require 'set' require_relative 'matchete/exceptions' module Matchete def self.included(klass) klass.extend ClassMethods klass.instance_variable_set "@methods", {} klass.instance_variable_set "@default_methods", {} end Any = -> (x) { true } None = -> (x) { false } module ClassMethods def on(*args, **kwargs) if *guard_args, method_name = args guard_kwargs = {} else method_name = kwargs[:method] kwargs.delete :method guard_args = args guard_kwargs = kwargs end @methods[method_name] ||= [] @methods[method_name] << [guard_args, guard_kwargs, instance_method(method_name)] convert_to_matcher method_name end def default(method_name) @default_methods[method_name] = instance_method(method_name) convert_to_matcher method_name end # Matches something like sum types: # either(Integer, Array) # matches both [2] and 2 def either(*guards) -> arg { guards.any? { |g| match_guard(g, arg) } } end # Matches an exact value # useful if you want to match a string starting with '#' or the value of a class # exact(Integer) matches Integer, not 2 def exact(value) -> arg { arg == value } end # Matches each guard # full_match(Integer, '#value') # matches only instances of Integer which respond to '#value' def full_match(*guards) -> arg { guards.all? { |g| match_guard(g, arg) } } end def supporting(*method_names) -> object do method_names.all? do |method_name| object.respond_to? method_name end end end def convert_to_matcher(method_name) define_method(method_name) do |*args, **kwargs| call_overloaded(method_name, args: args, kwargs: kwargs) end end end def call_overloaded(method_name, args: [], kwargs: {}) handler = find_handler(method_name, args, kwargs) if kwargs.empty? handler.bind(self).call *args else handler.bind(self).call *args, **kwargs end #insane workaround, because if you have #def z(f);end #and you call it like that #empty = {} #z(2, **empty) #it raises wrong number of arguments (2 for 1) #clean up later end def find_handler(method_name, args, kwargs) guards = self.class.instance_variable_get('@methods')[method_name].find do |guard_args, guard_kwargs, _| match_guards guard_args, guard_kwargs, args, kwargs end if guards.nil? default_method = self.class.instance_variable_get('@default_methods')[method_name] if default_method default_method else raise"No matching #{method_name} method for args #{args}") end else guards.last end end def match_guards(guard_args, guard_kwargs, args, kwargs) return false if guard_args.count != args.count || guard_kwargs.count != kwargs.count do |guard, arg| match_guard guard, arg end and guard_kwargs.all? do |label, guard| match_guard guard, kwargs[label] end end def match_guard(guard, arg) case guard when Module arg.is_a? guard when Symbol if guard.to_s[-1] == '?' send guard, arg else guard == arg end when Proc instance_exec arg, &guard when Regexp arg.is_a? String and guard.match arg when Array arg.is_a?(Array) and { |child_guard, child| match_guard child_guard, child } else if guard.is_a?(String) && guard[0] == '#' arg.respond_to? guard[1..-1] else guard == arg end end end end