require 'data_mapper/queries/select_statement' require 'data_mapper/queries/insert_statement' require 'data_mapper/queries/update_statement' require 'data_mapper/queries/delete_statement' require 'data_mapper/queries/truncate_table_statement' require 'data_mapper/queries/create_table_statement' require 'data_mapper/queries/drop_table_statement' require 'data_mapper/queries/table_exists_statement' require 'data_mapper/queries/connection' module DataMapper # An Adapter is really a Factory for three types of object, # so they can be selectively sub-classed where needed. # # The first type is a Query. The Query is an object describing # the database-specific operations we wish to perform, in an # abstract manner. For example: While most if not all databases # support a mechanism for limiting the size of results returned, # some use a "LIMIT" keyword, while others use a "TOP" keyword. # We can set a SelectStatement#limit field then, and allow # the adapter to override the underlying SQL generated. # Refer to DataMapper::Queries. # # The second type provided by the Adapter is a DataMapper::Connection. # This allows us to execute queries and return results in a clear and # uniform manner we can use throughout the DataMapper. # # The final type provided is a DataMapper::Transaction. # Transactions are duck-typed Connections that span multiple queries. # # Note: It is assumed that the Adapter implements it's own # ConnectionPool if any since some libraries implement their own at # a low-level, and it wouldn't make sense to pay a performance # cost twice by implementing a secondary pool in the DataMapper itself. # If the library being adapted does not provide such functionality, # DataMapper::Support::ConnectionPool can be used. module Adapters # You must inherit from the Abstract::Adapter, and implement the # required methods to adapt a database library for use with the DataMapper. # # NOTE: By inheriting from AbstractAdapter, you get a copy of all the # standard sub-modules (Quoting, Coersion and Queries) in your own Adapter. # You can extend and overwrite these copies without affecting the originals. class AbstractAdapter # Instantiate an Adapter by passing it a DataMapper::Database # object for configuration. def initialize(configuration) @configuration = configuration end def connection(&block) raise end def transaction(&block) raise end # This callback copies and sub-classes modules and classes # in the AbstractAdapter to the inherited class so you don't # have to copy and paste large blocks of code from the # AbstractAdapter. # # Basically, when inheriting from the AbstractAdapter, you # aren't just inheriting a single class, you're inheriting # a whole graph of Types. For convenience. def self.inherited(base) quoting = base.const_set('Quoting', quoting.send(:include, Quoting) coersion = base.const_set('Coersion', coersion.send(:include, Coersion) queries = base.const_set('Queries', Queries.constants.each do |name| queries.const_set(name, end base.const_set('TYPES', TYPES.dup) base.const_set('SYNTAX', SYNTAX.dup) end TYPES = { :integer => 'int'.freeze, :string => 'varchar'.freeze, :text => 'text'.freeze, :class => 'varchar'.freeze } SYNTAX = { :auto_increment => 'auto_increment'.freeze } # Quoting is a mixin that extends your DataMapper::Database singleton-class # to allow for object-name and value quoting to be exposed to the queries. # # DESIGN: Is there any need for this outside of the query objects? Should # we just include it in our query object subclasses and not rely on a Quoting # mixin being part of the "standard" Adapter interface? module Quoting def quote_table_name(name) name.ensure_wrapped_with('"') end def quote_column_name(name) name.ensure_wrapped_with('"') end def quote_value(value) return 'NULL' if value.nil? case value when Numeric then value.to_s when String then "'#{value.gsub("'", "''")}'" when Class then "'#{}'" when Date then "'#{value.to_s}'" when Time, DateTime then "'#{value.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")}'" when TrueClass, FalseClass then value.to_s.upcase else raise "Don't know how to quote #{value.inspect}" end end end # module Quoting # Coersion is a mixin that allows for coercing database values to Ruby Types. # # DESIGN: Probably should handle the opposite scenario here too. I believe that's # currently in DataMapper::Database, which is obviously not a very good spot for # it. module Coersion def type_cast_value(type, raw_value) return nil if raw_value.nil? case type when :class then Kernel::const_get(raw_value) when :string, :text then return nil if raw_value.nil? value_as_string = raw_value.to_s.strip return nil if value_as_string.empty? value_as_string when :integer then return nil if raw_value.nil? || (raw_value.kind_of?(String) && raw_value.empty?) begin Integer(raw_value) rescue ArgumentError nil end else if respond_to?("type_cast_#{type}") send("type_cast_#{type}", raw_value) else raise "Don't know how to type-cast #{{ type => raw_value }.inspect }" end end end end # module Coersion # You define your custom queries in a sub-module called Queries. # If you don't need to redefine any of the default functionality/syntax, # you can just create constants that point to the standard queries: # # SelectStatement = DataMapper::Queries::SelectStatement # # It's just as easy to turn that into a sub-class however: # # class SelectStatement < DataMapper::Queries::SelectStatement # end # # You sub-class and edit instead of overwrite because you want to # make sure your changes only affect this database adapter and avoid # introducing incompatibilities into other adapters. module Queries # Your Connection class is one of two that will be almost completely custom. # Refer to DataMapper::Queries::Connection for the required interface. class Connection < DataMapper::Queries::Connection end # Reader is the other Connection related class that will be almost completely custom. # The idea with the Reader is to avoid creating a large Array of Hash objects to # represent rows since the hashes will be discarded almost immediately. Create only # what you need. So the reader creates a single Hash to associate columns with their # ordinals in the result set, then indexing the Reader for each row results in looking # up the column index, then the value for that index in the current row array. class Reader < DataMapper::Queries::Reader end class Result < DataMapper::Queries::Result end class DeleteStatement < DataMapper::Queries::DeleteStatement end class InsertStatement < DataMapper::Queries::InsertStatement end class SelectStatement < DataMapper::Queries::SelectStatement end class TruncateTableStatement < DataMapper::Queries::TruncateTableStatement end class UpdateStatement < DataMapper::Queries::UpdateStatement end class CreateTableStatement < DataMapper::Queries::CreateTableStatement end class DropTableStatement < DataMapper::Queries::DropTableStatement end class TableExistsStatement < DataMapper::Queries::TableExistsStatement end end # module Queries end # class AbstractAdapter end # module Adapters end # module DataMapper