#include "rbczmq_ext.h" VALUE intern_on_connected; VALUE intern_on_connect_delayed; VALUE intern_on_connect_retried; VALUE intern_on_listening; VALUE intern_on_bind_failed; VALUE intern_on_accepted; VALUE intern_on_accept_failed; VALUE intern_on_closed; VALUE intern_on_close_failed; VALUE intern_on_disconnected; /* * :nodoc: * Destroy the socket while the GIL is released - may block depending on socket linger value. * */ static VALUE rb_czmq_nogvl_zsocket_destroy(void *ptr) { zmq_sock_wrapper *sock = ptr; errno = 0; zsocket_destroy(sock->ctx, sock->socket); return Qnil; } /* * :nodoc: * Free all resources for a socket - invoked by the lower level ZMQ::Socket#destroy as well as the GC callback (some * regressions here still though). * */ void rb_czmq_free_sock(zmq_sock_wrapper *sock) { if (sock->ctx) { rb_thread_blocking_region(rb_czmq_nogvl_zsocket_destroy, sock, RUBY_UBF_IO, 0); if (zmq_errno() == ENOTSOCK) ZmqRaiseSysError(); sock->socket = NULL; sock->flags |= ZMQ_SOCKET_DESTROYED; } } /* * :nodoc: * GC mark callback * */ void rb_czmq_mark_sock(void *ptr) { zmq_sock_wrapper *sock = (zmq_sock_wrapper *)ptr; if (sock){ if (sock->verbose) zclock_log ("I: %s socket %p, context %p: GC mark", zsocket_type_str(sock->socket), sock, sock->ctx); rb_gc_mark(sock->endpoints); rb_gc_mark(sock->thread); rb_gc_mark(sock->context); rb_gc_mark(sock->monitor_endpoint); rb_gc_mark(sock->monitor_handler); rb_gc_mark(sock->monitor_thread); } } /* * :nodoc: * GC free callback * */ void rb_czmq_free_sock_gc(void *ptr) { zmq_sock_wrapper *sock = (zmq_sock_wrapper *)ptr; if (sock){ if (sock->verbose) zclock_log ("I: %s socket %p, context %p: GC free", zsocket_type_str(sock->socket), sock, sock->ctx); /* XXX: cyclic dependency #4 0x0000000100712524 in zsocket_set_linger (linger=1, socket=) at zsocket.c:288 if (sock->socket != NULL && !(sock->flags & ZMQ_SOCKET_DESTROYED)) rb_czmq_free_sock(sock); */ #ifndef HAVE_RB_THREAD_BLOCKING_REGION zlist_destroy(&(sock->str_buffer)); zlist_destroy(&(sock->frame_buffer)); zlist_destroy(&(sock->msg_buffer)); #endif xfree(sock); } } /* * call-seq: * sock.close => nil * * Closes a socket. The GC will take the same action if a socket object is not reachable anymore on the next GC cycle. * This is a lower level API. * * === Examples * sock.close => nil * */ static VALUE rb_czmq_socket_close(VALUE obj) { zmq_sock_wrapper *sock = NULL; GetZmqSocket(obj); ZmqSockGuardCrossThread(sock); /* This is useless for production / real use cases as we can't query the state again OR assume anything about the underlying connection. Merely doing the right thing. */ sock->state = ZMQ_SOCKET_PENDING; rb_czmq_free_sock(sock); return Qnil; } /* * call-seq: * sock.endpoints => Array of Strings * * Returns the endpoints this socket is currently connected to, if any. * * === Examples * ctx = ZMQ::Context.new * sock = ctx.socket(:PUSH) * sock.endpoints => [] * sock.bind("inproc://test") * sock.endpoints => ["inproc://test"] * */ static VALUE rb_czmq_socket_endpoints(VALUE obj) { zmq_sock_wrapper *sock = NULL; GetZmqSocket(obj); return sock->endpoints; } /* * call-seq: * sock.state => String * * Returns the current socket state, one of ZMQ::Socket::PENDING, ZMQ::Socket::BOUND or ZMQ::Socket::CONNECTED * * === Examples * ctx = ZMQ::Context.new * sock = ctx.socket(:PUSH) * sock.state => ZMQ::Socket::PENDING * sock.bind("inproc://test") * sock.state => ZMQ::Socket::BOUND * */ static VALUE rb_czmq_socket_state(VALUE obj) { zmq_sock_wrapper *sock = NULL; GetZmqSocket(obj); return INT2NUM(sock->state); } /* * call-seq: * sock.fd => Fixnum * * Returns a file descriptor reference for integrating this socket with an externel event loop or multiplexor. * Edge-triggered notification of I/O state changes. * * === Examples * ctx = ZMQ::Context.new * sock = ctx.socket(:PUSH) * sock.fd => -1 * sock.bind("inproc://test") * sock.fd => 4 * */ static VALUE rb_czmq_socket_fd(VALUE obj) { zmq_sock_wrapper *sock = NULL; GetZmqSocket(obj); if (sock->state == ZMQ_SOCKET_PENDING) return INT2NUM(-1); return INT2NUM(zsocket_fd(sock->socket)); } /* * :nodoc: * Binds to an endpoint while the GIL is released. * */ VALUE rb_czmq_nogvl_socket_bind(void *ptr) { int rc; struct nogvl_conn_args *args = ptr; errno = 0; zmq_sock_wrapper *socket = args->socket; rc = zsocket_bind(socket->socket, args->endpoint); return (VALUE)rc; } /* * :nodoc: * Connects to an endpoint while the GIL is released. * */ VALUE rb_czmq_nogvl_socket_connect(void *ptr) { int rc; struct nogvl_conn_args *args = ptr; errno = 0; zmq_sock_wrapper *socket = args->socket; rc = zsocket_connect(socket->socket, args->endpoint); return (VALUE)rc; } /* * call-seq: * sock.bind("inproc://test") => Fixnum * * Binds to a given endpoint. When the port number is '*', attempts to bind to a free port. Always returns the port * number on success. * * === Examples * ctx = ZMQ::Context.new * sock = ctx.socket(:PUSH) * sock.bind("tcp://localhost:*") => 5432 * */ static VALUE rb_czmq_socket_bind(VALUE obj, VALUE endpoint) { struct nogvl_conn_args args; int rc; zmq_sock_wrapper *sock = NULL; GetZmqSocket(obj); ZmqSockGuardCrossThread(sock); Check_Type(endpoint, T_STRING); args.socket = sock; args.endpoint = StringValueCStr(endpoint); rc = (int)rb_thread_blocking_region(rb_czmq_nogvl_socket_bind, (void *)&args, RUBY_UBF_IO, 0); ZmqAssert(rc); if (sock->verbose) zclock_log ("I: %s socket %p: bound \"%s\"", zsocket_type_str(sock->socket), obj, StringValueCStr(endpoint)); sock->state = ZMQ_SOCKET_BOUND; rb_ary_push(sock->endpoints, rb_str_new4(endpoint)); return INT2NUM(rc); } /* * call-seq: * sock.connect("tcp://localhost:3456") => boolean * * Attempts