#!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'rubygems' require 'thor' require 'term/ansicolor' require 'rails/generators/actions' require 'active_support/core_ext/string/inflections' require 'cms/version' require 'cms/commands/actions' require 'cms/upgrades/v3_4_0' # This seems to be required only due to a bug in Thor documented here: # https://rails.lighthouseapp.com/projects/8994/tickets/4692-error-when-creating-app-from-template-undefined-method-wrap-for-arrayclass # If this bug is fixed the following line can probably be removed. require 'active_support/core_ext/array/wrap' class String include Term::ANSIColor end class Cms::Install < Thor include Thor::Actions include Rails::Generators::Actions include Cms::Commands::Actions include Cms::Upgrades::V3_4_0 def self.common_options method_option :database, :aliases => "-d", :desc => "Preconfigure for selected database (options: mysql/oracle/postgresql/sqlite3/frontbase/ibm_db) [Default: sqlite3]" method_option :template, :aliases => "-m", :desc => "Path to an application template (can be a filesystem path or URL)" method_option :skip_bundle, :aliases => "--skip-bundle", :desc => "Don't run bundle install", :default => false, :type => :boolean end desc "new [NAME]", "Creates a blank BrowserCMS project with a single default template. Suitable for starting a new website project." common_options def new(name) create_blank_cms_project(name) display_instructions(name) end desc 'demo [NAME]', "Generates a BrowserCMS application with a sample demo website. Suitable for learning BrowserCMS." common_options def demo(name) create_blank_cms_project(name) generate_demo_project display_instructions(name) end desc 'module [NAME]', "Generates a BrowserCMS module for sharing code between BrowserCMS projects. (Name must start with bcms_)" common_options def module(name) @project_name = name create_mountable_app create_license_files inside rails_app do generate_seeds_rb end add_rake_tasks_for_module generate_browsercms_project generate_installation_script generate_default_template display_instructions(name) end desc "upgrade", "Upgrades a BrowserCMS project to v#{Cms::VERSION}" method_option :skip_rails, :aliases => "--skip-rails", :desc => "Skip running `rake rails:update`.", :default => false, :type => :boolean def upgrade update_browsercms_gem_version comment_out_rails_in_gemfile run_bundle_install install_migrations rake "rails:update" unless options[:skip_rails] generate_rails_3_4_0_migration install_cms_seed_data instructions = < :version, "--version" => :version def version puts "BrowserCMS #{Cms::VERSION}" end desc 'install', "Adds BrowserCMS to an existing rails application." def install common_setup('.') prefix_cms_tables generate_default_template puts "BrowserCMS has been installed. Run rake db:install to add the tables then restart your server." end private def prefix_cms_tables append_to_file "config/initializers/browsercms.rb", <<-CODE Cms.table_prefix = "cms_" CODE end def create_license_files template 'COPYRIGHT.txt' template 'LICENSE.txt' template 'GPL.txt' remove_file "MIT-LICENSE" end # i.e. Change the working directory (i.e. cd [name]) def cd_to(name=@project_name) self.destination_root = (File.join(destination_root, name)) end def create_rails_app(name) rails_options = {:skip_bundle => true} if options[:template] rails_options[:template] = options[:template] end if options[:database] rails_options[:database] = options[:database] end require 'rails/generators' require 'rails/generators/rails/app/app_generator' # We invoke this programmatically, rather than via shell (`rails new #{name}`) so we get EXACT version of rails we want. (Works for Rails 3.1 or later) rails_script = Rails::Generators::AppGenerator.new([name], rails_options) rails_script.invoke_all end def create_rails_plugin(name) require 'rails/generators' require 'rails/generators/rails/plugin_new/plugin_new_generator' rails_options = {:skip_bundle => true} rails_options[:mountable] = true plugin_script = Rails::Generators::PluginNewGenerator.new([name], rails_options) plugin_script.invoke_all end