this.$transcriptLanguageSelectContainer = languageSelectWrapper;
' + this.tt.language + ': '), this.$transcriptLanguageSelect);
this.$transcriptArea.append(this.$transcriptToolbar, this.$transcriptDiv);
// If client has provided separate transcript location, put it there.
// Otherwise append it to the body
if (this.transcriptDivLocation) {
$('#' + this.transcriptDivLocation).append(this.$transcriptArea);
else {
// make it draggable (popup only; NOT external transcript)
if (!this.transcriptDivLocation) {
if (this.prefTranscript === 1) {
// transcript is on. Go ahead and position it
// If client has provided separate transcript location, override user's preference for hiding transcript
if (!this.prefTranscript && !this.transcriptDivLocation) {
AblePlayer.prototype.addTranscriptAreaEvents = function() {
var thisObj = this;
this.$autoScrollTranscriptCheckbox.click(function () {
this.$transcriptDiv.bind('mousewheel DOMMouseScroll click scroll', function (event) {
// Propagation is stopped in transcript click handler, so clicks are on the scrollbar
// or outside of a clickable span.
if (!thisObj.scrollingTranscript) {
thisObj.autoScrollTranscript = false;
thisObj.scrollingTranscript = false;
if (typeof this.$transcriptLanguageSelect !== 'undefined') {
this.$transcriptLanguageSelect.on('click mousedown',function (event) {
// execute default behavior
// prevent propagation of mouse event to toolbar or window
this.$transcriptLanguageSelect.on('change',function () {
var language = thisObj.$transcriptLanguageSelect.val();
AblePlayer.prototype.transcriptSrcHasRequiredParts = function() {
// check the external transcript to be sure it has all required components
// return true or false
// in the process, define all the needed variables and properties
if ($('#' + this.transcriptSrc).length) {
this.$transcriptArea = $('#' + this.transcriptSrc);
if (this.$transcriptArea.find('.able-window-toolbar').length) {
this.$transcriptToolbar = this.$transcriptArea.find('.able-window-toolbar').eq(0);
if (this.$transcriptArea.find('.able-transcript').length) {
this.$transcriptDiv = this.$transcriptArea.find('.able-transcript').eq(0);
if (this.$transcriptArea.find('.able-transcript-seekpoint').length) {
this.$transcriptSeekpoints = this.$transcriptArea.find('.able-transcript-seekpoint');
return true;
return false;
AblePlayer.prototype.setupManualTranscript = function() {
// Add an auto-scroll checkbox to the toolbar
this.$autoScrollTranscriptCheckbox = $('
' + this.tt.autoScroll + ': '), this.$autoScrollTranscriptCheckbox);
AblePlayer.prototype.updateTranscript = function() {
if (!this.transcriptType) {
if (this.transcriptType === 'external' || this.transcriptType === 'popup') {
var chapters, captions, descriptions;
// Language of transcript might be different than language of captions
// But both are in sync by default
if (this.transcriptLang) {
captions = this.transcriptCaptions.cues;
else {
if (this.transcriptCaptions) {
this.transcriptLang = this.transcriptCaptions.language;
captions = this.transcriptCaptions.cues;
else if (this.selectedCaptions) {
this.transcriptLang = this.captionLang;
captions = this.selectedCaptions.cues;
// setup chapters
if (this.transcriptChapters) {
chapters = this.transcriptChapters.cues;
else if (this.chapters.length > 0) {
// Try and match the caption language.
if (this.transcriptLang) {
for (var ii = 0; ii < this.chapters.length; ii++) {
if (this.chapters[ii].language === this.transcriptLang) {
chapters = this.chapters[ii].cues;
if (typeof chapters === 'undefined') {
chapters = this.chapters[0].cues || [];
// setup descriptions
if (this.transcriptDescriptions) {
descriptions = this.transcriptDescriptions.cues;
else if (this.descriptions.length > 0) {
// Try and match the caption language.
if (this.transcriptLang) {
for (var ii = 0; ii < this.descriptions.length; ii++) {
if (this.descriptions[ii].language === this.transcriptLang) {
descriptions = this.descriptions[ii].cues;
if (!descriptions) {
descriptions = this.descriptions[0].cues || [];
var div = this.generateTranscript(chapters || [], captions || [], descriptions || []);
// reset transcript selected
to this.transcriptLang
if (this.$transcriptLanguageSelect) {
this.$transcriptLanguageSelect.find('option[lang=' + this.transcriptLang + ']').prop('selected',true);
var thisObj = this;
// Make transcript tabbable if preference is turned on.
