# rake effective_orders:overwrite_order_item_names namespace :effective_orders do desc 'Overwrite all order item names with current acts_as_purchasable object names' task overwrite_order_item_names: :environment do puts 'WARNING: this task will overwrite all existing order items with new names. Proceed? (y/n)' (puts 'Aborted' and exit) unless STDIN.gets.chomp.downcase == 'y' Effective::OrderItem.transaction do begin Effective::OrderItem.includes(:purchasable).find_each do |order_item| new_name = order_item.purchasable.purchasable_name unless new_name raise "acts_as_purchasable object #{order_item.purchasable_type.try(:classify)}<#{order_item.purchasable_id}>.title() from Effective::OrderItem<#{order_item.id}> cannot be nil." end order_item.update_column(:name, new_name) # This intentionally skips validation end puts 'Successfully updated all order item names.' rescue => e puts "An error has occurred: #{e.message}" puts "(effective_orders) Rollback. No order item names have been changed." raise ActiveRecord::Rollback end end end desc 'Sends trial expiring and expired emails to each subscribable. Schedule me to run once per day.' task send_trial_expiring_emails: :environment do trial_remind_at = Array(EffectiveOrders.subscription[:trial_remind_at]).compact exit unless trial_remind_at.present? && trial_remind_at.all? { |x| x.present? } Rails.application.eager_load! today = Time.zone.now.beginning_of_day reminders = trial_remind_at.select { |remind_at| remind_at.kind_of?(ActiveSupport::Duration) } begin ActsAsSubscribable.descendants.each do |klass| klass.trialing.find_each do |subscribable| if subscribable.trial_expires_at == today puts "sending trial expired to #{subscribable}" Effective::OrdersMailer.subscription_trial_expired(subscribable).deliver_now end next if subscribable.trial_expired? # We already notified them reminders.each do |remind_at| next unless subscribable.trial_expires_at == (today + remind_at) puts "sending trial expiring to #{subscribable}. expires in #{(subscribable.trial_expires_at - today) / 1.day.to_i} days." Effective::OrdersMailer.subscription_trial_expiring(subscribable).deliver_now end end end puts 'send_trial_expiring_emails completed' EffectiveLogger.success('scheduled task send_trial_expiring_emails completed') if defined?(EffectiveLogger) rescue => e ExceptionNotifier.notify_exception(e) if defined?(ExceptionNotifier) raise e end true end end