Feature: Sidebar Sections Creating and Configuring sidebar sections Background: Given I am logged in And a post with the title "Hello World" exists Scenario: Create a sidebar for all actions Given a configuration of: """ ActiveAdmin.register Post do sidebar :help do "Need help? Email us at help@example.com" end end """ When I am on the index page for posts Then I should see a sidebar titled "Help" And I should see "Need help" within the "Help" sidebar When I follow "View" Then I should see a sidebar titled "Help" When I follow "Edit Post" Then I should see a sidebar titled "Help" When I am on the index page for posts And I follow "New Post" Then I should see a sidebar titled "Help" Scenario: Create a sidebar for only one action Given a configuration of: """ ActiveAdmin.register Post do sidebar :help, only: :index do "Need help? Email us at help@example.com" end end """ When I am on the index page for posts Then I should see a sidebar titled "Help" And I should see "Need help" within the "Help" sidebar When I follow "View" Then I should not see a sidebar titled "Help" When I follow "Edit Post" Then I should not see a sidebar titled "Help" When I am on the index page for posts And I follow "New Post" Then I should not see a sidebar titled "Help" Scenario: Create a sidebar for all except one action Given a configuration of: """ ActiveAdmin.register Post do sidebar :help, except: :index do "Need help? Email us at help@example.com" end end """ When I am on the index page for posts Then I should not see a sidebar titled "Help" When I follow "View" Then I should see a sidebar titled "Help" When I follow "Edit Post" Then I should see a sidebar titled "Help" When I am on the index page for posts And I follow "New Post" Then I should see a sidebar titled "Help" Scenario: Create a sidebar for only one action with if clause that returns false Given a configuration of: """ ActiveAdmin.register Post do sidebar :help, only: :index, if: proc{ current_active_admin_user.nil? } do "Need help? Email us at help@example.com" end end """ When I am on the index page for posts Then I should not see a sidebar titled "Help" When I follow "View" Then I should not see a sidebar titled "Help" When I follow "Edit Post" Then I should not see a sidebar titled "Help" When I am on the index page for posts And I follow "New Post" Then I should not see a sidebar titled "Help" Scenario: Create a sidebar for only one action with if clause with method symbol Given a configuration of: """ module SidebarHelper def can_sidebar?; false; end end ActiveAdmin.register Post do controller { helper SidebarHelper } sidebar :help, only: :index, if: :can_sidebar? do "Need help? Email us at help@example.com" end end """ When I am on the index page for posts Then I should not see a sidebar titled "Help" When I follow "View" Then I should not see a sidebar titled "Help" When I follow "Edit Post" Then I should not see a sidebar titled "Help" When I am on the index page for posts And I follow "New Post" Then I should not see a sidebar titled "Help" Scenario: Create a sidebar for only one action with if clause that returns true Given a configuration of: """ ActiveAdmin.register Post do sidebar :help, only: :show, if: proc{ !current_active_admin_user.nil? } do "Need help? Email us at help@example.com" end end """ When I am on the index page for posts Then I should not see a sidebar titled "Help" When I follow "View" Then I should see a sidebar titled "Help" And I should see "Need help" within the "Help" sidebar When I follow "Edit Post" Then I should not see a sidebar titled "Help" When I am on the index page for posts And I follow "New Post" Then I should not see a sidebar titled "Help" Scenario: Create a sidebar with deep content Given a configuration of: """ ActiveAdmin.register Post do sidebar :help do ul do li "First List First Item" li "First List Second Item" end ul do li "Second List First Item" li "Second List Second Item" end end end """ When I am on the index page for posts Then I should see a sidebar titled "Help" And I should see "First List First Item" within the "Help" sidebar And I should see "Second List Second Item" within the "Help" sidebar Scenario: Rendering sidebar by default without a block or partial name Given "app/views/admin/posts/_help_sidebar.html.erb" contains: """

Hello World from a partial

""" And a configuration of: """ ActiveAdmin.register Post do sidebar :help end """ When I am on the index page for posts Then I should see "Hello World from a partial" within the "Help" sidebar Scenario: Rendering a partial as the sidebar content Given "app/views/admin/posts/_custom_help_partial.html.erb" contains: """

Hello World from a custom partial

""" And a configuration of: """ ActiveAdmin.register Post do sidebar :help, partial: "custom_help_partial" end """ When I am on the index page for posts Then I should see "Hello World from a custom partial" within the "Help" sidebar Scenario: Position sidebar at the top using priority option Given a configuration of: """ ActiveAdmin.register Post do sidebar :help, priority: 0 do "Need help? Email us at help@example.com" end end """ When I am on the index page for posts Then I should see a sidebar titled "Help" above sidebar titled "Filters"