module Sequel # A dataset represents an SQL query, or more generally, an abstract # set of rows in the database. Datasets # can be used to create, retrieve, update and delete records. # # Query results are always retrieved on demand, so a dataset can be kept # around and reused indefinitely (datasets never cache results): # # my_posts = DB[:posts].filter(:author => 'david') # no records are retrieved # my_posts.all # records are retrieved # my_posts.all # records are retrieved again # # Most dataset methods return modified copies of the dataset (functional style), so you can # reuse different datasets to access data: # # posts = DB[:posts] # davids_posts = posts.filter(:author => 'david') # old_posts = posts.filter('stamp < ?', - 7) # davids_old_posts = davids_posts.filter('stamp < ?', - 7) # # Datasets are Enumerable objects, so they can be manipulated using any # of the Enumerable methods, such as map, inject, etc. # # === Methods added via metaprogramming # # Some methods are added via metaprogramming: # # * ! methods - These methods are the same as their non-! counterparts, # but they modify the receiver instead of returning a modified copy # of the dataset. # * inner_join, full_outer_join, right_outer_join, left_outer_join - # This methods are shortcuts to join_table with the join type # already specified. class Dataset extend Metaprogramming include Metaprogramming include Enumerable # The dataset options that require the removal of cached columns # if changed. COLUMN_CHANGE_OPTS = [:select, :sql, :from, :join].freeze # All methods that should have a ! method added that modifies # the receiver. MUTATION_METHODS = %w'add_graph_aliases and distinct exclude exists filter from from_self full_outer_join graph group group_and_count group_by having inner_join intersect invert join left_outer_join limit naked or order order_by order_more paginate qualify query reject reverse reverse_order right_outer_join select select_all select_more set_defaults set_graph_aliases set_overrides sort sort_by unfiltered ungraphed union unordered where with with_sql'.collect{|x| x.to_sym} NOTIMPL_MSG = "This method must be overridden in Sequel adapters".freeze WITH_SUPPORTED='with'.freeze # The database that corresponds to this dataset attr_accessor :db # Set the method to call on identifiers going into the database for this dataset attr_accessor :identifier_input_method # Set the method to call on identifiers coming the database for this dataset attr_accessor :identifier_output_method # The hash of options for this dataset, keys are symbols. attr_accessor :opts # Whether to quote identifiers for this dataset attr_writer :quote_identifiers # The row_proc for this database, should be a Proc that takes # a single hash argument and returns the object you want # each to return. attr_accessor :row_proc # Constructs a new Dataset instance with an associated database and # options. Datasets are usually constructed by invoking the Database#[] method: # # DB[:posts] # # Sequel::Dataset is an abstract class that is not useful by itself. Each # database adaptor should provide a subclass of Sequel::Dataset, and have # the Database#dataset method return an instance of that class. def initialize(db, opts = nil) @db = db @quote_identifiers = db.quote_identifiers? if db.respond_to?(:quote_identifiers?) @identifier_input_method = db.identifier_input_method if db.respond_to?(:identifier_input_method) @identifier_output_method = db.identifier_output_method if db.respond_to?(:identifier_output_method) @opts = opts || {} @row_proc = nil end ### Class Methods ### # Setup mutation (e.g. filter!) methods. These operate the same as the # non-! methods, but replace the options of the current dataset with the # options of the resulting dataset. def self.def_mutation_method(*meths) meths.each do |meth| class_eval("def #{meth}!(*args, &block); mutation_method(:#{meth}, *args, &block) end") end end ### Instance Methods ### # Alias for insert, but not aliased directly so subclasses # don't have to override both methods. def <<(*args) insert(*args) end # Return the dataset as an aliased expression with the given alias. You can # use this as a FROM or JOIN dataset, or as a column if this dataset # returns a single row and column. def as(aliaz), aliaz) end # Returns an array with all records in the dataset. If a block is given, # the array is iterated over after all items have been loaded. def all(&block) a = [] each{|r| a << r} post_load(a) a.each(&block) if block a end # Returns a new clone of the dataset with with the given options merged. # If the options changed include options in COLUMN_CHANGE_OPTS, the cached # columns are deleted. def clone(opts = {}) c = super() c.opts = @opts.merge(opts) c.instance_variable_set(:@columns, nil) if opts.keys.any?{|o| COLUMN_CHANGE_OPTS.include?(o)} c end # Returns the columns in the result set in order. # If the columns are currently cached, returns the cached value. Otherwise, # a SELECT query is performed to get a single row. Adapters are expected # to fill the columns cache with the column information when a query is performed. # If the dataset does not have any rows, this may be an empty array depending on how # the adapter is programmed. # # If you are looking for all columns for a single table and maybe some information about # each column (e.g. type), see Database#schema. def columns return @columns if @columns ds = unfiltered.unordered.clone(:distinct => nil, :limit => 1) ds.each{break} @columns = ds.instance_variable_get(:@columns) @columns || [] end # Remove the cached list of columns and do a SELECT query to find # the columns. def columns! @columns = nil columns end # Add a mutation method to this dataset instance. def def_mutation_method(*meths) meths.each do |meth| instance_eval("def #{meth}!