if (this.prefTabbable === 1) {
$('.able-transcript span.able-transcript-seekpoint').attr('tabindex','0');
// handle clicks on text within transcript
// Note: This event listeners handles clicks only, not keydown events
// Pressing Enter on an element that is not natively clickable does NOT trigger click()
// Keydown events are handled elsehwere, both globally (ableplayer-base.js) and locally (event.js)
if (this.$transcriptArea.length > 0) {
this.$transcriptArea.find('span.able-transcript-seekpoint').click(function(event) {
var spanStart = parseFloat($(this).attr('data-start'));
// Add a tiny amount so that we're inside the span.
spanStart += .01;
AblePlayer.prototype.highlightTranscript = function (currentTime) {
//show highlight in transcript marking current caption
if (!this.transcriptType) {
var start, end;
var thisObj = this;
currentTime = parseFloat(currentTime);
// Highlight the current transcript item.
this.$transcriptArea.find('span.able-transcript-caption').each(function() {
start = parseFloat($(this).attr('data-start'));
end = parseFloat($(this).attr('data-end'));
if (currentTime >= start && currentTime <= end) {
// move all previous highlights before adding one to current span
return false;
thisObj.currentHighlight = $('.able-highlight');
if (thisObj.currentHighlight.length === 0) {
// Nothing highlighted.
thisObj.currentHighlight = null;
AblePlayer.prototype.generateTranscript = function(chapters, captions, descriptions) {
var thisObj = this;
var $main = $('
var transcriptTitle;
// set language for transcript container
$main.attr('lang', this.transcriptLang);
if (typeof this.transcriptTitle !== 'undefined') {
transcriptTitle = this.transcriptTitle;
else if (this.lyricsMode) {
transcriptTitle = this.tt.lyricsTitle;
else {
transcriptTitle = this.tt.transcriptTitle;
if (typeof this.transcriptDivLocation === 'undefined') {
// only add an HTML heading to internal transcript
// external transcript is expected to have its own heading
var headingNumber = this.playerHeadingLevel;
headingNumber += 1;
var chapterHeadingNumber = headingNumber + 1;
if (headingNumber <= 6) {
var transcriptHeading = 'h' + headingNumber.toString();
else {
var transcriptHeading = 'div';
// var transcriptHeadingTag = '<' + transcriptHeading + ' class="able-transcript-heading">';
var $transcriptHeadingTag = $('<' + transcriptHeading + '>');
if (headingNumber > 6) {
'role': 'heading',
'aria-level': headingNumber
// set language of transcript heading to language of player
// this is independent of language of transcript
$transcriptHeadingTag.attr('lang', this.lang);
var nextChapter = 0;
var nextCap = 0;
var nextDesc = 0;
var addChapter = function(div, chap) {
if (chapterHeadingNumber <= 6) {
var chapterHeading = 'h' + chapterHeadingNumber.toString();
else {
var chapterHeading = 'div';
var $chapterHeadingTag = $('<' + chapterHeading + '>',{
'class': 'able-transcript-chapter-heading'
if (chapterHeadingNumber > 6) {
'role': 'heading',
'aria-level': chapterHeadingNumber
var flattenComponentForChapter = function(comp) {
var result = [];
if (comp.type === 'string') {
else {
for (var ii = 0; ii < comp.children.length; ii++) {
result = result.concat(flattenComponentForChapter(comp.children[ii]));
return result;
var $chapSpan = $('',{
'class': 'able-transcript-seekpoint'
for (var ii = 0; ii < chap.components.children.length; ii++) {
var results = flattenComponentForChapter(chap.components.children[ii]);
for (var jj = 0; jj < results.length; jj++) {
$chapSpan.attr('data-start', chap.start.toString());
$chapSpan.attr('data-end', chap.end.toString());
var addDescription = function(div, desc) {
var $descDiv = $('', {
'class': 'able-transcript-desc'
var $descHiddenSpan = $('
'class': 'able-hidden'
$descHiddenSpan.attr('lang', thisObj.lang);
$descHiddenSpan.text(thisObj.tt.prefHeadingDescription + ': ');
var flattenComponentForDescription = function(comp) {
var result = [];
if (comp.type === 'string') {
else {
for (var ii = 0; ii < comp.children.length; ii++) {
result = result.concat(flattenComponentForDescription(comp.children[ii]));
return result;
var $descSpan = $('',{
'class': 'able-transcript-seekpoint'
for (var ii = 0; ii < desc.components.children.length; ii++) {
var results = flattenComponentForDescription(desc.components.children[ii]);
for (var jj = 0; jj < results.length; jj++) {
$descSpan.attr('data-start', desc.start.toString());
$descSpan.attr('data-end', desc.end.toString());
var addCaption = function(div, cap) {
var $capSpan = $('',{
'class': 'able-transcript-seekpoint able-transcript-caption'
var flattenComponentForCaption = function(comp) {
var result = [];
var flattenString = function (str) {
var result = [];
