record| @result << record.inject({}) { |h, (k,v)| h[k] = v.first unless ['xsi:type','type'].include? k; h } end # delete raw result at end of processing to free memory batch['response'] = nil end @result end # Public: Converts the result into a hash that can be used to # lookup the row for a given key (e.g., external id field). # # key - A string representing the name of the column to be used as the lookup key. # duplicates - Indicates whether duplicate keys are allowed. If they are allowed, # only the first row found will be retained. If duplicates are not allowed, # an error is raised (default: false). # # Returns a hash. def as_lookup(key:, duplicates: false) execute if @attempts[:total] == 0 @as_lookup ||= {} @attempts[:as_lookup] = if @attempts[:as_lookup] == 0 return @as_lookup[key] if @as_lookup[key] and @attempts[:as_lookup][key] == @attempts[:total] @attempts[:as_lookup][key] += 1 @as_lookup[key] = result.inject({}) do |lkp,row| raise DupeLookupKeyError, "Duplicate key: #{row[key]} found in result of query: #{@data}" if lkp.has_key?(row[key]) and not duplicates lkp[row[key]] = row unless lkp.has_key?(row[key]) lkp end end # Public: Returns true if any of the records failed to update. def failed_records? n_failed_records = result.reduce(0) do |count, row| count += 1 if row['success'] != 'true' count end n_failed_batches = raw_result['batches'].reduce(0) do |count, batch| count += 1 if batch['state'].first != 'Completed' count end n_failed_records > 0 || n_failed_batches > 0 end private # Private: Sends the operation to Salesforce using the bulk API. def send_bulk_operation raise "No SF bulk operation defined for #{operation}" end # Private: Executes the operation and retries if needed. def execute @attempts[:total] += 1 "Executing Salesforce Bulk operation: #{operation}" @raw_result = send_bulk_operation "Bulk operation response: " JSON.pretty_generate(info).split("\n").each { |l| l } retry_failed if failed_records? JSON.pretty_generate(info) @raw_result end # Private: Drops any data that has already been loaded to salesforce. # Note that this doesn't work for created data since the initial data # wont have a salesforce id. Sometimes batches can fail completely # and won't give anything in the result set. Therefore, the only way # to be able to drop data that's already been created would be to # know how the data was split into batches and the gem we use does not # make this simple. So for now, we live with the defect. def drop_successfully_updated_data lkp_result_by_id = as_lookup(key: 'id', duplicates: true) @data.reject! do |row| sf_bulk_result = lkp_result_by_id[row['Id'] || row[:Id]] sf_bulk_result && (sf_bulk_result['success'] == 'true') end nil end # Private: Selects data needed to be retried and re-executes the operation. def retry_failed raise MaxAttemptError if @attempts[:total] >= @max_attempts @logger.warn "Retrying #{operation} - #{@attempts[:total]} of #{@max_attempts}" drop_successfully_updated_data execute end end # Public: Class used to execute SF Bulk Update operations (see SfBulkOperation class for # more details). class SfBulkUpdate < SfBulkOperation def self.update(*args,**kargs)*args,**kargs).tap { |sf| sf.send(:execute) } end def operation :update end private def send_bulk_operation sf_bulk.send(operation, @object, @data, true, false, [], @batch_size) end end # Public: Class used to execute SF Bulk Create operations (see SfBulkOperation class for # more details). class SfBulkCreate < SfBulkOperation def self.create(*args,**kargs)*args,**kargs).tap { |sf| sf.send(:execute) } end def operation :create end private def send_bulk_operation sf_bulk.send(operation, @object, @data, true, false, @batch_size) end end # Public: Class used to execute SF Bulk Upsert operations (see SfBulkOperation class for # more details). class SfBulkUpsert < SfBulkOperation def self.upsert(*args,**kargs)*args,**kargs).tap { |sf| sf.send(:execute) } end def operation :upsert end private def send_bulk_operation # Upsert does not support external id right now sf_bulk.send(operation, @object, @data, 'Id', true, false, [], @batch_size) end end # Public: Class used to execute SF Bulk Query operations (see SfBulkOperation class for # more details). class SfBulkQuery < SfBulkOperation def self.query(*args,**kargs)*args,**kargs).tap { |sf| sf.send(:execute) } end def operation :query end def failed_records? false end private def send_bulk_operation sf_bulk.send(operation, @object, @data, @batch_size) end end end end