(*args, &block); mutation_method(:#{meth}, *args, &block) end") end end # Deletes the records in the dataset. The returned value is generally the # number of records deleted, but that is adapter dependent. def delete execute_dui(delete_sql) end # Iterates over the records in the dataset as they are yielded from the # database adapter, and returns self. def each(&block) if @opts[:graph] graph_each(&block) else if row_proc = @row_proc fetch_rows(select_sql){|r| yield} else fetch_rows(select_sql, &block) end end self end # Executes a select query and fetches records, passing each record to the # supplied block. The yielded records should be hashes with symbol keys. def fetch_rows(sql, &block) raise NotImplementedError, NOTIMPL_MSG end # Inserts values into the associated table. The returned value is generally # the value of the primary key for the inserted row, but that is adapter dependent. def insert(*values) execute_insert(insert_sql(*values)) end # Returns a string representation of the dataset including the class name # and the corresponding SQL select statement. def inspect "#<#{self.class}: #{sql.inspect}>" end # Returns a naked dataset clone - i.e. a dataset that returns records as # hashes instead of calling the row proc. def naked ds = clone ds.row_proc = nil ds end # Whether this dataset quotes identifiers. def quote_identifiers? @quote_identifiers end # Whether the dataset requires SQL standard datetimes (false by default, # as most allow strings with ISO 8601 format. def requires_sql_standard_datetimes? false end # Set the server for this dataset to use. Used to pick a specific database # shard to run a query against, or to override the default (which is SELECT uses # :read_only database and all other queries use the :default database). def server(servr) clone(:server=>servr) end # Alias for set, but not aliased directly so subclasses # don't have to override both methods. def set(*args) update(*args) end # Set the default values for insert and update statements. The values passed # to insert or update are merged into this hash. def set_defaults(hash) clone(:defaults=>(@opts[:defaults]||{}).merge(hash)) end # Set values that override hash arguments given to insert and update statements. # This hash is merged into the hash provided to insert or update. def set_overrides(hash) clone(:overrides=>hash.merge(@opts[:overrides]||{})) end # Whether the dataset supports common table expressions (the WITH clause). def supports_cte? select_clause_order.include?(WITH_SUPPORTED) end # Whether the dataset supports the DISTINCT ON clause, true by default. def supports_distinct_on? true end # Whether the dataset supports the INTERSECT and EXCEPT compound operations, true by default. def supports_intersect_except? true end # Whether the dataset supports the INTERSECT ALL and EXCEPT ALL compound operations, true by default. def supports_intersect_except_all? true end # Whether the dataset supports the IS TRUE syntax. def supports_is_true? true end # Whether the dataset supports window functions. def supports_window_functions? false end # Updates values for the dataset. The returned value is generally the # number of rows updated, but that is adapter dependent. def update(values={}) execute_dui(update_sql(values)) end # Add the mutation methods via metaprogramming def_mutation_method(*MUTATION_METHODS) protected # Return true if the dataset has a non-nil value for any key in opts. def options_overlap(opts) !(@opts.collect{|k,v| k unless v.nil?}.compact & opts).empty? end # Whether this dataset is a simple SELECT * FROM table. def simple_select_all? o = @opts.reject{|k,v| v.nil?} o.length == 1 && (f = o[:from]) && f.length == 1 && f.first.is_a?(Symbol) end private # Set the server to use to :default unless it is already set in the passed opts def default_server_opts(opts) {:server=>@opts[:server] || :default}.merge(opts) end # Execute the given SQL on the database using execute. def execute(sql, opts={}, &block) @db.execute(sql, {:server=>@opts[:server] || :read_only}.merge(opts), &block) end # Execute the given SQL on the database using execute_dui. def execute_dui(sql, opts={}, &block) @db.execute_dui(sql, default_server_opts(opts), &block) end # Execute the given SQL on the database using execute_insert. def execute_insert(sql, opts={}, &block) @db.execute_insert(sql, default_server_opts(opts), &block) end # Modify the identifier returned from the database based on the # identifier_output_method. def input_identifier(v) (i = identifier_input_method) ? v.to_s.send(i) : v.to_s end # Modify the receiver with the results of sending the meth, args, and block # to the receiver and merging the options of the resulting dataset into # the receiver's options. def mutation_method(meth, *args, &block) copy = send(meth, *args, &block) @opts.merge!(copy.opts) self end # Modify the identifier returned from the database based on the # identifier_output_method. def output_identifier(v) (i = identifier_output_method) ? v.to_s.send(i).to_sym : v.to_sym end # This is run inside .all, after all of the records have been loaded # via .each, but before any block passed to all is called. It is called with # a single argument, an array of all returned records. Does nothing by # default, added to make the model eager loading code simpler. def post_load(all_records) end # If a block argument is passed to a method that uses a VirtualRow, # yield a new VirtualRow instance to the block if it accepts a single # argument. Otherwise, evaluate the block in the context of a new # VirtualRow instance. def virtual_row_block_call(block) return unless block case block.arity when -1, 0 else end end end end