to connect to a given endpoint. * * === Examples * ctx = ZMQ::Context.new * rep = ctx.socket(:REP) * port = rep.bind("tcp://localhost:*") => 5432 * req = ctx.socket(:REQ) * req.connect("tcp://localhost:#{port}") => true * */ static VALUE rb_czmq_socket_connect(VALUE obj, VALUE endpoint) { struct nogvl_conn_args args; int rc; zmq_sock_wrapper *sock = NULL; GetZmqSocket(obj); ZmqSockGuardCrossThread(sock); Check_Type(endpoint, T_STRING); args.socket = sock; args.endpoint = StringValueCStr(endpoint); rc = (int)rb_thread_blocking_region(rb_czmq_nogvl_socket_connect, (void *)&args, RUBY_UBF_IO, 0); ZmqAssert(rc); if (sock->verbose) zclock_log ("I: %s socket %p: connected \"%s\"", zsocket_type_str(sock->socket), obj, StringValueCStr(endpoint)); sock->state = ZMQ_SOCKET_CONNECTED; rb_ary_push(sock->endpoints, rb_str_new4(endpoint)); return Qtrue; } /* * call-seq: * sock.verbose = true => nil * * Let this socket be verbose - dumps a lot of data to stdout for debugging. * * === Examples * ctx = ZMQ::Context.new * sock = ctx.socket(:REP) * sock.verbose = true => nil * */ static VALUE rb_czmq_socket_set_verbose(VALUE obj, VALUE level) { bool vlevel; zmq_sock_wrapper *sock = NULL; GetZmqSocket(obj); vlevel = (level == Qtrue) ? true : false; sock->verbose = vlevel; return Qnil; } /* * :nodoc: * Sends a raw string while the GIL is released. * */ static VALUE rb_czmq_nogvl_zstr_send(void *ptr) { struct nogvl_send_args *args = ptr; errno = 0; zmq_sock_wrapper *socket = args->socket; #ifdef HAVE_RB_THREAD_BLOCKING_REGION return (VALUE)zstr_send(socket->socket, args->msg); #else if (rb_thread_alone()) return (VALUE)zstr_send(socket->socket, args->msg); try_writable: if ((zsocket_events(socket->socket) & ZMQ_POLLOUT) == ZMQ_POLLOUT) { return (VALUE)zstr_send(socket->socket, args->msg); } else { rb_thread_wait_fd(zsocket_fd(socket->socket)); if (zsocket_sndtimeo(socket->socket) != -1) return (VALUE)zstr_send(socket->socket, args->msg); goto try_writable; } #endif } /* * :nodoc: * Sends a raw string with the multi flag set while the GIL is released. * */ static VALUE rb_czmq_nogvl_zstr_sendm(void *ptr) { struct nogvl_send_args *args = ptr; errno = 0; zmq_sock_wrapper *socket = args->socket; #ifdef HAVE_RB_THREAD_BLOCKING_REGION return (VALUE)zstr_sendm(socket->socket, args->msg); #else if (rb_thread_alone()) return (VALUE)zstr_sendm(socket->socket, args->msg); try_writable: if ((zsocket_events(socket->socket) & ZMQ_POLLOUT) == ZMQ_POLLOUT) { return (VALUE)zstr_sendm(socket->socket, args->msg); } else { if (zsocket_sndtimeo(socket->socket) != -1) return (VALUE)zstr_sendm(socket->socket, args->msg); rb_thread_wait_fd(zsocket_fd(socket->socket)); goto try_writable; } #endif } /* * call-seq: * sock.send("message") => boolean * * Sends a string to this ZMQ socket. * * === Examples * ctx = ZMQ::Context.new * sock = ctx.socket(:REQ) * sock.connect("inproc://test") * sock.send("message") => true * */ static VALUE rb_czmq_socket_send(VALUE obj, VALUE msg) { int rc; struct nogvl_send_args args; zmq_sock_wrapper *sock = NULL; GetZmqSocket(obj); ZmqAssertSocketNotPending(sock, "can only send on a bound or connected socket!"); ZmqSockGuardCrossThread(sock); Check_Type(msg, T_STRING); args.socket = sock; args.msg = StringValueCStr(msg); rc = (int)rb_thread_blocking_region(rb_czmq_nogvl_zstr_send, (void *)&args, RUBY_UBF_IO, 0); ZmqAssert(rc); if (sock->verbose) zclock_log ("I: %s socket %p: send \"%s\"", zsocket_type_str(sock->socket), obj, StringValueCStr(msg)); return Qtrue; } /* * call-seq: * sock.sendm("message") => boolean * * Sends a string to this ZMQ socket, with a more flag set. * * === Examples * ctx = ZMQ::Context.new * sock = ctx.socket(:REQ) * sock.connect("inproc://test") * sock.sendm("mes") => true * sock.sendm("sage") => true * */ static VALUE rb_czmq_socket_sendm(VALUE obj, VALUE msg) { int rc; struct nogvl_send_args args; zmq_sock_wrapper *sock = NULL; GetZmqSocket(obj); ZmqAssertSocketNotPending(sock, "can only send on a bound or connected socket!"); ZmqSockGuardCrossThread(sock); Check_Type(msg, T_STRING); args.socket = sock; args.msg = StringValueCStr(msg); rc = (int)rb_thread_blocking_region(rb_czmq_nogvl_zstr_sendm, (void *)&args, RUBY_UBF_IO, 0); ZmqAssert(rc); if (sock->verbose) zclock_log ("I: %s socket %p: sendm \"%s\"", zsocket_type_str(sock->socket), sock->socket, StringValueCStr(msg)); return Qtrue; } /* * :nodoc: * Receives a raw string while the GIL is released. * */ static VALUE rb_czmq_nogvl_recv(void *ptr) { struct nogvl_recv_args *args = ptr; errno = 0; zmq_sock_wrapper *socket = args->socket; #ifdef HAVE_RB_THREAD_BLOCKING_REGION return (VALUE)zstr_recv(socket->socket); #else if (zlist_size(socket->str_buffer) != 0) return (VALUE)zlist_pop(socket->str_buffer); try_readable: if ((zsocket_events(socket->socket) & ZMQ_POLLIN) == ZMQ_POLLIN) { do { zlist_append(socket->str_buffer, zstr_recv_nowait(socket->socket)); } while (zmq_errno() != EAGAIN && zmq_errno() != EINTR); return (VALUE)zlist_pop(socket->str_buffer); } else { rb_thread_wait_fd(zsocket_fd(socket->socket)); if (zsocket_rcvtimeo(socket->socket) != -1) return zstr_recv(socket->socket); goto try_readable; } #endif } /* * call-seq: * sock.recv => String or nil * * Receive a string from this ZMQ socket. May block depending on the socket type. * * === Examples * ctx = ZMQ::Context.new * sock = ctx.socket(:REP) * sock.bind("inproc://test") * sock.recv => "message" * */ static VALUE rb_czmq_socket_recv(VALUE obj) { char *str = NULL; struct nogvl_recv_args args; VALUE result = Qnil; zmq_sock_wrapper *sock = NULL; GetZmqSocket(obj); ZmqAssertSocketNotPending(sock, "can only receive on a bound or