module Clearance module Authorization extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do private :deny_access, :require_login end # Use as a `before_action` to require a user be signed in to proceed. # {Authentication#signed_in?} is used to determine if there is a signed in # user or not. # # class PostsController < ApplicationController # before_action :require_login # # def index # # ... # end # end def require_login unless signed_in? deny_access(I18n.t("flashes.failure_when_not_signed_in")) end end # Responds to unauthorized requests in a manner fitting the request format. # `js`, `json`, and `xml` requests will receive a 401 with no body. All # other formats will be redirected appropriately and can optionally have the # flash message set. # # When redirecting, the originally requested url will be stored in the # session (`session[:return_to]`), allowing it to be used as a redirect url # once the user has successfully signed in. # # If there is a signed in user, the request will be redirected according to # the value returned from {#url_after_denied_access_when_signed_in}. # # If there is no signed in user, the request will be redirected according to # the value returned from {#url_after_denied_access_when_signed_out}. # For the exact redirect behavior, see {#redirect_request}. # # @param [String] flash_message def deny_access(flash_message = nil) respond_to do |format| format.any(:js, :json, :xml) { head :unauthorized } format.any { redirect_request(flash_message) } end end protected # @api private def redirect_request(flash_message) store_location if flash_message flash[:alert] = flash_message end if signed_in? redirect_to url_after_denied_access_when_signed_in else redirect_to url_after_denied_access_when_signed_out end end # @api private def clear_return_to session[:return_to] = nil end # @api private def store_location if request.get? session[:return_to] = request.original_fullpath end end # @api private def redirect_back_or(default, **options) redirect_to(return_to || default, **options) clear_return_to end # @api private def return_to if return_to_url uri = URI.parse(return_to_url) path = path_without_leading_slashes(uri) "#{path}?#{uri.query}".chomp("?") + "##{uri.fragment}".chomp("#") end end # @api private def path_without_leading_slashes(uri) uri.path.sub(/\A\/+/, "/") end # @api private def return_to_url session[:return_to] end # Used as the redirect location when {#deny_access} is called and there is a # currently signed in user. # # @return [String] def url_after_denied_access_when_signed_in Clearance.configuration.redirect_url end # Used as the redirect location when {#deny_access} is called and there is # no currently signed in user. # # @return [String] def url_after_denied_access_when_signed_out Clearance.configuration.url_after_denied_access_when_signed_out || sign_in_url end end end