0.8.2 Added missing result parameter to Client#search's yield (Scott Patterson) Added 1.7 to supported list and default version (Fran�ois Beausoleil) No longer sends empty (nil) headers (Fran�ois Beausoleil) Added debugging to HTTP output. (Fran�ois Beausoleil, Scott Patterson) Added support for multiple set-cookie headers in the server response (Fran�ois Beausoleil) Added basic search example (Scott Patterson) Implied default value of \t in RETS4R::Client::Transaction#delimiter (Fran�ois Beausoleil) #get_metadata now returns the block's value or the results. (Fran�ois Beausoleil) Made sure #login always calls #logout if called with a block. #login returns the block's value instead of results. (Fran�ois Beausoleil) New assertions that require Client to have Ruby-like accessors for attributes, instead of getters and setters. Applied 'Rename Attribute' on @parser, because #get_parser_class was returning the class of the parser's class, instead of the parser's class itself. (Fran�ois Beausoleil) Client#set_rets_version should take care to generate the correct RETS-Version header, and #get_rets_version should undo the changes that #set_rets_version did before returning the value. (Fran�ois Beausoleil) Don't rescue an exception that's not being processed in Parser. (Fran�ois Beausoleil) RETS4R::Client#get_object extensions: yield or return the array of DataObject instances; changed the multipart/parallel response boundary processing rules (include \r\n in the boundary detection); added documentation. (Fran�ois Beausoleil) Added GetObject example (Scott Patterson) Changed #get_object now yields each DataObject if a block is given rather than an array of DataObjects (Scott Patterson) 0.8.1 Added Action-URL support per the specification. Added a secondary_response accessor to the Transaction object, which is what the Action-URL result is stored in. Fixed a bug with loggers and parsers 0.8.0 Fixed RParser support, which now means you can use REXML. RParser now retries XML that produced a parser error after trying to clean it. Parser support is now more open so that more parsers can be easily added in the future. Reorganized parser file layout. CParser will only be loaded if libxml (its dependency) is present. If it is, it is the default parser. Added more parser unit tests. Renamed CParser to XMLParser and RPARSER to REXML, both with the hierarchy RETS4R::Client::Module. Fixed a bug with the parser output not being set properly. Fixed a bug with the parser not respecting the DELIMITER value and insisting on tab delimiters. Added support for using a logger Added more defaults to the search options (Count => '0', Format => 'COMPACT') Added some Rubyisms (blocks can now be given to #new, #login, #get_metadata, #get_object, and #search) 0.7.1 Added support for reading the results count for searches. 0.7.0 Initial GEM Version