package FFI::Platypus::TypeParser::Version0; use strict; use warnings; use 5.008004; use Carp qw( croak ); use parent qw( FFI::Platypus::TypeParser ); # ABSTRACT: FFI Type Parser Version Zero our $VERSION = '2.09'; # VERSION our @CARP_NOT = qw( FFI::Platypus FFI::Platypus::TypeParser ); # The type parser is responsible for deciding if something is a legal # alias name. Since this needs to be checked before the type is parsed # it is separate from set_alias below. sub check_alias { my($self, $alias) = @_; croak "spaces not allowed in alias" if $alias =~ /\s/; croak "allowed characters for alias: [A-Za-z0-9_]" if $alias !~ /^[A-Za-z0-9_]+$/; croak "alias \"$alias\" conflicts with existing type" if defined $self->type_map->{$alias} || $self->types->{$alias}; return 1; } sub set_alias { my($self, $alias, $type) = @_; $self->types->{$alias} = $type; } # This method takes a string representation of the a type and # returns the internal platypus type representation. sub parse { my($self, $name) = @_; return $self->types->{$name} if defined $self->types->{$name}; # Darmock and Legacy Code at Tanagra unless($name =~ /-\>/ || $name =~ /^record\s*\([0-9A-Z:a-z_]+\)$/ || $name =~ /^string(_rw|_ro|\s+rw|\s+ro|\s*\([0-9]+\))$/) { my $basic = $name; my $extra = ''; if($basic =~ s/\s*((\*|\[|\<).*)$//) { $extra = " $1"; } if(defined $self->type_map->{$basic}) { my $new_name = $self->type_map->{$basic} . $extra; if($new_name ne $name) { # hopefully no recursion here. return $self->types->{$name} = $self->parse($new_name); } } } if($name =~ m/^ \( (.*) \) \s* -\> \s* (.*) \s* $/x) { my @argument_types = map { $self->parse($_) } map { my $t = $_; $t =~ s/^\s+//; $t =~ s/\s+$//; $t } split /,/, $1; my $return_type = $self->parse($2); return $self->types->{$name} = $self->create_type_closure($self->abi, $return_type, @argument_types); } if($name =~ /^ string \s* \( ([0-9]+) \) $/x) { return $self->types->{$name} = $self->create_type_record( 0, $1, # size ); } if($name =~ /^ string ( _rw | _ro | \s+ro | \s+rw | ) $/x) { return $self->types->{$name} = $self->create_type_string( defined $1 && $1 =~ /rw/ ? 1 : 0, # rw ); } if($name =~ /^ record \s* \( ([0-9]+) \) $/x) { return $self->types->{$name} = $self->create_type_record( 0, $1, # size ); } if($name =~ /^ record \s* \( ([0-9:A-Za-z_]+) \) $/x) { my $size; my $classname = $1; unless($classname->can('ffi_record_size') || $classname->can('_ffi_record_size')) { my $pm = "$"; $pm =~ s/\//::/g; require $pm; } if($classname->can('ffi_record_size')) { $size = $classname->ffi_record_size; } elsif($classname->can('_ffi_record_size')) { $size = $classname->_ffi_record_size; } else { croak "$classname has not ffi_record_size or _ffi_record_size method"; } return $self->global_types->{record}->{$classname} ||= $self->create_type_record( 0, $size, # size $classname, # record_class ); } # array types if($name =~ /^([\S]+)\s+ \[ ([0-9]*) \] $/x) { my $size = $2 || ''; my $basic = $self->global_types->{basic}->{$1} || croak("unknown ffi/platypus type $name [$size]"); if($size) { return $self->types->{$name} = $self->create_type_array( $basic->type_code, $size, ); } else { return $self->global_types->{array}->{$name} ||= $self->create_type_array( $basic->type_code, 0 ); } } # pointer types if($name =~ s/\s+\*$//) { return $self->global_types->{ptr}->{$name} || croak("unknown ffi/platypus type $name *"); } # basic types return $self->global_types->{basic}->{$name} || croak("unknown ffi/platypus type $name"); } 1; __END__ =pod =encoding UTF-8 =head1 NAME FFI::Platypus::TypeParser::Version0 - FFI Type Parser Version Zero =head1 VERSION version 2.09 =head1 SYNOPSIS use FFI::Platypus; my $ffi = FFI::Platypus->new( api => 0 ); $ffi->type('record(Foo::Bar)' => 'foo_bar_t'); $ffi->type('opaque' => 'baz_t'); $ffi->type('opaque*' => 'baz_ptr'); =head1 DESCRIPTION This documents the original L type parser. It was the default and only type parser used by L starting with version C<0.02>. Starting with version C<1.00> L comes with a new type parser with design fixes that are not backward compatibility. =head2 Interface differences =over =item Pass-by-value records are not allowed Originally L only supported passing records as a pointer. The type C actually passes a pointer to the record. In the version 1.00 parser allows C which is pass-by-value (the contents of the record is copied onto the stack) and C which is pass-by-reference or pointer (a pointer to the record is passed to the callee so that it can make modifications to the record). TL;DR C in version 0 is equivalent to C in the version 1 API. There is no equivalent to C in the version 0 API. =item decorate aliases of basic types This is not allowed in the version 0 API: $ffi->type('opaque' => 'foo_t'); # ok! $ffi->type('foo_t*' => 'foo_ptr'); # not ok! in version 0, ok! in version 1 Instead you need to use the basic type in the second type definition: $ffi->type('opaque' => 'foo_t'); # ok! $ffi->type('opaque*' => 'foo_ptr'); # ok! =item object types are not allowed $ffi->type('object(Foo::Bar)'); # not ok! in version 0, ok! in version 1 =back =head1 SEE ALSO =over 4 =item L The core L documentation. =item L The API C<1.00> type parser. =back =head1 AUTHOR Author: Graham Ollis Eplicease@cpan.orgE Contributors: Bakkiaraj Murugesan (bakkiaraj) Dylan Cali (calid) pipcet Zaki Mughal (zmughal) Fitz Elliott (felliott) Vickenty Fesunov (vyf) Gregor Herrmann (gregoa) Shlomi Fish (shlomif) Damyan Ivanov Ilya Pavlov (Ilya33) Petr Písař (ppisar) Mohammad S Anwar (MANWAR) Håkon Hægland (hakonhagland, HAKONH) Meredith (merrilymeredith, MHOWARD) Diab Jerius (DJERIUS) Eric Brine (IKEGAMI) szTheory José Joaquín Atria (JJATRIA) Pete Houston (openstrike, HOUSTON) Lukas Mai (MAUKE) =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2015-2022 by Graham Ollis. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself. =cut