connected socket!"); ZmqSockGuardCrossThread(sock); args.socket = sock; str = (char *)rb_thread_blocking_region(rb_czmq_nogvl_recv, (void *)&args, RUBY_UBF_IO, 0); if (str == NULL) return result; ZmqAssertSysError(); if (sock->verbose) zclock_log ("I: %s socket %p: recv \"%s\"", zsocket_type_str(sock->socket), sock->socket, str); result = ZmqEncode(rb_str_new2(str)); free(str); return result; } /* * call-seq: * sock.recv_nonblock => String or nil * * Receive a string from this ZMQ socket. Does not block. * * === Examples * ctx = ZMQ::Context.new * sock = ctx.socket(:REP) * sock.bind("inproc://test") * sock.recv_nonblock => "message" * */ static VALUE rb_czmq_socket_recv_nonblock(VALUE obj) { char *str = NULL; errno = 0; VALUE result = Qnil; zmq_sock_wrapper *sock = NULL; GetZmqSocket(obj); ZmqAssertSocketNotPending(sock, "can only receive on a bound or connected socket!"); ZmqSockGuardCrossThread(sock); str = zstr_recv_nowait(sock->socket); if (str == NULL) return result; ZmqAssertSysError(); if (sock->verbose) zclock_log ("I: %s socket %p: recv_nonblock \"%s\"", zsocket_type_str(sock->socket), sock->socket, str); result = ZmqEncode(rb_str_new2(str)); free(str); return result; } /* * :nodoc: * Sends a frame while the GIL is released. * */ static VALUE rb_czmq_nogvl_send_frame(void *ptr) { struct nogvl_send_frame_args *args = ptr; errno = 0; zmq_sock_wrapper *socket = args->socket; #ifdef HAVE_RB_THREAD_BLOCKING_REGION return (VALUE)zframe_send(&(args->frame), socket->socket, args->flags); #else if (rb_thread_alone()) return (VALUE)zframe_send(&(args->frame), socket->socket, args->flags); try_writable: if ((zsocket_events(socket->socket) & ZMQ_POLLOUT) == ZMQ_POLLOUT) { return (VALUE)zframe_send(&(args->frame), socket->socket, args->flags); } else { rb_thread_wait_fd(zsocket_fd(socket->socket)); goto try_writable; } #endif } /* * call-seq: * sock.send_frame(frame) => nil * * Sends a ZMQ::Frame instance to this socket. * * === Examples * ctx = ZMQ::Context.new * sock = ctx.socket(:REP) * sock.bind("inproc://test") * frame = ZMQ::Frame("frame") * sock.send_frame(frame) => nil * frame = ZMQ::Frame("multi") * sock.send_frame(frame, ZMQ::Frame::MORE) * */ static VALUE rb_czmq_socket_send_frame(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE obj) { struct nogvl_send_frame_args args; VALUE frame_obj; VALUE flags; char print_prefix[255]; char *cur_time = NULL; zframe_t *print_frame = NULL; int rc, flgs; zmq_sock_wrapper *sock = NULL; GetZmqSocket(obj); ZmqAssertSocketNotPending(sock, "can only send on a bound or connected socket!"); ZmqSockGuardCrossThread(sock); rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "11", &frame_obj, &flags); ZmqGetFrame(frame_obj); if (NIL_P(flags)) { flgs = 0; } else { if (SYMBOL_P(flags)) flags = rb_const_get_at(rb_cZmqFrame, rb_to_id(flags)); Check_Type(flags, T_FIXNUM); flgs = FIX2INT(flags); } if (sock->verbose) { cur_time = rb_czmq_formatted_current_time(); print_frame = (flgs & ZFRAME_REUSE) ? frame : zframe_dup(frame); } args.socket = sock; args.frame = frame; args.flags = flgs; rc = (int)rb_thread_blocking_region(rb_czmq_nogvl_send_frame, (void *)&args, RUBY_UBF_IO, 0); ZmqAssert(rc); if (sock->verbose) ZmqDumpFrame("send_frame", print_frame); return Qtrue; } /* * :nodoc: * Sends a message while the GIL is released. * */ static VALUE rb_czmq_nogvl_send_message(void *ptr) { struct nogvl_send_message_args *args = ptr; zmq_sock_wrapper *socket = args->socket; errno = 0; #ifdef HAVE_RB_THREAD_BLOCKING_REGION zmsg_send(&(args->message), socket->socket); #else if (rb_thread_alone()) { zmsg_send(&(args->message), socket->socket); return Qnil; } try_writable: if ((zsocket_events(socket->socket) & ZMQ_POLLOUT) == ZMQ_POLLOUT) { zmsg_send(&(args->message), socket->socket); } else { rb_thread_wait_fd(zsocket_fd(socket->socket)); goto try_writable; } #endif return Qnil; } /* * call-seq: * sock.send_message(msg) => nil * * Sends a ZMQ::Message instance to this socket. * * === Examples * ctx = ZMQ::Context.new * sock = ctx.socket(:REP) * sock.bind("inproc://test") * msg = ZMQ::Message.new * msg.push ZMQ::Frame("header") * sock.send_message(msg) => nil * */ static VALUE rb_czmq_socket_send_message(VALUE obj, VALUE message_obj) { struct nogvl_send_message_args args; zmsg_t *print_message = NULL; zmq_sock_wrapper *sock = NULL; GetZmqSocket(obj); ZmqAssertSocketNotPending(sock, "can only send on a bound or connected socket!"); ZmqSockGuardCrossThread(sock); ZmqGetMessage(message_obj); if (sock->verbose) print_message = zmsg_dup(message->message); args.socket = sock; args.message = message->message; rb_thread_blocking_region(rb_czmq_nogvl_send_message, (void *)&args, RUBY_UBF_IO, 0); message->flags |= ZMQ_MESSAGE_DESTROYED; if (sock->verbose) ZmqDumpMessage("send_message", print_message); return Qnil; } /* * :nodoc: * Receives a frame while the GIL is released. * */ static VALUE rb_czmq_nogvl_recv_frame(void *ptr) { struct nogvl_recv_args *args = ptr; errno = 0; zmq_sock_wrapper *socket = args->socket; #ifdef HAVE_RB_THREAD_BLOCKING_REGION return (VALUE)zframe_recv(socket->socket); #else if (zlist_size(socket->frame_buffer) != 0) return (VALUE)zlist_pop(socket->frame_buffer); try_readable: if ((zsocket_events(socket->socket) & ZMQ_POLLIN) == ZMQ_POLLIN) { do { zlist_append(socket->frame_buffer, zframe_recv_nowait(socket->socket)); } while (zmq_errno() != EAGAIN && zmq_errno() != EINTR); return (VALUE)zlist_pop(socket->frame_buffer); } else { rb_thread_wait_fd(zsocket_fd(socket->socket)); goto try_readable; } #endif } /* * call-seq: * sock.recv_frame => ZMQ::Frame or nil * * Receives a ZMQ frame from this socket. * * === Examples * ctx = ZMQ::Context.new * sock = ctx.socket(:REP) * sock.bind("inproc://test") * sock.recv_frame => ZMQ::Frame or nil * */ static VALUE rb_czmq_socket_recv_frame(VALUE obj) { zframe_t *frame = NULL; struct nogvl_recv_args args; char print_prefix[255]; char *cur_time = NULL; zmq_sock_wrapper *sock = NULL; GetZmqSocket(obj); ZmqAssertSocketNotPending(sock, "can only receive on a bound or connected socket!"); ZmqSockGuardCrossThread(sock); args.socket = sock; frame = (zframe_t *)rb_thread_blocking_region(rb_czmq_nogvl_recv_frame, (void *)&args, RUBY_UBF_IO, 0); if (frame == NULL) return Qnil; if (sock->verbose) { cur_time = rb_czmq_formatted_current_time(); ZmqDumpFrame("recv_frame", frame); } return rb_czmq_alloc_frame(frame); } /* * call-seq: * sock.recv_frame_nonblock => ZMQ::Frame or nil * * Receives a ZMQ frame from this socket. Does not block * * === Examples * ctx = ZMQ::Context.new * sock = ctx.socket(:REP) * sock.bind("inproc://test") * sock.recv_frame_nonblock => ZMQ::Frame or nil * */ static VALUE rb_czmq_socket_recv_frame_nonblock(VALUE obj) { zframe_t *frame = NULL; char print_prefix[255]; char *cur_time = NULL; errno = 0; zmq_sock_wrapper *sock = NULL; GetZmqSocket(obj); ZmqAssertSocketNotPending(sock, "can only receive on a bound or connected socket!"); ZmqSockGuardCrossThread(sock); frame = zframe_recv_nowait(sock->socket); if (frame == NULL) return Qnil; if (sock->verbose) { cur_time = rb_czmq_formatted_current_time(); ZmqDumpFrame("recv_frame_nonblock", frame); } return rb_czmq_alloc_frame(frame); } /* * :nodoc: * Receives a message while the GIL is released. * */ static VALUE rb_czmq_nogvl_recv_message(void *ptr) { struct nogvl_recv_args *args = ptr; errno = 0; zmq_sock_wrapper *socket = args->socket; #ifdef HAVE_RB_THREAD_BLOCKING_REGION return (VALUE)zmsg_recv(socket->socket); #else if (zlist_size(socket->msg_buffer) != 0) return (VALUE)zlist_pop(socket->msg_buffer); try_readable: if ((zsocket_events(socket->socket) & ZMQ_POLLIN) == ZMQ_POLLIN) { do { zlist_append(socket->msg_buffer, zmsg_recv(socket->socket)); } while (zmq_errno() != EAGAIN && zmq_errno() != EINTR); return (VALUE)zlist_pop(socket->msg_buffer); } else { rb_thread_wait_fd(zsocket_fd(socket->socket)); goto try_readable; } #endif } /* * call-seq: * sock.recv_message => ZMQ::Message or nil * * Receives a ZMQ message from this socket. * * === Examples * ctx = ZMQ::Context.new * sock = ctx.socket(:REP) * sock.bind("inproc://test") * sock.recv_message => ZMQ::Message or nil * */ static VALUE rb_czmq_socket_recv_message(VALUE obj) { zmsg_t *message = NULL; struct nogvl_recv_args args; zmq_sock_wrapper *sock = NULL; GetZmqSocket(obj); ZmqAssertSocketNotPending(sock, "can only receive on a bound or connected socket!"); ZmqSockGuardCrossThread(sock); args.socket = sock; message = (zmsg_t *)rb_thread_blocking_region(rb_czmq_nogvl_recv_message, (void *)&args, RUBY_UBF_IO, 0); if (message == NULL) return Qnil; if (sock->verbose) ZmqDumpMessage("recv_message", message); return rb_czmq_alloc_message(message); } #if ZMQ_VERSION_MAJOR == 2 /* * call-seq: * sock.hwm => Fixnum * * Returns the socket HWM (High Water Mark) value. * * === Examples * ctx = ZMQ::Context.new * sock = ctx.socket(:REP) * sock.hwm => 0 * */ static VALUE rb_czmq_socket_opt_hwm(VALUE obj) { zmq_sock_wrapper *sock = NULL; GetZmqSocket(obj); return INT2NUM(zsocket_hwm(sock->socket)); } /* * call-seq: * sock.hwm = 100 => nil * * Sets the socket HWM (High Water Mark() value. * * === Examples * ctx = ZMQ::Context.new * sock = ctx.socket(:REP) * sock.hwm = 100 => nil * sock.hwm => 100 * */ static VALUE rb_czmq_socket_set_opt_hwm(VALUE obj, VALUE value) { zmq_sock_wrapper *sock = NULL; ZmqSetSockOpt(obj, zsocket_set_hwm, "HWM", value); } /* * call-seq: * sock.swap => Fixnum * * Returns the socket SWAP value. * * === Examples * ctx = ZMQ::Context.new * sock = ctx.socket(:REP) * sock.swap => 0 * */ static VALUE rb_czmq_socket_opt_swap(VALUE obj) { zmq_sock_wrapper *sock = NULL; GetZmqSocket(obj); return INT2NUM(zsocket_swap(sock->socket)); } /* * call-seq: * sock.swap = 100 => nil * * Sets the socket SWAP value. * * === Examples * ctx = ZMQ::Context.new * sock = ctx.socket(:REP) * sock.swap = 100 => nil * */ static VALUE rb_czmq_socket_set_opt_swap(VALUE obj, VALUE value) { zmq_sock_wrapper *sock = NULL; ZmqSetSockOpt(obj, zsocket_set_swap, "SWAP", value); } #endif #if ZMQ_VERSION_MAJOR == 3 /* * call-seq: * sock.sndhwm => Fixnum * * Returns the socket send HWM (High Water Mark) value. * * === Examples * ctx = ZMQ::Context.new * sock = ctx.socket(:REP) * sock.sndhwm => 0 * */ static VALUE rb_czmq_socket_opt_sndhwm(VALUE obj) { zmq_sock_wrapper *sock = NULL; GetZmqSocket(obj); return INT2NUM(zsocket_sndhwm(sock->socket)); } /* * call-seq: * sock.sndhwm = 100 => nil * * Sets the socket send HWM (High Water Mark() value. * * === Examples * ctx = ZMQ::Context.new * sock = ctx.socket(:REP) * sock.sndhwm = 100 => nil * sock.sndhwm => 100 * */ static VALUE rb_czmq_socket_set_opt_sndhwm(VALUE obj, VALUE value) { zmq_sock_wrapper *sock = NULL; ZmqSetSockOpt(obj, zsocket_set_sndhwm, "SNDHWM", value); } /* * call-seq: * sock.rcvhwm => Fixnum * * Returns the socket receive HWM (High Water Mark) value. * * === Examples * ctx = ZMQ::Context.new * sock = ctx.socket(:REP) * sock.sndhwm => 0 * */ static VALUE rb_czmq_socket_opt_rcvhwm(VALUE obj) { zmq_sock_wrapper *sock = NULL; GetZmqSocket(obj); return INT2NUM(zsocket_rcvhwm(sock->socket)); } /* * call-seq: * sock.rcvhwm = 100 => nil * * Sets the socket receive HWM (High Water Mark() value. * * === Examples * ctx = ZMQ::Context.new * sock = ctx.socket(:REP) * sock.rcvhwm = 100 => nil * sock.rcvhwm => 100 * */ static VALUE rb_czmq_socket_set_opt_rcvhwm(VALUE obj, VALUE value) { zmq_sock_wrapper *sock = NULL; ZmqSetSockOpt(obj, zsocket_set_rcvhwm, "RCVHWM", value); } #endif /* * call-seq: * sock.affinity => Fixnum * * Returns the socket AFFINITY value. * * === Examples * ctx = ZMQ::Context.new * sock = ctx.socket(:REP) * sock.affinity => 0 * */ static VALUE rb_czmq_socket_opt_affinity(VALUE obj) { zmq_sock_wrapper *sock = NULL; GetZmqSocket(obj); return INT2NUM(zsocket_affinity(sock->socket)); } /* * call-seq: * sock.affinity = 1 => nil * * Sets the socket AFFINITY value. * * === Examples * ctx = ZMQ::Context.new * sock = ctx.socket(:REP) * sock.affinity = 1 => nil * */ static VALUE rb_czmq_socket_set_opt_affinity(VALUE obj, VALUE value) { zmq_sock_wrapper *sock = NULL; ZmqSetSockOpt(obj, zsocket_set_affinity, "AFFINITY", value); } /* * call-seq: * sock.rate => Fixnum * * Returns the socket RATE value. * * === Examples * ctx = ZMQ::Context.new * sock = ctx.socket(:REP) * sock.rate => 40000 * */ static VALUE rb_czmq_socket_opt_rate(VALUE obj) { zmq_sock_wrapper *sock = NULL; GetZmqSocket(obj); return INT2NUM(zsocket_rate(sock->socket)); } /* * call-seq: * sock.rate = 50000 => nil * * Sets the socket RATE value. * * === Examples * ctx = ZMQ::Context.new * sock = ctx.socket(:REP) * sock.rate = 50000 => nil * */ static VALUE rb_czmq_socket_set_opt_rate(VALUE obj, VALUE value) { zmq_sock_wrapper *sock = NULL; ZmqSetSockOpt(obj, zsocket_set_rate, "RATE", value); } /* * call-seq: * sock.recovery_ivl => Fixnum * * Returns the socket RECOVERY_IVL value. * * === Examples * ctx = ZMQ::Context.new * sock = ctx.socket(:REP) * sock.recovery_ivl => 10 * */ static VALUE rb_czmq_socket_opt_recovery_ivl(VALUE obj) { zmq_sock_wrapper *sock = NULL; GetZmqSocket(obj); return INT2NUM(zsocket_recovery_ivl(sock->socket)); } /* * call-seq: * sock.recovery_ivl = 20 => nil * * Sets the socket RECOVERY_IVL value. * * === Examples * ctx = ZMQ::Context.new * sock = ctx.socket(:REP) * sock.recovery_ivl = 20 => nil * */ static VALUE rb_czmq_socket_set_opt_recovery_ivl(VALUE obj, VALUE value) { zmq_sock_wrapper *sock = NULL; ZmqSetSockOpt(obj, zsocket_set_recovery_ivl, "RECOVERY_IVL", value); } #if ZMQ_VERSION_MAJOR == 2 /* * call-seq: * sock.recovery_ivl_msec => Fixnum * * Returns the socket RECOVERY_IVL_MSEC value. * * === Examples * ctx = ZMQ::Context.new * sock = ctx.socket(:REP) * sock.recovery_ivl_msec => -1 * */ static VALUE rb_czmq_socket_opt_recovery_ivl_msec(VALUE obj) { zmq_sock_wrapper *sock = NULL; GetZmqSocket(obj); return INT2NUM(zsocket_recovery_ivl_msec(sock->socket)); } /* * call-seq: * sock.recovery_ivl_msec = 20 => nil * * Sets the socket RECOVERY_IVL_MSEC value. * * === Examples * ctx = ZMQ::Context.new * sock = ctx.socket(:REP) * sock.recovery_ivl_msec = 20 => nil * */ static VALUE rb_czmq_socket_set_opt_recovery_ivl_msec(VALUE obj, VALUE value) { zmq_sock_wrapper *sock = NULL; ZmqSetSockOpt(obj, zsocket_set_recovery_ivl_msec, "RECOVERY_IVL_MSEC", value); } /* * call-seq: * sock.mcast_loop? => boolean * * Returns the socket MCAST_LOOP status. * * === Examples * ctx = ZMQ::Context.new * sock = ctx.socket(:REP) * sock.mcast_loop? => true * */ static VALUE rb_czmq_socket_opt_mcast_loop(VALUE obj) { zmq_sock_wrapper *sock = NULL; GetZmqSocket(obj); return (zsocket_mcast_loop(sock->socket) == 1) ? Qtrue : Qfalse; } /* * call-seq: * sock.mcast_loop = false => nil * * Sets the socket MCAST_LOOP value. * * === Examples * ctx = ZMQ::Context.new * sock = ctx.socket(:REP) * sock.mcast_loop = false => nil * */ static VALUE rb_czmq_socket_set_opt_mcast_loop(VALUE obj, VALUE value) { zmq_sock_wrapper *sock = NULL; ZmqSetBooleanSockOpt(obj, zsocket_set_mcast_loop, "MCAST_LOOP", value); } #endif /* * call-seq: * sock.sndbuf => Fixnum * * Returns the socket SNDBUF value. * * === Examples * ctx = ZMQ::Context.new * sock = ctx.socket(:REP) * sock.sndbuf => 0 * */ static VALUE rb_czmq_socket_opt_sndbuf(VALUE obj) { zmq_sock_wrapper *sock = NULL; GetZmqSocket(obj); return INT2NUM(zsocket_sndbuf(sock->socket)); } /* * call-seq: * sock.sndbuf = 1000 => nil * * Sets the socket SNDBUF value. * * === Examples * ctx = ZMQ::Context.new * sock = ctx.socket(:REP) * sock.sndbuf = 1000 => nil * */ static VALUE rb_czmq_socket_set_opt_sndbuf(VALUE obj, VALUE value) { zmq_sock_wrapper *sock = NULL; ZmqSetSockOpt(obj, zsocket_set_sndbuf, "SNDBUF", value); } /* * call-seq: * sock.rcvbuf => Fixnum * * Returns the socket RCVBUF value. * * === Examples * ctx = ZMQ::Context.new * sock = ctx.socket(:REP) * sock.rcvbuf => 0 * */ static VALUE rb_czmq_socket_opt_rcvbuf(VALUE obj) { zmq_sock_wrapper *sock = NULL; GetZmqSocket(obj); return INT2NUM(zsocket_rcvbuf(sock->socket)); } /* * call-seq: * sock.rcvbuf = 1000 => nil * * Sets the socket RCVBUF value. * * === Examples * ctx = ZMQ::Context.new * sock = ctx.socket(:REP) * sock.rcvbuf = 1000 => nil * */ static VALUE rb_czmq_socket_set_opt_rcvbuf(VALUE obj, VALUE value) { zmq_sock_wrapper *sock = NULL; ZmqSetSockOpt(obj, zsocket_set_rcvbuf, "RCVBUF", value); } /* * call-seq: * sock.linger => Fixnum * * Returns the socket LINGER value. * * === Examples * ctx = ZMQ::Context.new * sock = ctx.socket(:REP) * sock.linger => -1 * */ static VALUE rb_czmq_socket_opt_linger(VALUE obj) { zmq_sock_wrapper *sock = NULL; GetZmqSocket(obj); return INT2NUM(zsocket_linger(sock->socket)); } /* * call-seq: * sock.linger = 1000 => nil * * Sets the socket LINGER value in ms. * * === Examples * ctx = ZMQ::Context.new * sock = ctx.socket(:REP) * sock.linger = 1000 => nil * */ static VALUE rb_czmq_socket_set_opt_linger(VALUE obj, VALUE value) { zmq_sock_wrapper *sock = NULL; ZmqSetSockOpt(obj, zsocket_set_linger, "LINGER", value); } /* * call-seq: * sock.backlog => Fixnum * * Returns the socket BACKLOG value. * * === Examples * ctx = ZMQ::Context.new * sock = ctx.socket(:REP) * sock.backlog => 100 * */ static VALUE rb_czmq_socket_opt_backlog(VALUE obj) { zmq_sock_wrapper *sock = NULL; GetZmqSocket(obj); return INT2NUM(zsocket_backlog(sock->socket)); } /* * call-seq: * sock.backlog = 200 => nil * * Sets the socket BACKLOG value. * * === Examples * ctx = ZMQ::Context.new * sock = ctx.socket(:REP) * sock.backlog = 200 => nil * */ static VALUE rb_czmq_socket_set_opt_backlog(VALUE obj, VALUE value) { zmq_sock_wrapper *sock = NULL; ZmqSetSockOpt(obj, zsocket_set_backlog, "BACKLOG", value); } /* * call-seq: * sock.reconnect_ivl => Fixnum * * Returns the socket RECONNECT_IVL value. * * === Examples * ctx = ZMQ::Context.new * sock = ctx.socket(:REP) * sock.reconnect_ivl => 100 * */ static VALUE rb_czmq_socket_opt_reconnect_ivl(VALUE obj) { zmq_sock_wrapper *sock = NULL; GetZmqSocket(obj); return INT2NUM(zsocket_reconnect_ivl(sock->socket)); } /* * call-seq: * sock.reconnect_ivl = 200 => nil * * Sets the socket RECONNECT_IVL value. * * === Examples * ctx = ZMQ::Context.new * sock = ctx.socket(:REP) * sock.reconnect_ivl = 200 => nil * */ static VALUE rb_czmq_socket_set_opt_reconnect_ivl(VALUE obj, VALUE value) { zmq_sock_wrapper *sock = NULL; ZmqSetSockOpt(obj, zsocket_set_reconnect_ivl, "RECONNECT_IVL", value); } /* * call-seq: * sock.reconnect_ivl_max => Fixnum * * Returns the socket RECONNECT_IVL_MAX value. * * === Examples * ctx = ZMQ::Context.new * sock = ctx.socket(:REP) * sock.reconnect_ivl_max => 0 * */ static VALUE rb_czmq_socket_opt_reconnect_ivl_max(VALUE obj) { zmq_sock_wrapper *sock = NULL; GetZmqSocket(obj); return INT2NUM(zsocket_reconnect_ivl_max(sock->socket)); } /* * call-seq: * sock.reconnect_ivl_max = 5 => nil * * Sets the socket RECONNECT_IVL_MAX value. * * === Examples * ctx = ZMQ::Context.new * sock = ctx.socket(:REP) * sock.reconnect_ivl_max = 5 => nil * */ static VALUE rb_czmq_socket_set_opt_reconnect_ivl_max(VALUE obj, VALUE value) { zmq_sock_wrapper *sock = NULL; ZmqSetSockOpt(obj, zsocket_set_reconnect_ivl_max, "RECONNECT_IVL_MAX", value); } /* * call-seq: * sock.identity = "anonymous" => nil * * Sets the socket IDENTITY value. * * === Examples * ctx = ZMQ::Context.new * sock = ctx.socket(:REP) * sock.identity = "anonymous" => nil * */ static VALUE rb_czmq_socket_set_opt_identity(VALUE obj, VALUE value) { char *val; zmq_sock_wrapper *sock = NULL; GetZmqSocket(obj); ZmqSockGuardCrossThread(sock); Check_Type(value, T_STRING); if (RSTRING_LEN(value) == 0) rb_raise(rb_eZmqError, "socket identity cannot be empty."); if (RSTRING_LEN(value) > 255) rb_raise(rb_eZmqError, "maximum socket identity is 255 chars."); val = StringValueCStr(value); zsocket_set_identity(sock->socket, val); if (sock->verbose) zclock_log ("I: %s socket %p: set option \"IDENTITY\" \"%s\"", zsocket_type_str(sock->socket), obj, val); return Qnil; } /* * call-seq: * sock.subscribe "ruby" => nil * * Subscribes this SUB socket to a topic. * * === Examples * ctx = ZMQ::Context.new * sock = ctx.socket(:SUB) * sock.subscribe "ruby" => nil * */ static VALUE rb_czmq_socket_set_opt_subscribe(VALUE obj, VALUE value) { zmq_sock_wrapper *sock = NULL; ZmqSetStringSockOpt(obj, zsocket_set_subscribe, "SUBSCRIBE", value, { ZmqAssertSockOptFor(ZMQ_SUB) }); } /* * call-seq: * sock.unsubscribe "ruby" => nil * * Unsubscribes this SUB socket from a topic. * * === Examples * ctx = ZMQ::Context.new * sock = ctx.socket(:SUB) * sock.unsubscribe "ruby" => nil * */ static VALUE rb_czmq_socket_set_opt_unsubscribe(VALUE obj, VALUE value) { zmq_sock_wrapper *sock = NULL; ZmqSetStringSockOpt(obj, zsocket_set_unsubscribe, "UNSUBSCRIBE", value, { ZmqAssertSockOptFor(ZMQ_SUB) }); } /* * call-seq: * sock.rcvmore => boolean * * Query if there's more messages to receive. * * === Examples * ctx = ZMQ::Context.new * sock = ctx.socket(:SUB) * sock.rcvmore => true * */ static VALUE rb_czmq_socket_opt_rcvmore(VALUE obj) { zmq_sock_wrapper *sock = NULL; GetZmqSocket(obj); return (zsocket_rcvmore(sock->socket) == 1) ? Qtrue : Qfalse; } /* * call-seq: * sock.events => Fixnum * * Query if this socket is in a readable or writable state. * * === Examples * ctx = ZMQ::Context.new * sock = ctx.socket(:SUB) * sock.events => ZMQ::POLLIN * */ static VALUE rb_czmq_socket_opt_events(VALUE obj) { zmq_sock_wrapper *sock = NULL; GetZmqSocket(obj); return INT2NUM(zsocket_events(sock->socket)); } /* * call-seq: * sock.rcvtimeo => Fixnum * * Returns the socket RCVTIMEO value. * * === Examples * ctx = ZMQ::Context.new * sock = ctx.socket(:REP) * sock.rcvtimeo => -1 * */ static VALUE rb_czmq_socket_opt_rcvtimeo(VALUE obj) { zmq_sock_wrapper *sock = NULL; GetZmqSocket(obj); return INT2NUM(zsocket_rcvtimeo(sock->socket)); } /* * call-seq: * sock.rcvtimeout = 200 => nil * * Sets the socket RCVTIMEO value. * * === Examples * ctx = ZMQ::Context.new * sock = ctx.socket(:REP) * sock.rcvtimeo = 200 => nil * */ static VALUE rb_czmq_socket_set_opt_rcvtimeo(VALUE obj, VALUE value) { zmq_sock_wrapper *sock = NULL; ZmqSetSockOpt(obj, zsocket_set_rcvtimeo, "RCVTIMEO", value); } /* * call-seq: * sock.sndtimeo => Fixnum * * Returns the socket SNDTIMEO value. * * === Examples * ctx = ZMQ::Context.new * sock = ctx.socket(:REP) * sock.sndtimeo => -1 * */ static VALUE rb_czmq_socket_opt_sndtimeo(VALUE obj) { zmq_sock_wrapper *sock = NULL; GetZmqSocket(obj); return INT2NUM(zsocket_sndtimeo(sock->socket)); } /* * call-seq: * sock.sndtimeout = 200 => nil * * Sets the socket SNDTIMEO value. * * === Examples * ctx = ZMQ::Context.new * sock = ctx.socket(:REP) * sock.sndtimeo = 200 => nil * */ static VALUE rb_czmq_socket_set_opt_sndtimeo(VALUE obj, VALUE value) { zmq_sock_wrapper *sock = NULL; ZmqSetSockOpt(obj, zsocket_set_sndtimeo, "SNDTIMEO", value); } #if defined (ZMQ_ROUTER_RAW) /* * call-seq: * sock.raw = true => nil * * Define this as a RAW socket - applicable to ROUTER sockets only. * * === Examples * ctx = ZMQ::Context.new * sock = ctx.socket(:ROUTER) * sock.router = 200 => nil * */ static VALUE rb_czmq_socket_set_opt_raw(VALUE obj, VALUE value) { zmq_sock_wrapper *sock = NULL; ZmqSetBooleanSockOpt(obj, zsocket_set_router_raw, "ROUTER_RAW", value); } #endif /* * :nodoc: * Receives a monitoring event message while the GIL is released. * */ static VALUE rb_czmq_nogvl_monitor_recv(void *ptr) { struct nogvl_monitor_recv_args *args = ptr; int rc; #ifdef HAVE_RB_THREAD_BLOCKING_REGION rc = zmq_recvmsg (args->socket, &args->msg, 0); #else int fd; size_t option_len = sizeof (int); zmq_getsockopt (args->socket, ZMQ_FD, &fd, &option_len); try_readable: if ((zsocket_events(args->socket) & ZMQ_POLLIN) == ZMQ_POLLIN) { rc = zmq_recvmsg (args->socket, &args->msg, 0); } else { rb_thread_wait_fd(fd); goto try_readable; } #endif return (VALUE)rc; } /* * :nodoc: * Runs with the context of a new Ruby thread and spawns a PAIR socket for handling monitoring events * */ static VALUE rb_czmq_socket_monitor_thread(void *arg) { zmq_event_t event; struct nogvl_monitor_recv_args args; int rc; zmq_sock_wrapper *sock = (zmq_sock_wrapper *)arg; void *s = zsocket_new (sock->ctx, ZMQ_PAIR); assert (s); rc = zmq_connect (s, StringValueCStr(sock->monitor_endpoint)); assert (rc == 0); THREAD_PASS; while (1) { args.socket = s; zmq_msg_init (&args.msg); rc = (int)rb_thread_blocking_region(rb_czmq_nogvl_monitor_recv, (void *)&args, RUBY_UBF_IO, 0); if (rc == -1 && (zmq_errno() == ETERM || zmq_errno() == ENOTSOCK || zmq_errno() == EINTR)) break; assert (rc != -1); memcpy (&event, zmq_msg_data (&args.msg), sizeof (event)); switch (event.event) { case ZMQ_EVENT_CONNECTED: rb_funcall(sock->monitor_handler, intern_on_connected, 2, rb_str_new2(event.data.connected.addr), INT2FIX(event.data.connected.fd)); break; case ZMQ_EVENT_CONNECT_DELAYED: rb_funcall(sock->monitor_handler, intern_on_connect_delayed, 2, rb_str_new2(event.data.connect_delayed.addr), INT2FIX(event.data.connect_delayed.err)); break; case ZMQ_EVENT_CONNECT_RETRIED: rb_funcall(sock->monitor_handler, intern_on_connect_retried, 2, rb_str_new2(event.data.connect_retried.addr), INT2FIX(event.data.connect_retried.interval)); break; case ZMQ_EVENT_LISTENING: rb_funcall(sock->monitor_handler, intern_on_listening, 2, rb_str_new2(event.data.listening.addr), INT2FIX(event.data.listening.fd)); break; case ZMQ_EVENT_BIND_FAILED: rb_funcall(sock->monitor_handler, intern_on_bind_failed, 2, rb_str_new2(event.data.bind_failed.addr), INT2FIX(event.data.bind_failed.err)); break; case ZMQ_EVENT_ACCEPTED: rb_funcall(sock->monitor_handler, intern_on_accepted, 2, rb_str_new2(event.data.accepted.addr), INT2FIX(event.data.accepted.fd)); break; case ZMQ_EVENT_ACCEPT_FAILED: rb_funcall(sock->monitor_handler, intern_on_accept_failed, 2, rb_str_new2(event.data.accept_failed.addr), INT2FIX(event.data.accept_failed.err)); break; case ZMQ_EVENT_CLOSE_FAILED: rb_funcall(sock->monitor_handler, intern_on_close_failed, 2, rb_str_new2(event.data.close_failed.addr), INT2FIX(event.data.close_failed.err)); break; case ZMQ_EVENT_CLOSED: rb_funcall(sock->monitor_handler, intern_on_closed, 2, rb_str_new2(event.data.closed.addr), INT2FIX(event.data.closed.fd)); break; case ZMQ_EVENT_DISCONNECTED: rb_funcall(sock->monitor_handler, intern_on_disconnected, 2, rb_str_new2(event.data.disconnected.addr), INT2FIX(event.data.disconnected.fd)); break; } } zmq_close (s); return Qnil; } /* * call-seq: * sock.monitor("inproc://monitoring", callback, events) => nil * * Registers a monitoring callback for this socket * * === Examples * ctx = ZMQ::Context.new * rep = ctx.socket(:REP) * rep.monitor("inproc://monitoring.rep", RepMonitor) * req = ctx.socket(:REQ) * req.monitor("inproc://monitoring.req", ReqMonitor, ZMQ_EVENT_DISCONNECTED) * rep.bind("tcp://") * rep.bind("tcp://") * */ static VALUE rb_czmq_socket_monitor(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE obj) { VALUE endpoint; VALUE handler; VALUE events; int rc; zmq_sock_wrapper *sock = NULL; GetZmqSocket(obj); ZmqSockGuardCrossThread(sock); rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "12", &endpoint, &handler, &events); Check_Type(endpoint, T_STRING); if (NIL_P(events)) events = rb_const_get_at(rb_mZmq, rb_intern("EVENT_ALL")); if (NIL_P(handler)) { handler = rb_class_new_instance(0, NULL, rb_const_get_at(rb_mZmq, rb_intern("Monitor"))); } Check_Type(events, T_FIXNUM); rc = zmq_socket_monitor(sock->socket, StringValueCStr(endpoint), NUM2INT(events)); if (rc == 0) { sock->monitor_endpoint = endpoint; sock->monitor_handler = handler; sock->monitor_thread = rb_thread_create(rb_czmq_socket_monitor_thread, (void*)sock); rb_thread_run(sock->monitor_thread); return Qtrue; } else { return Qfalse; } } void _init_rb_czmq_socket() { rb_cZmqSocket = rb_define_class_under(rb_mZmq, "Socket", rb_cObject); rb_cZmqPubSocket = rb_define_class_under(rb_cZmqSocket, "Pub", rb_cZmqSocket); rb_cZmqSubSocket = rb_define_class_under(rb_cZmqSocket, "Sub", rb_cZmqSocket);; rb_cZmqPushSocket = rb_define_class_under(rb_cZmqSocket, "Push", rb_cZmqSocket);; rb_cZmqPullSocket = rb_define_class_under(rb_cZmqSocket, "Pull", rb_cZmqSocket);; rb_cZmqRouterSocket = rb_define_class_under(rb_cZmqSocket, "Router", rb_cZmqSocket);; rb_cZmqDealerSocket = rb_define_class_under(rb_cZmqSocket, "Dealer", rb_cZmqSocket);; rb_cZmqRepSocket = rb_define_class_under(rb_cZmqSocket, "Rep", rb_cZmqSocket);; rb_cZmqReqSocket = rb_define_class_under(rb_cZmqSocket, "Req", rb_cZmqSocket);; rb_cZmqPairSocket = rb_define_class_under(rb_cZmqSocket, "Pair", rb_cZmqSocket);; intern_on_connected = rb_intern("on_connected"); intern_on_connect_delayed = rb_intern("on_connect_delayed"); intern_on_connect_retried = rb_intern("on_connect_retried"); intern_on_listening = rb_intern("on_listening"); intern_on_bind_failed = rb_intern("on_bind_failed"); intern_on_accepted = rb_intern("on_accepted"); intern_on_accept_failed = rb_intern("on_accept_failed"); intern_on_closed = rb_intern("on_closed"); intern_on_close_failed = rb_intern("on_close_failed"); intern_on_disconnected = rb_intern("on_disconnected"); rb_define_const(rb_cZmqSocket, "PENDING", INT2NUM(ZMQ_SOCKET_PENDING)); rb_define_const(rb_cZmqSocket, "BOUND", INT2NUM(ZMQ_SOCKET_BOUND)); rb_define_const(rb_cZmqSocket, "CONNECTED", INT2NUM(ZMQ_SOCKET_CONNECTED)); rb_define_method(rb_cZmqSocket, "close", rb_czmq_socket_close, 0); rb_define_method(rb_cZmqSocket, "endpoints", rb_czmq_socket_endpoints, 0); rb_define_method(rb_cZmqSocket, "state", rb_czmq_socket_state, 0); rb_define_method(rb_cZmqSocket, "real_bind", rb_czmq_socket_bind, 1); rb_define_method(rb_cZmqSocket, "real_connect", rb_czmq_socket_connect, 1); rb_define_method(rb_cZmqSocket, "fd", rb_czmq_socket_fd, 0); rb_define_alias(rb_cZmqSocket, "to_i", "fd"); rb_define_method(rb_cZmqSocket, "verbose=", rb_czmq_socket_set_verbose, 1); rb_define_method(rb_cZmqSocket, "send", rb_czmq_socket_send, 1); rb_define_method(rb_cZmqSocket, "sendm", rb_czmq_socket_sendm, 1); rb_define_method(rb_cZmqSocket, "send_frame", rb_czmq_socket_send_frame, -1); rb_define_method(rb_cZmqSocket, "send_message", rb_czmq_socket_send_message, 1); rb_define_method(rb_cZmqSocket, "recv", rb_czmq_socket_recv, 0); rb_define_method(rb_cZmqSocket, "recv_nonblock", rb_czmq_socket_recv_nonblock, 0); rb_define_method(rb_cZmqSocket, "recv_frame", rb_czmq_socket_recv_frame, 0); rb_define_method(rb_cZmqSocket, "recv_frame_nonblock", rb_czmq_socket_recv_frame_nonblock, 0); rb_define_method(rb_cZmqSocket, "recv_message", rb_czmq_socket_recv_message, 0); #if ZMQ_VERSION_MAJOR == 2 rb_define_method(rb_cZmqSocket, "swap", rb_czmq_socket_opt_swap, 0); rb_define_method(rb_cZmqSocket, "swap=", rb_czmq_socket_set_opt_swap, 1); rb_define_method(rb_cZmqSocket, "recovery_ivl_msec", rb_czmq_socket_opt_recovery_ivl_msec, 0); rb_define_method(rb_cZmqSocket, "recovery_ivl_msec=", rb_czmq_socket_set_opt_recovery_ivl_msec, 1); rb_define_method(rb_cZmqSocket, "mcast_loop?", rb_czmq_socket_opt_mcast_loop, 0); rb_define_method(rb_cZmqSocket, "mcast_loop=", rb_czmq_socket_set_opt_mcast_loop, 1); rb_define_method(rb_cZmqSocket, "hwm", rb_czmq_socket_opt_hwm, 0); rb_define_method(rb_cZmqSocket, "hwm=", rb_czmq_socket_set_opt_hwm, 1); #endif #if ZMQ_VERSION_MAJOR == 3 rb_define_method(rb_cZmqSocket, "sndhwm", rb_czmq_socket_opt_sndhwm, 0); rb_define_method(rb_cZmqSocket, "sndhwm=", rb_czmq_socket_set_opt_sndhwm, 1); rb_define_method(rb_cZmqSocket, "rcvhwm", rb_czmq_socket_opt_rcvhwm, 0); rb_define_method(rb_cZmqSocket, "rcvhwm=", rb_czmq_socket_set_opt_rcvhwm, 1); #if defined (ZMQ_ROUTER_RAW) rb_define_method(rb_cZmqSocket, "raw=", rb_czmq_socket_set_opt_raw, 1); #endif #endif rb_define_method(rb_cZmqSocket, "affinity", rb_czmq_socket_opt_affinity, 0); rb_define_method(rb_cZmqSocket, "affinity=", rb_czmq_socket_set_opt_affinity, 1); rb_define_method(rb_cZmqSocket, "rate", rb_czmq_socket_opt_rate, 0); rb_define_method(rb_cZmqSocket, "rate=", rb_czmq_socket_set_opt_rate, 1); rb_define_method(rb_cZmqSocket, "recovery_ivl", rb_czmq_socket_opt_recovery_ivl, 0); rb_define_method(rb_cZmqSocket, "recovery_ivl=", rb_czmq_socket_set_opt_recovery_ivl, 1); rb_define_method(rb_cZmqSocket, "sndbuf", rb_czmq_socket_opt_sndbuf, 0); rb_define_method(rb_cZmqSocket, "sndbuf=", rb_czmq_socket_set_opt_sndbuf, 1); rb_define_method(rb_cZmqSocket, "rcvbuf", rb_czmq_socket_opt_rcvbuf, 0); rb_define_method(rb_cZmqSocket, "rcvbuf=", rb_czmq_socket_set_opt_rcvbuf, 1); rb_define_method(rb_cZmqSocket, "linger", rb_czmq_socket_opt_linger, 0); rb_define_method(rb_cZmqSocket, "linger=", rb_czmq_socket_set_opt_linger, 1); rb_define_method(rb_cZmqSocket, "backlog", rb_czmq_socket_opt_backlog, 0); rb_define_method(rb_cZmqSocket, "backlog=", rb_czmq_socket_set_opt_backlog, 1); rb_define_method(rb_cZmqSocket, "reconnect_ivl", rb_czmq_socket_opt_reconnect_ivl, 0); rb_define_method(rb_cZmqSocket, "reconnect_ivl=", rb_czmq_socket_set_opt_reconnect_ivl, 1); rb_define_method(rb_cZmqSocket, "reconnect_ivl_max", rb_czmq_socket_opt_reconnect_ivl_max, 0); rb_define_method(rb_cZmqSocket, "reconnect_ivl_max=", rb_czmq_socket_set_opt_reconnect_ivl_max, 1); rb_define_method(rb_cZmqSocket, "identity=", rb_czmq_socket_set_opt_identity, 1); rb_define_method(rb_cZmqSocket, "subscribe", rb_czmq_socket_set_opt_subscribe, 1); rb_define_method(rb_cZmqSocket, "unsubscribe", rb_czmq_socket_set_opt_unsubscribe, 1); rb_define_method(rb_cZmqSocket, "rcvmore?", rb_czmq_socket_opt_rcvmore, 0); rb_define_method(rb_cZmqSocket, "events", rb_czmq_socket_opt_events, 0); rb_define_method(rb_cZmqSocket, "rcvtimeo", rb_czmq_socket_opt_rcvtimeo, 0); rb_define_method(rb_cZmqSocket, "rcvtimeo=", rb_czmq_socket_set_opt_rcvtimeo, 1); rb_define_method(rb_cZmqSocket, "sndtimeo", rb_czmq_socket_opt_sndtimeo, 0); rb_define_method(rb_cZmqSocket, "sndtimeo=", rb_czmq_socket_set_opt_sndtimeo, 1); rb_define_method(rb_cZmqSocket, "monitor", rb_czmq_socket_monitor, -1); }