
GtkStyleProperties — Store for style property information


#include <gtk/gtk.h>

struct              GtkStyleProperties;
void                gtk_style_properties_clear          (GtkStyleProperties *props);
void                gtk_style_properties_get            (GtkStyleProperties *props,
                                                         GtkStateFlags state,
gboolean            gtk_style_properties_get_property   (GtkStyleProperties *props,
                                                         const gchar *property,
                                                         GtkStateFlags state,
                                                         GValue *value);
void                gtk_style_properties_get_valist     (GtkStyleProperties *props,
                                                         GtkStateFlags state,
                                                         va_list args);
GtkSymbolicColor *  gtk_style_properties_lookup_color   (GtkStyleProperties *props,
                                                         const gchar *name);
gboolean            gtk_style_properties_lookup_property
                                                        (const gchar *property_name,
                                                         GtkStylePropertyParser *parse_func,
                                                         GParamSpec **pspec);
void                gtk_style_properties_map_color      (GtkStyleProperties *props,
                                                         const gchar *name,
                                                         GtkSymbolicColor *color);
void                gtk_style_properties_merge          (GtkStyleProperties *props,
                                                         const GtkStyleProperties *props_to_merge,
                                                         gboolean replace);
GtkStyleProperties * gtk_style_properties_new           (void);
gboolean            (*GtkStylePropertyParser)           (const gchar *string,
                                                         GValue *value,
                                                         GError **error);
void                gtk_style_properties_register_property
                                                        (GtkStylePropertyParser parse_func,
                                                         GParamSpec *pspec);
void                gtk_style_properties_set            (GtkStyleProperties *props,
                                                         GtkStateFlags state,
void                gtk_style_properties_set_property   (GtkStyleProperties *props,
                                                         const gchar *property,
                                                         GtkStateFlags state,
                                                         const GValue *value);
void                gtk_style_properties_set_valist     (GtkStyleProperties *props,
                                                         GtkStateFlags state,
                                                         va_list args);
void                gtk_style_properties_unset_property (GtkStyleProperties *props,
                                                         const gchar *property,
                                                         GtkStateFlags state);


GtkStyleProperties provides the storage for style information that is used by GtkStyleContext and other GtkStyleProvider implementations.

Before style properties can be stored in GtkStyleProperties, they must be registered with gtk_style_properties_register_property().

Unless you are writing a GtkStyleProvider implementation, you are unlikely to use this API directly, as gtk_style_context_get() and its variants are the preferred way to access styling information from widget implementations and theming engine implementations should use the APIs provided by GtkThemingEngine instead.


struct GtkStyleProperties

struct GtkStyleProperties {
  GObject parent_object;
  GtkStylePropertiesPrivate *priv;

gtk_style_properties_clear ()

void                gtk_style_properties_clear          (GtkStyleProperties *props);

Clears all style information from props.

props :

a GtkStyleProperties

gtk_style_properties_get ()

void                gtk_style_properties_get            (GtkStyleProperties *props,
                                                         GtkStateFlags state,

Retrieves several style property values from props for a given state.

props :

a GtkStyleProperties

state :

state to retrieve the property values for

... :

property name /return value pairs, followed by NULL

Since 3.0

gtk_style_properties_get_property ()

gboolean            gtk_style_properties_get_property   (GtkStyleProperties *props,
                                                         const gchar *property,
                                                         GtkStateFlags state,
                                                         GValue *value);

Gets a style property from props for the given state. When done with value, g_value_unset() needs to be called to free any allocated memory.

props :

a GtkStyleProperties

property :

style property name

state :

state to retrieve the property value for

value :

return location for the style property value. [out][transfer full]

Returns :

TRUE if the property exists in props, FALSE otherwise

Since 3.0

gtk_style_properties_get_valist ()

void                gtk_style_properties_get_valist     (GtkStyleProperties *props,
                                                         GtkStateFlags state,
                                                         va_list args);

Retrieves several style property values from props for a given state.

props :

a GtkStyleProperties

state :

state to retrieve the property values for

args :

va_list of property name/return location pairs, followed by NULL

Since 3.0

gtk_style_properties_lookup_color ()

GtkSymbolicColor *  gtk_style_properties_lookup_color   (GtkStyleProperties *props,
                                                         const gchar *name);


gtk_style_properties_lookup_color has been deprecated since version 3.8 and should not be used in newly-written code. GtkSymbolicColor is deprecated.