if (str === '') {
return result;
var openBracket = str.indexOf('[');
var closeBracket = str.indexOf(']');
var openParen = str.indexOf('(');
var closeParen = str.indexOf(')');
var hasBrackets = openBracket !== -1 && closeBracket !== -1;
var hasParens = openParen !== -1 && closeParen !== -1;
if ((hasParens && hasBrackets && openBracket < openParen) || hasBrackets) {
result = result.concat(flattenString(str.substring(0, openBracket)));
var $silentSpan = $('',{
'class': 'able-unspoken'
$silentSpan.text(str.substring(openBracket, closeBracket + 1));
result = result.concat(flattenString(str.substring(openParen, closeParen + 1)));
else if (hasParens) {
result = result.concat(flattenString(str.substring(0, openParen)));
var $silentSpan = $('',{
'class': 'able-unspoken'
$silentSpan.text(str.substring(openBracket, closeBracket + 1));
result = result.concat(flattenString(str.substring(closeParen + 1)));
else {
return result;
if (comp.type === 'string') {
result = result.concat(flattenString(comp.value));
else if (comp.type === 'v') {
var $vSpan = $('',{
'class': 'able-unspoken'
$vSpan.text('(' + comp.value + ')');
for (var ii = 0; ii < comp.children.length; ii++) {
var subResults = flattenComponentForCaption(comp.children[ii]);
for (var jj = 0; jj < subResults.length; jj++) {
else if (comp.type === 'b' || comp.type === 'i') {
if (comp.type === 'b') {
var $tag = $('');
else if (comp.type === 'i') {
var $tag = $('');
for (var ii = 0; ii < comp.children.length; ii++) {
var subResults = flattenComponentForCaption(comp.children[ii]);
for (var jj = 0; jj < subResults.length; jj++) {
if (comp.type === 'b' || comp.type == 'i') {
result.push($tag,' ');
else {
for (var ii = 0; ii < comp.children.length; ii++) {
result = result.concat(flattenComponentForCaption(comp.children[ii]));
return result;
for (var ii = 0; ii < cap.components.children.length; ii++) {
var results = flattenComponentForCaption(cap.components.children[ii]);
for (var jj = 0; jj < results.length; jj++) {
var result = results[jj];
if (typeof result === 'string') {
if (thisObj.lyricsMode) {
// add BETWEEN each caption and WITHIN each caption (if payload includes "\n")
result = result.replace('\n',' ') + ' ';
else {
// just add a space between captions
result += ' ';
$capSpan.attr('data-start', cap.start.toString());
$capSpan.attr('data-end', cap.end.toString());
div.append(' \n');
// keep looping as long as any one of the three arrays has content
while ((nextChapter < chapters.length) || (nextDesc < descriptions.length) || (nextCap < captions.length)) {
if ((nextChapter < chapters.length) && (nextDesc < descriptions.length) && (nextCap < captions.length)) {
// they all three have content
var firstStart = Math.min(chapters[nextChapter].start,descriptions[nextDesc].start,captions[nextCap].start);
else if ((nextChapter < chapters.length) && (nextDesc < descriptions.length)) {
// chapters & descriptions have content
var firstStart = Math.min(chapters[nextChapter].start,descriptions[nextDesc].start);
else if ((nextChapter < chapters.length) && (nextCap < captions.length)) {
// chapters & captions have content
var firstStart = Math.min(chapters[nextChapter].start,captions[nextCap].start);
else if ((nextDesc < descriptions.length) && (nextCap < captions.length)) {
// descriptions & captions have content
var firstStart = Math.min(descriptions[nextDesc].start,captions[nextCap].start);
else {
var firstStart = null;
if (firstStart !== null) {
if (typeof chapters[nextChapter] !== 'undefined' && chapters[nextChapter].start === firstStart) {
addChapter($main, chapters[nextChapter]);
nextChapter += 1;
else if (typeof descriptions[nextDesc] !== 'undefined' && descriptions[nextDesc].start === firstStart) {
addDescription($main, descriptions[nextDesc]);
nextDesc += 1;
else {
addCaption($main, captions[nextCap]);
nextCap += 1;
else {
if (nextChapter < chapters.length) {
addChapter($main, chapters[nextChapter]);
nextChapter += 1;
else if (nextDesc < descriptions.length) {
addDescription($main, descriptions[nextDesc]);
nextDesc += 1;
else if (nextCap < captions.length) {
addCaption($main, captions[nextCap]);
nextCap += 1;
// organize transcript into blocks using [] and () as starting points
var $components = $main.children();
var spanCount = 0;
var openBlock = true;
$components.each(function() {
if ($(this).hasClass('able-transcript-caption')) {
if ($(this).text().indexOf('[') !== -1 || $(this).text().indexOf('(') !== -1) {
// this caption includes a bracket or parenth. Start a new block
// close the previous block first
if (spanCount > 0) {
spanCount = 0;
else {
// this is not a caption. Close the caption block
if (spanCount > 0) {
spanCount = 0;
return $main;