def create_mountable_app(name = @project_name) create_rails_plugin(name) cd_to(name) gemspec "browsercms", :version => "~> #{::Cms::VERSION}" add_browsercms_dependency include_cms_module remove_rails_dependency run_bundle_install end def display_instructions(name) puts "\nCreated new BrowserCMS project '#{name}'." puts " To get started, type 'cd #{name}'" puts " then type 'rake db:install'" puts " then type 'rails server' and open your browser to 'http://localhost:3000'." end def configure_default_cache_directory insert_into_file "config/environments/production.rb", :after => "Application.configure do\n" do <<-CODE config.action_controller.page_cache_directory = File.join(Rails.root,'public','cache') CODE end end def enable_asset_precompiling gsub_file "config/environments/production.rb", /config\.assets\.compile = false/, 'config.assets.compile = true' end def configure_mail_server insert_into_file "config/environments/production.rb", :after => "config.active_support.deprecation = :notify" do %q{ # Configure your mail server's address below config.action_mailer.smtp_settings = {:address => 'mail.yourmailserver.com', :domain => "#{SITE_DOMAIN}"}} end end def add_sitedomain_constant_to_environment_files %w{development test production}.each do |env| prepend_to_file "config/environments/#{env}.rb" do <<-CODE SITE_DOMAIN="localhost:3000" CODE end end end def generate_browsercms_project install_migrations inside rails_app do install_cms_seed_data add_route_to_end("mount_browsercms") add_sitedomain_constant_to_environment_files configure_default_cache_directory configure_mail_server create_browsercms_initializer enable_asset_precompiling end end def generate_demo_project source_paths << File.expand_path(File.join(__FILE__, '../../lib/generators/browser_cms/demo_site/templates')) inside rails_app do copy_file 'logo.jpg', "public/themes/blue_steel/images/logo.jpg" copy_file 'splash.jpg', "public/themes/blue_steel/images/splash.jpg" copy_file 'style.css', "public/themes/blue_steel/stylesheets/style.css" copy_file 'demo_site.rake', 'lib/tasks/demo_site.rake' copy_file 'demo.seeds.rb', 'db/demo_site_seeds.rb' end end def add_rake_tasks_for_module copy_file 'module_tasks.rake', 'lib/tasks/module_tasks.rake' append_to_file 'Rakefile', "\nload 'lib/tasks/module_tasks.rake'" insert_into_file "#{current_project}.gemspec", " s.files -= Dir['lib/tasks/module_tasks.rake']\n ", :before => "s.test_files" end # When working with modules, the 'root' is the dummy application def in_root inside(rails_app) { yield } end def rails_app if @project_name "test/dummy" else @destination_stack.first end end def project_root if @project_name @project_name else @destination_stack.first end end # For both creating new bcms project and adding bcms to existing rails projects. def common_setup(name) gem 'browsercms', :version => ::Cms::VERSION run_bundle_install generate :jdbc if defined?(JRUBY_VERSION) generate_browsercms_project end def generate_default_template generate 'cms:template', "default" end def standard_file_permissions "Cms.attachment_file_permission = 0640" end def generate_seeds_rb create_file "db/seeds.rb", "# Load BrowserCMS seed data\n" end def add_browsercms_dependency prepend_file "lib/#{@project_name}/engine.rb", "require 'browsercms'\n" end def create_blank_cms_project(name) create_rails_app(name) cd_to(name) # Unsure if this handles windows specific removal of files remove_file("public/index.html") common_setup name create_browsercms_initializer generate_default_template end def create_browsercms_initializer initializer 'browsercms.rb', <<-CODE #{standard_file_permissions} CODE end def gemspec_file "#{@project_name}.gemspec" end # Add a dependency to the project gemspec file. def gemspec(name, options={}) text = <<-RUBY s.add_dependency "#{name}", "#{options[:version]}"\n RUBY insert_into_file(gemspec_file(), text, :after => "Gem::Specification.new do |s|\n") end def remove_rails_dependency insert_into_file gemspec_file, "# Depend on BrowserCMS,rather than Rails \n # ", :before => "s.add_dependency \"rails\"" end end Cms::Install.start