Returns the symbolic color that is mapped to name.

props :

a GtkStyleProperties

name :

color name to lookup

Returns :

The mapped color. [transfer none]

Since 3.0

gtk_style_properties_lookup_property ()

gboolean            gtk_style_properties_lookup_property
                                                        (const gchar *property_name,
                                                         GtkStylePropertyParser *parse_func,
                                                         GParamSpec **pspec);


gtk_style_properties_lookup_property has been deprecated since version 3.8 and should not be used in newly-written code. This code could only look up custom properties and those are deprecated.

Returns TRUE if a property has been registered, if pspec or parse_func are not NULL, the GParamSpec and parsing function will be respectively returned.

property_name :

property name to look up

parse_func :

return location for the parse function. [out]

pspec :

return location for the GParamSpec. [out][transfer none]

Returns :

TRUE if the property is registered, FALSE otherwise

Since 3.0

gtk_style_properties_map_color ()

void                gtk_style_properties_map_color      (GtkStyleProperties *props,
                                                         const gchar *name,
                                                         GtkSymbolicColor *color);


gtk_style_properties_map_color has been deprecated since version 3.8 and should not be used in newly-written code. GtkSymbolicColor is deprecated.

Maps color so it can be referenced by name. See gtk_style_properties_lookup_color()

props :

a GtkStyleProperties

name :

color name

color :

GtkSymbolicColor to map name to

Since 3.0

gtk_style_properties_merge ()

void                gtk_style_properties_merge          (GtkStyleProperties *props,
                                                         const GtkStyleProperties *props_to_merge,
                                                         gboolean replace);

Merges into props all the style information contained in props_to_merge. If replace is TRUE, the values will be overwritten, if it is FALSE, the older values will prevail.

props :

a GtkStyleProperties

props_to_merge :

a second GtkStyleProperties

replace :

whether to replace values or not

Since 3.0

gtk_style_properties_new ()

GtkStyleProperties * gtk_style_properties_new           (void);

Returns a newly created GtkStyleProperties

Returns :

a new GtkStyleProperties

GtkStylePropertyParser ()

gboolean            (*GtkStylePropertyParser)           (const gchar *string,
                                                         GValue *value,
                                                         GError **error);

gtk_style_properties_register_property ()

void                gtk_style_properties_register_property
                                                        (GtkStylePropertyParser parse_func,
                                                         GParamSpec *pspec);


gtk_style_properties_register_property has been deprecated since version 3.8 and should not be used in newly-written code. Code should use the default properties provided by CSS.

Registers a property so it can be used in the CSS file format. This function is the low-level equivalent of gtk_theming_engine_register_property(), if you are implementing a theming engine, you want to use that function instead.

parse_func :

parsing function to use, or NULL

pspec :

the GParamSpec for the new property

Since 3.0

gtk_style_properties_set ()

void                gtk_style_properties_set            (GtkStyleProperties *props,
                                                         GtkStateFlags state,

Sets several style properties on props.

props :

a GtkStyleProperties

state :

state to set the values for

... :

property name/value pairs, followed by NULL

Since 3.0

gtk_style_properties_set_property ()

void                gtk_style_properties_set_property   (GtkStyleProperties *props,
                                                         const gchar *property,
                                                         GtkStateFlags state,
                                                         const GValue *value);

Sets a styling property in props.

props :

a GtkStyleProperties

property :

styling property to set

state :

state to set the value for

value :

new value for the property

Since 3.0

gtk_style_properties_set_valist ()

void                gtk_style_properties_set_valist     (GtkStyleProperties *props,
                                                         GtkStateFlags state,
                                                         va_list args);

Sets several style properties on props.

props :

a GtkStyleProperties

state :

state to set the values for

args :

va_list of property name/value pairs, followed by NULL

Since 3.0

gtk_style_properties_unset_property ()

void                gtk_style_properties_unset_property (GtkStyleProperties *props,
                                                         const gchar *property,
                                                         GtkStateFlags state);

Unsets a style property in props.

props :

a GtkStyleProperties

property :

property to unset

state :

state to unset

Since 3.0